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Add Image to Favorite List 1997-11-10 Mars Mars Global Surveyor (MGS)
Thermal Emission Spectrometer
Temperatures on Mars detected by the Thermal Emission Spectrometer are seen in this image from NASA's Mars Global Surveyor.
MGS/TES Temperatures
Full Resolution:     TIFF (17.04 kB)     JPEG (32.43 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1997-11-10 Mars Mars Global Surveyor (MGS)
Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC)
On October 3, 1997, NASA's Mars Global Surveyor acquired this image of the western Tithonium Chasma/Ius Chasma portion of the Valles Marineris. the canyon floors are mostly shadowed, but steep slopes in the area are exquisitely highlighted.
Western Tithonium Chasma/Ius Chasma, Valles Marineris
Full Resolution:     TIFF (5.33 MB)     JPEG (771.9 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1997-11-10 Mars Mars Global Surveyor (MGS)
Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC)
NASA's Mars Global Surveyor captured this image of a type of bedrock layering had never been seen before in Valles Marineris, Mars.
Western Tithonium Chasma/Ius Chasma, Valles Marineris - High Resolution Image
Full Resolution:     TIFF (1.698 MB)     JPEG (268.3 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1997-11-10 Mars Mars Global Surveyor (MGS)
Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC)
This shear mountain cliff was only one of several outcrops that, together, indicating layering almost the entire depth of the canyon in Valles Marineris as seen by NASA's Mars Global Surveyor in 1997.
Western Tithonium Chasma/Ius Chasma, Valles Marineris - High Resolution Image
Full Resolution:     TIFF (1.89 MB)     JPEG (259.4 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1997-11-10 Mars Mars Global Surveyor (MGS)
Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC)
This view of Mars, showing a small area immediately south of the large crater Schiaparelli, was taken by NASA's Mars Global Surveyor on Oct. 18, 1997.
Valley and Surrounding Terrain Adjacent to Schiaparelli Crater
Full Resolution:     TIFF (1.266 MB)     JPEG (185.7 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1997-11-10 Mars Mars Global Surveyor (MGS)
Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC)
Small dunes moving from left to right (north to south) along the canyon floor are apparently derived from bright deposits within Schiaparelli crater as seen by NASA's Mars Global Surveyor in 1997.
Valley and Surrounding Terrain Adjacent to Schiaparelli Crater - High Resolution Image
Full Resolution:     TIFF (1.424 MB)     JPEG (197 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1997-11-10 Mars Mars Global Surveyor (MGS)
Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC)
Small depressions found in the upper left and center of image with faint dark lines crossing lighter floors as seen by NASA's Mars Global Surveyor in 1997.
Valley and Surrounding Terrain Adjacent to Schiaparelli Crater - High Resolution Image
Full Resolution:     TIFF (2.249 MB)     JPEG (297.8 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1997-11-10 Mars Mars Global Surveyor (MGS)
Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC)
NASA's Mars Global Surveyor captured this image showing the floor of western Ganges Chasma in Valles Marineris.
Complex Floor Deposits Within Western Ganges Chasma, Valles Marineris
Full Resolution:     TIFF (1.183 MB)     JPEG (230.3 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1997-11-10 Mars Mars Global Surveyor (MGS)
Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC)
Complex floor deposits within Western Ganges Chasma, Valles Marineris are evident in this image taken by NASA's Mars Global Surveyor.
Complex Floor Deposits Within Western Ganges Chasma, Valles Marineris - High Resolution Image
Full Resolution:     TIFF (635.6 kB)     JPEG (139 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1997-11-10 Mars Mars Global Surveyor (MGS)
Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC)
Complex floor deposits showing a landscape of ridges and troughs within Western Ganges Chasma, Valles Marineris are evident in this image taken by NASA's Mars Global Surveyor.
Complex Floor Deposits Within Western Ganges Chasma, Valles Marineris - High Resolution Image
Full Resolution:     TIFF (738.5 kB)     JPEG (174.5 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1997-11-10 Mars Mars Global Surveyor (MGS)
Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC)
Low sunlight conditions and NASA's Mars Global Surveyor relative distance provide a low resolution view of the Tithonium/Ius Chasma, Ganges Chasma, and Schiaparelli Crater on Mars.
Mars Orbiter Camera High Resolution Images: Some Results From The First 6 Weeks In Orbit
Full Resolution:     TIFF (1.248 MB)     JPEG (298.2 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1997-12-12 Mars Mars Pathfinder (MPF)
Imager for Mars Pathfinder
Based on the first direct measurements ever obtained of Martian rocks and terrain, scientists on NASA's Mars Pathfinder mission report in this week's Science magazine that the red planet may have once been much more like Earth.
Pathfinder on Mars
Full Resolution:     TIFF (19.19 MB)     JPEG (867.8 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1997-12-12 Mars Mars Pathfinder (MPF)
Imager for Mars Pathfinder
Lander image of NASA's Mars Pathfinder's rover Sojourner near 'The Dice' (three small rocks behind the rover) and 'Yogi' on sol 22, 1997.
Sojourner Rover Near "The Dice"
Full Resolution:     TIFF (4.989 MB)     JPEG (166.8 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1997-12-12 Mars Mars Pathfinder (MPF)
Imager for Mars Pathfinder
Mosaic of Ares Vallis showing different landing ellipses, with color inset of the Chryse Planitia region of Mars showing the outflow channels as seen by NASA's Mars Pathfinder in 1997.
Mars Pathfinder Landing Ellipses
Full Resolution:     TIFF (4.665 MB)     JPEG (745.7 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1997-12-12 Mars Mars Pathfinder (MPF)
Imager for Mars Pathfinder
Five prominent features on the horizon show the location of NASA's Mars Pathfinder North Knob, Southeast Knob, Far Knob, Twin Peaks, and Big Crater, seen in this mosaic of NASA's Viking orbiter in 1997.
Mars Pathfinder Landing Site
Full Resolution:     TIFF (2.072 MB)     JPEG (435.4 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1997-12-12 Mars Mars Pathfinder (MPF)
Rover Cameras
Image of NASA's Pathfinder Lander on Mars taken from Sojourner Rover left front camera on sol 33. The IMP (on the lattice mast) is looking at the rover. Airbags are prominent, and the meteorology mast is shown to the right. Sol 1 began on July 4, 1997.
Sojourner Rover View of Pathfinder Lander
Full Resolution:     TIFF (66.42 kB)     JPEG (14.27 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1998-01-07 Mars Mars Pathfinder (MPF)
Imager for Mars Pathfinder
NASA's Mars Pathfinder Lander camera image of Sojourner Rover atop the 'Mermaid dune' on Sol 30. Note the dark material excavated by the rover wheels. Sol 1 began on July 4, 1997.
Pathfinder Rover Atop "Mermaid Dune"
Full Resolution:     TIFF (269.6 kB)     JPEG (17.2 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1998-01-07 Mars Mars Pathfinder (MPF)
Rover Cameras
NASA's Sojourner Rover image of rounded 4-cm-wide pebble (lower center) and excavation of cloddy deposit of 'Cabbage Patch' at lower left. Note the bright wind tails of drift material extending from small rocks. Sol 1 began on July 4, 1997.
Sojourner Rover View of Well-Rounded Pebbles in "Cabbage Patch"
Full Resolution:     TIFF (75.4 kB)     JPEG (14.17 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1998-01-07 Mars Mars Pathfinder (MPF)
Rover Cameras
The rounded knobs (arrows) up to 3 or 4 cm wide on 'Shark' and 'Half Dome' and in the foreground could be pebbles in a cemented matrix of clays, silts, and sands; such rocks are called conglomerates. Image captured by NASA's Sojourner Rover.
Sojourner Rover View of "Shark" and "Half Dome"
Full Resolution:     TIFF (108.9 kB)     JPEG (22.28 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1998-01-07 Mars Mars Pathfinder (MPF)
Rover Cameras
Well-rounded objects, like the ones in this image from NASA's Sojourner Rover, were not seen at the Viking sites. These are thought to be pebbles liberated from sedimentary rocks composed of cemented silts, sands and rounded fragments.
Sojourner Rover View of Sockets and Pebbles
Full Resolution:     TIFF (107 kB)     JPEG (22.69 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1998-01-07 Mars Mars Pathfinder (MPF)
Rover Cameras
NASA's Sojourner observations in the Ares region on Mars raise and answer questions about the origins of the rocks and other deposits found there. This image shows the vesicular and pitted textures of Souffle Rock. Sol 1 began on July 4, 1997.
Sojourner Rover View of "Souffle" Rock
Full Resolution:     TIFF (82.3 kB)     JPEG (15.64 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1998-01-07 Mars Mars Pathfinder (MPF)
Rover Cameras
NASA's Sojourner observations in the Ares region on Mars raise and answer questions about the origins of the rocks and other deposits found there. Deposits are not the same everywhere. Sol 1 began on July 4, 1997.
Sojourner Rover Tracks in Compressible Soil
Full Resolution:     TIFF (81.45 kB)     JPEG (15.58 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1998-01-07 Mars Mars Pathfinder (MPF)
Rover Cameras
NASA's Sojourner observations in the Ares region on Mars raise and answer questions about the origins of the rocks and other deposits found there. Deposits are not the same everywhere. Sol 1 began on July 4, 1997.
Sojourner Rover View of Cloddy Deposits near "Pooh Bear"
Full Resolution:     TIFF (94.96 kB)     JPEG (20.89 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1998-01-07 Mars Mars Pathfinder (MPF)
Rover Cameras
NASA's Sojourner excavations brought materials to the surface for examination and allowed estimates of the mechanical properties of the deposits. This image is of a 7 cm wide excavation through the veneer of a drift. Sol 1 began on July 4, 1997.
Sojourner Rover View of Platy Fragments near "Pop-Tart"
Full Resolution:     TIFF (69.47 kB)     JPEG (18.12 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1998-02-12 Mars Mars Global Surveyor (MGS)
Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC)
NASA's Mars Global Surveyor acquired this image of Mar's seasonal south polar carbon dioxide frost cap at the bottom and a portion of the Valles Marineris stretching across the upper quarter of the picture.
A Regional View of Mars on Orbit 63
Full Resolution:     TIFF (1.748 MB)     JPEG (66.47 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1998-02-12 Mars Mars Global Surveyor (MGS)
Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC)
This image of a moderately small impact crater on Mars was taken by the Mars Global Surveyor Orbiter Camera (MOC) on October 17, 1997. Long, linear features of different brightness values are seen on the steep slopes inside and outside the crater.
Flow Ejecta and Slope Landslides in Small Crater
Full Resolution:     TIFF (561.2 kB)     JPEG (117.8 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1998-02-12 Mars Mars Global Surveyor (MGS)
Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC)
This image of a moderately small impact crater on Mars was taken by the Mars Global Surveyor Orbiter Camera (MOC) on October 17, 1997. Long, linear features of different brightness values are seen on the steep slopes inside and outside the crater.
Flow Ejecta and Slope Landslides in Small Crater - High Resolution Image
Full Resolution:     TIFF (1.57 MB)     JPEG (390 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1998-02-12 Mars Mars Global Surveyor (MGS)
Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC)
A portion of the rim and interior of the large impact crater Schiaparelli is seen at different resolutions in images acquired October 18, 1997 by NASA's Mars Global Surveyor and by the Viking Orbiter 1 twenty years earlier.
Schiaparelli Crater Rim and Interior Deposits
Full Resolution:     TIFF (1.754 MB)     JPEG (278 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1998-02-12 Mars Mars Global Surveyor (MGS)
Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC)
A portion of the rim and interior of the large impact crater Schiaparelli is seen at different resolutions in images acquired October 18, 1997 by NASA's Mars Global Surveyor.
Schiaparelli Crater Rim and Interior Deposits - High Resolution Image
Full Resolution:     TIFF (1.78 MB)     JPEG (277.8 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1998-02-12 Mars Mars Global Surveyor (MGS)
Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC)
An exotic terrain of wind-eroded ridges and residual smooth surfaces is seen in images acquired October 18, 1997 by NASA's Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) and by the Viking Orbiter 1 twenty years earlier.
Medusae Fossae Formation
Full Resolution:     TIFF (1.031 MB)     JPEG (242 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1998-02-12 Mars Mars Global Surveyor (MGS)
Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC)
An exotic terrain of wind-eroded ridges and residual smooth surfaces is seen in images acquired October 18, 1997 by NASA's Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) and by the Viking Orbiter 1 twenty years earlier.
Medusae Fossae Formation - High Resolution Image
Full Resolution:     TIFF (5.934 MB)     JPEG (1.246 MB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1998-02-12 Mars Mars Global Surveyor (MGS)
Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC)
NASA's Mars Global Surveyor acquired this image of a flow ejecta crater on November 19, 1997. Flow ejecta craters are so named because the material blasted out of the crater during the impact process appears to have flowed across the surface of Mars.
Flow-ejecta Crater in Icaria Planum
Full Resolution:     TIFF (949.5 kB)     JPEG (177.6 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1998-02-12 Mars Mars Global Surveyor (MGS)
Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC)
NASA's Mars Global Surveyor acquired this image of a flow ejecta crater on November 19, 1997. Flow ejecta craters are so named because the material blasted out of the crater during the impact process appears to have flowed across the surface of Mars.
Flow-ejecta Crater in Icaria Planum - High Resolution Image
Full Resolution:     TIFF (6.383 MB)     JPEG (1.424 MB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1998-02-12 Mars Mars Global Surveyor (MGS)
Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC)
NASA's Mars Global Surveyor acquired these images of the Martian surface in the early evening of January 1, 1998. At left, a plateau and surrounding steep slopes within the Valles Marineris.
Layers within the Valles Marineris: Clues to the Ancient Crust of Mars
Full Resolution:     TIFF (4.837 MB)     JPEG (953.8 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1998-02-12 Mars Mars Global Surveyor (MGS)
Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC)
NASA's Mars Global Surveyor acquired this image of the Martian surface in the early evening of January 1, 1998. Shown here are a plateau and surrounding steep slopes within the Valles Marineris.
Layers within the Valles Marineris: Clues to the Ancient Crust of Mars - High Resolution Image
Full Resolution:     TIFF (8.157 MB)     JPEG (1.694 MB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1998-02-12 Mars Mars Global Surveyor (MGS)
Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC)
This picture of a canyon on the Martian surface was obtained on January 8, 1998 by NASA's Mars Global Surveyor; it shows the canyon of Nanedi Vallis, one of the Martian valley systems cutting through cratered plains in the Xanthe Terra region of Mars.
Nanedi Vallis: Sustained Water FLow?
Full Resolution:     TIFF (2.886 MB)     JPEG (848.3 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1998-02-12 Mars Mars Global Surveyor (MGS)
Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC)
This picture of a canyon on the Martian surface was obtained on January 8, 1998 by NASA's Mars Global Surveyor; it shows the canyon of Nanedi Vallis, one of the Martian valley systems cutting through cratered plains in the Xanthe Terra region of Mars.
Nanedi Vallis: Sustained Water Flow? - High Resolution Image
Full Resolution:     TIFF (1.867 MB)     JPEG (566.3 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1998-02-12 Mars Mars Global Surveyor (MGS)
Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC)
NASA's Mars Global Surveyor acquired this image on Dec. 24, 1997 of a small portion of the potential Mars Surveyor '98 landing zone.
MOC View of Mars98 Landing Zone - 12/24/97
Full Resolution:     TIFF (2.332 MB)     JPEG (290.9 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1998-02-12 Mars Mars Global Surveyor (MGS)
Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC)
NASA's Mars Global Surveyor acquired this image on Dec. 24, 1997 of a small portion of the potential Mars Surveyor '98 landing zone.
MOC View of Mars98 Landing Zone - 12/24/97
Full Resolution:     TIFF (2.689 MB)     JPEG (534.9 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1998-02-12 Mars Mars Global Surveyor (MGS)
Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC)
NASA's Mars Global Surveyor acquired this image on Dec. 24, 1997 of a small portion of the potential Mars Surveyor '98 landing zone.
MOC View of Mars98 Landing Zone - 1/16/98
Full Resolution:     TIFF (2.498 MB)     JPEG (512.8 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1998-02-12 Mars Mars Global Surveyor (MGS)
Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC)
NASA's Mars Global Surveyor acquired this image on Dec. 24, 1997 of a small portion of the potential Mars Surveyor '98 landing zone.
MOC View of Mars98 Landing Zone - 1/16/98
Full Resolution:     TIFF (2.552 MB)     JPEG (522.4 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1998-03-13 Mars Mars Global Surveyor (MGS)
Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC)
Extensive wind-swept plains of the Medusae Fossae formation on Mars are seen in this image from NASA's Mars Global Surveyor Orbiter.
Medusae Fossae #1
Full Resolution:     TIFF (291.2 kB)     JPEG (136.8 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1998-03-13 Mars Mars Global Surveyor (MGS)
Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC)
Extensive wind-swept plains of the Medusae Fossae formation on Mars. This southern subframe image, frame 3104, is of a 3.0 x 4.7 km area centered near 2.0 degrees north, 163.8 degrees west, taken by NASA's Mars Global Surveyor Orbiter.
Medusae Fossae #2
Full Resolution:     TIFF (280.2 kB)     JPEG (129.4 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1998-03-13 Mars Mars Global Surveyor (MGS)
Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC)
Complex variations in dune forms within Hebes Chasma. This northern subframe image, frame 3506, is a 2.3 x 3.6 km area centered near 0.6 degrees south, 76.3 degrees west, taken by NASA's Mars Global Surveyor Orbiter.
Hebes Chasma #1
Full Resolution:     TIFF (155.5 kB)     JPEG (72.56 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1998-03-13 Mars Mars Global Surveyor (MGS)
Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC)
Complex variations in dune forms within Hebes Chasma. This southern subframe image, frame 3506, is a 2.3 x 3.6 km area centered near 0.8 degrees south, 76.3 degrees west, taken by NASA's Mars Global Surveyor Orbiter.
Hebes Chasma #2
Full Resolution:     TIFF (160 kB)     JPEG (71.49 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1998-03-13 Mars Mars Global Surveyor (MGS)
Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC)
Dunes in etch pits and troughs in Crommelin Crater in the Oxia Palus area. This 3.2 x 3.5 km image (frame 3001) is centered near 4.1 degrees north, 5.3 degrees west, taken by NASA's Mars Global Surveyor Orbiter.
Crommelin Crater #1
Full Resolution:     TIFF (201.9 kB)     JPEG (78.6 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1998-03-13 Mars Mars Global Surveyor (MGS)
Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC)
Rare tear-shaped dark dunes in this 6.4 x 7.0 km image (frame 10004) centered near 47 degrees south, 341 degrees west, taken by NASA's Mars Global Surveyor Orbiter.
Crommelin Crater #2
Full Resolution:     TIFF (224.5 kB)     JPEG (87.85 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1998-03-13 Mars Mars Global Surveyor (MGS)
Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC)
Banded outcrops in walls of Tithonium Chasma/Ius Chasma section of Vallis Marineris. This 4.6 x 4.3 km image (frame 1303) is centered near 6.6 degrees south, 90.4 degrees west, taken by NASA's Mars Global Surveyor Orbiter.
Tithonium Chasma/Ius Chasma
Full Resolution:     TIFF (110.4 kB)     JPEG (46.77 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1998-03-13 Mars Mars Global Surveyor (MGS)
Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC)
Complex central deposits in the floor of the Candor Chasma section of Vallis Marineris. This 3.3 x 3.1 km image (frame 8405) is centered near 6.7 degrees south, 75.4 degrees west, taken by NASA's Mars Global Surveyor Orbiter.
Candor Chasma
Full Resolution:     TIFF (109.9 kB)     JPEG (47.99 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1998-03-13 Mars Mars Global Surveyor (MGS)
Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC)
Complex of rectilinear intersecting ridges in the south polar region. This 20 x 14 km area image (frame 7908) is centered near 81.5 degrees south, 65 degrees west, taken by NASA's Mars Global Surveyor Orbiter.
Ridges in Mars' South Polar Region
Full Resolution:     TIFF (227.3 kB)     JPEG (73.71 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1998-03-13 Mars Mars Global Surveyor (MGS)
Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC)
Textures of the south polar permanent residual ice cap and polar layered terrains. This 30 x 29 km area image (frame 7709) is centered near 87 degrees south, 77 degrees west, taken by NASA's Mars Global Surveyor Orbiter.
Textures in South Polar Ice Cap #1
Full Resolution:     TIFF (173.4 kB)     JPEG (76.65 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1998-03-13 Mars Mars Global Surveyor (MGS)
Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC)
Textures of the south polar permanent residual ice cap and polar layered terrains. This 15 x 14 km area image (frame 7306) is centered near 87 degrees south, 341 degrees west, taken by NASA's Mars Global Surveyor Orbiter.
Textures in South Polar Ice Cap #2
Full Resolution:     TIFF (147.8 kB)     JPEG (52.01 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1998-03-13 Mars Mars Global Surveyor (MGS)
Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC)
Polar stereographic mosaic of the seasonal south polar region. Mars Orbiter Camera wide-angle red images from orbits 67 through 73, taken by NASA's Mars Global Surveyor Orbiter.
South Polar Region
Full Resolution:     TIFF (402.9 kB)     JPEG (109.9 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1998-03-13 Mars Mars Global Surveyor (MGS)
Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC)
Color composite of condensate clouds over Tharsis made from red and blue images with a synthesized green channel. Mars Orbiter Camera wide angle frames from NASA's Mars Global Surveyor Orbit 48.
Clouds over Tharsis
Full Resolution:     TIFF (439 kB)     JPEG (75.45 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1998-03-13 Mars Mars Global Surveyor (MGS)
Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC)
Blue-filter image of the 1997 Martian dust storm. Mars Orbiter Camera wide-angle frame from Orbit 50, taken by NASA's Mars Global Surveyor Orbiter.
1997 Martian Dust Storm
Full Resolution:     TIFF (310.8 kB)     JPEG (77.07 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1998-03-13 Mars Mars Global Surveyor (MGS)
Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC)
NASA's Mars Global Surveyor image of a 10 km by 12 km area of Coprates Chasma (14.7 degrees S, 55.8 degrees W), a ridge with a flat upper surface in the center of Coprates Chasma, part of the 6000-km-long Valles Marineris.
Coprates Chasma
Full Resolution:     TIFF (23.13 MB)     JPEG (1.279 MB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1998-03-16 Mars Mars Pathfinder (MPF)
Imager for Mars Pathfinder
'Yogi' is a meter-size rock about 5 meters northwest of NASA's Mars Pathfinder lander and was the second rock visited by the Sojourner Rover's alpha proton X-ray spectrometer (APXS) instrument. Sol 1 began on July 4, 1997.
Super Resolution Image of "Yogi"
Full Resolution:     TIFF (9.65 MB)     JPEG (318.9 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1998-03-16 Mars Mars Pathfinder (MPF)
Imager for Mars Pathfinder
The 'Mini Matterhorn' is a 3/4 meter rock immediately east-southeast of NASA's Mars Pathfinder lander. This image was produced by combining the 'Super pan' frames from the IMP camera. Sol 1 began on July 4, 1997.
Super Resolution View of "Mini-Matterhorn"
Full Resolution:     TIFF (4.883 MB)     JPEG (215.1 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1998-03-16 Mars Mars Pathfinder (MPF)
Imager for Mars Pathfinder
The 'Mini Matterhorn' is a 3/4 meter rock immediately east-southeast of NASA's Mars Pathfinder lander. 3D glasses are necessary to identify surface detail.
Super Resolution Anaglyph of Mini-Matterhorn
Full Resolution:     TIFF (5.011 MB)     JPEG (232.2 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1998-03-16 Mars Mars Pathfinder (MPF)
Imager for Mars Pathfinder
'Barnacle Bill' is a small rock immediately west-northwest of NASA's Mars Pathfinder lander and was the first rock visited by the rover Sojourner. 3D glasses are necessary to identify surface detail.
Super Resolution Anaglyph of Barnacle Bill
Full Resolution:     TIFF (4.703 MB)     JPEG (166.1 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1998-03-16 Mars Mars Pathfinder (MPF)
Imager for Mars Pathfinder
Barnacle Bill is a small rock immediately west-northwest of NASA's Mars Pathfinder lander and was the first rock visited by the Sojourner Rover's alpha proton X-ray spectrometer (APXS) instrument. Sol 1 began on July 4, 1997.
Super Resolution View of "Barnacle Bill"
Full Resolution:     TIFF (5.091 MB)     JPEG (201.5 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1998-03-16 Mars Mars Pathfinder (MPF)
Imager for Mars Pathfinder
The 'Mini Matterhorn' is a 3/4 meter rock immediately east-southeast of NASA's Mars Pathfinder lander. This image shows a 'raw,' standard-resolution color frame of the rock. Sol 1 began on July 4, 1997.
Standard "Raw" View of "Mini-Matterhorn"
Full Resolution:     TIFF (203.2 kB)     JPEG (15.56 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1998-03-26 Mars Mars Pathfinder (MPF)
Imager for Mars Pathfinder
This image from NASA's Mars Pathfinder was created in 1997 by using two mosaics: a color image of the 'Gallery Pan' and an image which indicates the distance to the nearest object at each pixel location, referred to as a range image.
Birdseye View of Pathfinder Landing Site
Full Resolution:     TIFF (19.58 MB)     JPEG (887.1 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1998-03-26 Mars Mars Pathfinder (MPF)
Imager for Mars Pathfinder
This panoramic view taken by NASA's Mars Pathfinder is a controlled mosaic of approximately 300 IMP images. 3D glasses are necessary to identify surface detail.
Panoramic Views of the Landing site from Sagan Memorial Station
Full Resolution:     TIFF (75.65 MB)     JPEG (4.162 MB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1998-03-26 Mars Mars Pathfinder (MPF)
Imager for Mars Pathfinder
This is an overhead view of NASA's Mars Pathfinder's landing site in 1997.
Overhead View of Pathfinder Landing Site
Full Resolution:     TIFF (6.368 MB)     JPEG (1.939 MB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1998-03-26 Mars Mars Pathfinder (MPF)
Imager for Mars Pathfinder
Overhead view of the area surrounding NASA's Mars Pathfinder lander illustrating the Sojourner traverse. Red rectangles are rover positions at the end of sols 1-30, 1997.
Overhead View of Area Surrounding Pathfinder
Full Resolution:     TIFF (1.041 MB)     JPEG (197 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1998-03-26 Mars Mars Pathfinder (MPF)
Imager for Mars Pathfinder
Topographic map of NASA's Mars Pathfinder landing site in 1997.
Topographic Map of Pathfinder Landing Site
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Add Image to Favorite List 1998-03-26 Mars Mars Pathfinder (MPF)
Imager for Mars Pathfinder
This is a coordinate map of rocks counted by NASA's Mars Pathfinder in 1997.
Coordinate Map of Rocks at Pathfinder Landing Site
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Add Image to Favorite List 1998-03-26 Mars Mars Pathfinder (MPF)
Imager for Mars Pathfinder
These images from NASA's Mars Pathfinder in 1997 show different type areas of rocks and soils on Mars; dark rock type and bright soil type. Seen here is the dark rock Barnacle Bill.
Rock and Soil Types at Pathfinder Landing Site
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Add Image to Favorite List 1998-04-02 Mars Viking
Visual Imaging Subsystem - Camera A
NASA's Viking 1 Orbiter spacecraft photographed this region in the northern latitudes of Mars on July 25, 1976 while searching for a landing site for the Viking 2 Lander.
Geologic 'Face on Mars' Formation
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Add Image to Favorite List 1998-04-06 Mars Mars Global Surveyor (MGS)
Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC)
NASA's Mars Global Surveyor acquired this image on April 5, 1998 of Cydonia Region, Mars.
Cydonia Region
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Add Image to Favorite List 1998-04-06 Mars Mars Global Surveyor (MGS)
Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC)
NASA's Mars Global Surveyor acquired this image on April 4, 1998 of Cydonia Region, Mars.
Cydonia Region - Detail
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Add Image to Favorite List 1998-04-14 Mars Mars Global Surveyor (MGS)
Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC)
This image acquired by NASA's Mars Global Surveyor on April 13, 1998 shows the Cydonia region on Mars.
Cydonia Region - Pass #2
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Add Image to Favorite List 1998-04-21 Mars Mars Pathfinder (MPF)
Imager for Mars Pathfinder
This figure contains an azimuth-elevation projection of the 'Gallery Panorama.' The rover path was reproduced using NASA's IMP camera 'end of day' and 'Rover movie' image sequences and rover vehicle telemetry data as references.
Mars PathFinder Rover Traverse Image
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Add Image to Favorite List 1998-04-23 Mars Mars Global Surveyor (MGS)
Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC)
This view from NASA's Mars Global Surveyor shows Olympus Mons, the largest of the major Tharsis volcanoes on the red planet.
Olympus Mons in Color
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Add Image to Favorite List 1998-04-23 Mars Mars Global Surveyor (MGS)
Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC)
This image acquired by NASA's Mars Global Surveyor on April 13, 1998 shows the Cydonia region on Mars.
Coprates Catena
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Add Image to Favorite List 1998-04-24 Mars Mars Global Surveyor (MGS)
Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC)
This image of Coprates Catena was obtained in the early evening of January 1, 1998 by NASA's Mars Global Surveyor. The image covers a tiny fraction of the Valles Marineris canyons.
Cydonia Region - Pass #3
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Add Image to Favorite List 1998-05-02 Mars Hubble Space Telescope
NASA's Hubble Space Telescope images near Ares Vallis, Mars, taken on June 27, 1997 (left) and July 9, 1997 (right), document the dissipation of a large dust storm during the 12 days separating the two observations.
Decay of a Martian Dust Storm
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Add Image to Favorite List 1998-05-02 Mars Hubble Space Telescope
NASA's Hubble Space Telescope images of Mars, taken on June 27, 1997, reveal a significant dust storm which fills much of the Valles Marineris canyon system and extends into Xanthe Terra.
Hubble's Look at Mars Shows Canyon Dust Storm, Cloudy Conditions for Pathfinder Landing
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Add Image to Favorite List 1998-05-02 Mars Hubble Space Telescope
These color and black and white pictures of Mars were taken by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope just two weeks after Earth made its closest approach to the Red Planet during the 1997 opposition.
Comparison View of Mars Cloud Cover
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Add Image to Favorite List 1998-05-02 Mars Hubble Space Telescope
These images, which seem to have been taken while NASA's Hubble Space Telescope was looking directly down on the Martian North Pole, were actually created by assembling mosaics of three sets of images taken by HST 1996 and in 1997.
Seasonal Changes in Mars' North Polar Ice Cap
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Add Image to Favorite List 1998-05-02 Mars Hubble Space Telescope
Four faces of Mars as seen on March 30, 1997 are presented in this montage of NASA Hubble Space Telescope images. Proceeding in the order upper-left, upper-right, lower-left, lower-right, Mars has rotated about ninety degrees.
Four Views of Mars in Northern Summer
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Add Image to Favorite List 1998-05-02 Mars Hubble Space Telescope
The sharpest view of Mars ever taken from Earth was obtained by the recently refurbished NASA Hubble Space Telescope. This stunning portrait was taken with the HST Wide Field Planetary Camera-2 on March 10, 1997.
Hubble's Sharpest View Of Mars
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Add Image to Favorite List 1998-05-02 Mars Hubble Space Telescope
Pictures of the planet Mars taken with the recently refurbished NASA Hubble Space Telescope will provide the most detailed global view of the red planet ever obtained from Earth. The images were taken by HST's Wide Field Planetary Camera-2.
Hubble Captures A Full Rotation Of Mars
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Add Image to Favorite List 1998-05-02 Mars Hubble Space Telescope
Two NASA Hubble Space Telescope images of Mars, taken about a month apart on September 18 and October 15, 1996, reveal a state-sized dust storm churning near the edge of the Martian north polar cap.
Springtime Dust Storm Swirls at Martian North Pole
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Add Image to Favorite List 1998-05-02 Mars Hubble Space Telescope
These NASA Hubble Space Telescope views provide the most detailed complete global coverage of the red planet Mars ever seen from Earth. The pictures were taken on February 25, 1995, when Mars was at a distance of 65 million miles.
Mars At Opposition
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Add Image to Favorite List 1998-05-02 Mars Hubble Space Telescope
This NASA Hubble Space Telescope view of the planet Mars was, at the time it was taken, the clearest picture ever taken from Earth, surpassed only by close-up shots sent back by visiting space probes. The picture was taken on February 25, 1995.
Springtime on Mars: Hubble's Best View of the Red Planet
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Add Image to Favorite List 1998-05-05 Mars Hubble Space Telescope
Though a dusty haze fills the giant Hellas impact basin south of the dark fin-shaped feature Syrtis Major, the dust appears to be localized within Hellas in this 1997 image from NASA's Hubble Space Telescope.
Hubble Watches the Red Planet as Mars Global Surveyor Begins Aerobraking
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Add Image to Favorite List 1998-06-03 Mars Viking
Visual Imaging Subsystem - Camera B
This mosaic is composed of 104 images from NASA's Viking Orbiter acquired on February 11, 1980. At that time, it was early northern summer on Mars.
Cerberus Hemisphere
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Add Image to Favorite List 1998-06-03 Mars Viking
Visual Imaging Subsystem - Camera B
This mosaic of Syrtis Major is composed of about 100 red- and violet- filter NASA Viking Orbiter images, digitally mosaiced in an orthographic projection at a scale of 1 km/pixel.
Syrtis Major Hemisphere
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Add Image to Favorite List 1998-06-04 Mars Viking
Visual Imaging Subsystem - Camera B
Tharsis-centered volcanic and tectonic activity resulted in the formation of radial grabens of Memnonia Fossae, which cut materials of the ancient cratered highlands and relatively young, highland-embaying lava flows as seen by NASA's Viking Orbiter 2.
Memnonia Fossae (Enhanced Color)
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Add Image to Favorite List 1998-06-04 Mars Viking
Visual Imaging Subsystem - Camera A
Water ice mixed with dust form the residual north polar ice cap (brown color) in these images from NASA's Viking Orbiter 2.
North Polar Cap Margin (natural color (top) and enhanced color (bottom))
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Add Image to Favorite List 1998-06-04 Mars Viking
Visual Imaging Subsystem - Camera B
A conspicuous fretted channel, Reull Valles, Mars which dissects wall deposits of the large Hellas impact basin, trends southeast towards the basin floor as seen by NASA's Viking Orbiter 2.
Reull Valles (Enhanced Color)
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Add Image to Favorite List 1998-06-04 Mars Viking
Visual Imaging Subsystem - Camera B
Mars' Syria Planum-centered volcanism and tectonism produced fractures, narrow to broad grabens, large scarps, and broad fold and thrust ridges that deformed a basement complex captured by NASA's Viking Orbiter 2.
Claritas Fossae (Enhanced Color)
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Add Image to Favorite List 1998-06-04 Mars Viking
Visual Imaging Subsystem - Camera B
This picture from NASA's Viking Orbiter 2 shows areas of central Valles Marineris, Mars, including Candor Chasm (lower left), Ophir Chasm (lower right), and Hebes Chasm (upper right).
West Candor Chasm (Enhanced Color)
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Add Image to Favorite List 1998-06-04 Mars Viking
Visual Imaging Subsystem - Camera A
This picture (centered at latitude 10 degrees S., longitude 74 degrees W.) shows much of Mars' Melas Chasm and a portion of Candor Chasm (upper right) in central Valles Marineris as seen by NASA's Viking Orbiter 2.
Melas Chasm (Enhanced Color)
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Add Image to Favorite List 1998-06-04 Mars Viking
Visual Imaging Subsystem - Camera A
Mars digital-image mosaic merged with color of the MC-1 quadrangle, Mare Boreum region of Mars. This image is from NASA's Viking Orbiter 1.
MC-1 Mare Boreum Region
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Add Image to Favorite List 1998-06-04 Mars Viking
Visual Imaging Subsystem - Camera A
Mars digital-image mosaic merged with color of the MC-2 quadrangle, Diacria region of Mars. This image is from NASA's Viking Orbiter 1.
MC-2 Diacria Region
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Add Image to Favorite List 1998-06-04 Mars Viking
Visual Imaging Subsystem - Camera A
Mars digital-image mosaic merged with color of the MC-3 quadrangle, Arcadia region of Mars. This image is from NASA's Viking Orbiter 1.
MC-3 Arcadia Region
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Add Image to Favorite List 1998-06-04 Mars Viking
Visual Imaging Subsystem - Camera A
Mars digital-image mosaic merged with color of the MC-4 quadrangle, Mare Acidalium region of Mars. This image is from NASA's Viking Orbiter 1.
MC-4 Mare Acidalium Region
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