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Add Image to Favorite List 2008-07-23 Mars Phoenix
Surface Stereo Imager (SSI)
This image shows the trench informally named 'Snow White' taken by the Surface Stereo Imager on NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander on July 21, 2008.
Before & After of Rasping on Sol 56 Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (525 kB)     JPEG (127.1 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2008-07-29 Mars Phoenix
Robotic Arm Camera (RAC)
This image of 'Snow Queen,' was taken by the Robotic Arm Camera (RAC) aboard NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander.
'Snow Queen' Animation Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (131.4 kB)     JPEG (21.44 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2008-08-04 Mars Phoenix
Surface Stereo Imager (SSI)
The full-circle panorama in approximately true color taken by NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander shows the polygonal patterning of ground at the landing area, similar to patterns in permafrost areas on Earth.
Full-Circle Color Panorama of Phoenix Landing Site on Northern Mars Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (1.587 MB)     JPEG (48.54 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2008-08-04 Mars Phoenix
Thermal and Evolved Gas Analyzer
This image shows NASA's Phoenix Lander's Robotic Arm scoop delivering a sample to the Thermal and Evolved-Gas Analyzer (TEGA) and how samples are analyzed within the instrument.
TEGA Sample Delivery and Analysis (Animation) Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (1.091 MB)     JPEG (57.66 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2008-08-04 Phoenix
Thermal and Evolved Gas Analyzer
This image shows testing under simulated Mars conditions on Earth in preparation for NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander using its robotic arm for delivering a sample to the doors of a laboratory oven.
Testing of Icy-Soil Sample Delivery in Simulated Martian Conditions (Animation) Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (2.768 MB)     JPEG (85.83 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2008-08-04 Mars Phoenix
Surface Stereo Imager (SSI)
The Surface Stereo Imager onboard NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander captures a scene with three different filters. The images are sent to Earth in black and white and the color is added by mission scientists.
How Phoenix Creates Color Images (Animation) Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (1.549 MB)     JPEG (64.76 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2008-08-04 Mars Phoenix
Surface Stereo Imager (SSI)
A laser beam from the Canadian-built lidar instrument on NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander can be seen in this contrast-enhanced image taken by Phoenix's Surface Stereo Imager on July 26, 2008, during early Martian morning hours of the 61st Martian day.
Zenith Movie showing Phoenix's Lidar Beam (Animation) Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (1.051 MB)     JPEG (44.69 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2008-08-04 Mars Phoenix
Surface Stereo Imager (SSI)
This image shows the evolution of the trench called 'Snow White' that NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander began digging on the 22nd Martian day of the mission after the May 25, 2008, landing.
Snow White Trench (Animation) Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (292.1 kB)     JPEG (48.04 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2008-08-14 Mars Phoenix
A scientific illustration of the operation of NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander's Atomic Force Microscope, or AFM. The AFM is part of Phoenix's Microscopy, Electrochemistry, and Conductivity Analyzer, or MECA.
Atomic Force Microscope Operation Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (2.766 MB)     JPEG (80.77 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2008-09-03 Mars Phoenix
Surface Stereo Imager (SSI)
Clouds scoot across the Martian sky in a frame from a movie clip consisting of 10 frames taken by the Surface Stereo Imager on NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander.
Ice Clouds in Martian Arctic (Accelerated Movie) Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (65.83 kB)     JPEG (3.538 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2008-09-14 Mars Phoenix
Surface Stereo Imager (SSI)
An angry looking sky is captured in this frame from a movie clip consisting of 10 frames taken by the Surface Stereo Imager on NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander.
Nighttime Clouds in Martian Arctic (Accelerated Movie) Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (65.83 kB)     JPEG (4.917 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2008-09-14 Mars Phoenix
Surface Stereo Imager (SSI)
NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander's telltale catches a breeze as clouds move over the landing site on Sol 103 (Sept. 7, 2008), the 103rd Martian day since landing.
Phoenix Telltale Movie with Clouds, Sol 103 Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (30.47 kB)     JPEG (3.409 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2008-09-14 Mars Phoenix
Surface Stereo Imager (SSI)
The Surface Stereo Imager on NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander caught this dust devil in action west of the lander on Sol 104, or the 104th Martian day of the mission, Sept. 9, 2008.
Martian Dust Devil Movie, Phoenix Sol 104 Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (1.05 MB)     JPEG (235.1 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2008-09-20 Mars Phoenix
Surface Stereo Imager (SSI)
This images from a sequence of images that combines 32 images of clouds moving eastward across a Martian horizon. The Surface Stereo Imager on NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander took this set of images on Sept. 18, 2008,
Clouds Move Across Mars Horizon Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (65.83 kB)     JPEG (11.4 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2008-09-30 Mars Phoenix
Surface Stereo Imager (SSI)
This frame from a sequence of nine images taken by the Surface Stereo Imager on NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander shows the sun rising on the morning of the lander's 101st Martian day after landing.
Martian Sunrise at Phoenix Landing Site, Sol 101 Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (525 kB)     JPEG (19.83 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2008-09-30 Mars Phoenix
Surface Stereo Imager (SSI)
This view combines more than 500 images taken after NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander arrived on an arctic plain at 68.22 degrees north latitude, 234.25 degrees east longitude on Mars.
Full-Circle Color Panorama of Phoenix Lander Deck and Landing Site on Northern Mars, Animation Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (1.08 MB)     JPEG (26.67 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2008-09-30 Mars Phoenix
This frame from an animation shows a zoom into the Mars Descent Imager (MARDI) instrument onboard NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander. The Phoenix team will soon attempt to use a microphone on the MARDI instrument to capture sounds of Mars.
Animation of MARDI Instrument Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (2.774 MB)     JPEG (127.2 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2008-09-30 Mars Phoenix
Surface Stereo Imager (SSI)
The Surface Stereo Imager camera aboard NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander acquired a series of images of the laser beam in the Martian night sky. Bright spots in the beam are reflections from ice crystals in the low level ice-fog.
Phoenix's Laser Beam in Action on Mars Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (1.051 MB)     JPEG (23.94 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2008-09-30 Mars Phoenix
Robotic Arm Camera (RAC)
Thermal and Evolved Gas Analyzer
This frame from an animation shows NASA's Phoenix Lander's Robotic Arm scoop delivering a sample to the Thermal and Evolved-Gas Analyzer (TEGA) and how samples are analyzed within the instrument.
Animation of TEGA Sample Delivery and Analysis Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (1.091 MB)     JPEG (58.34 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2008-10-16 Mars Phoenix
Surface Stereo Imager (SSI)
This frame from an animation shows the movement of several dust storms near NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander. These images were taken by the lander's Surface Stereo Imager (SSI) on the 137th Martian day, or sol, of the mission (Oct. 13, 2008).
Dust Storm Moving Near Phoenix Lander Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (262.6 kB)     JPEG (22.3 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2008-10-16 Mars Phoenix
Surface Stereo Imager (SSI)
This frame from a series of images shows NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander's telltale instrument waving in the Martian wind. Documenting the telltale's movement helps mission scientists and engineers determine what the wind is like on Mars.
Telltale Instrument Waving in the Martian Wind Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (30.47 kB)     JPEG (4.377 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2008-12-15 Mars Phoenix
Surface Stereo Imager (SSI)
Clouds of dust and ice swirl past the Surface Stereo Imager (SSI) camera on NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander in this frame from a series of images taken on the 132nd Martian day of the mission (Oct. 7, 2008).
Dark Skies and Clouds Move in at Phoenix site Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (67.38 kB)     JPEG (4.825 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2008-12-21 Mars Phoenix
Surface Stereo Imager (SSI)
This view combines more than 400 images taken during the first several weeks after NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander arrived on an arctic plain at 68.22 degrees north latitude, 234.25 degrees east longitude on Mars.
Full-Circle Color Panorama of Phoenix Landing Site on Northern Mars Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (499.5 MB)     JPEG (8.879 MB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2010-07-06 Planck
Planck LFI-HFI
This image of the microwave sky was synthesized using data spanning the range of light frequencies detected by ESA's Planck. A vast portion of the sky is dominated by the diffuse emission from gas and dust in our Milky Way galaxy.
Planck's View of the Whole Sky
Full Resolution:     TIFF (2.733 MB)     JPEG (115.5 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2013-03-21 Planck
ESA's Planck has imaged the most distant light we can observe, called the cosmic microwave background, with unprecedented precision.
Through the Universe's Looking Glass Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (206.8 kB)     JPEG (36.61 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2013-03-21 Planck
This artist's concept depicts the 'life' of a photon, or particle of light, as it travels across space and time, from the very early universe ESA's Planck satellite.
A Journey of Light Through Space and Time Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (2.754 MB)     JPEG (81.33 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2007-11-06 55 Cancri PlanetQuest
This artist's concept takes us on a journey to 55 Cancri, a star with a family of five known planets - the most planets discovered so far around a star besides our own.
Journey to a Star Rich with Planets (Artist Concept) Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (449.6 kB)     JPEG (14.71 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-05-28 VB 10 PlanetQuest
This image shows the star VB 10 moving across the sky over a period of nine years. Astronomers nabbed a planet circling this star using a method called astrometry -- the first successful application of the method to planet hunting.
How to Find a Tiny Wobble in a Zippy Star Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (322.5 kB)     JPEG (32.17 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2023-12-18 Psyche
Deep Space Optical Communications (DSOC)
This image shows an annotated screenshot from the first ultra-HD video streamed from deep space via a laser. NASA's DSOC experiment aboard the Psyche spacecraft sent the 15-second video back to Earth on Dec. 11, 2023.
Explaining the First Ultra-HD Video Sent From Deep Space via Laser
Full Resolution:     TIFF (8.044 MB)     JPEG (596.3 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2002-07-05 Moon Ranger 9
TV Camera
On March 24, 1965, a nationwide TV audience watched live video from Ranger 9 as it purposefully crashed into the Moon within the crater Alphonsus. Ranger's six cameras sent back more than 5800 video images during the last 18 minutes of its 3-day journey,
Live from the Moon - Impact! Animation Icon
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Add Image to Favorite List 2014-10-21 Earth RapidScat
NASA's ISS-RapidScat ocean wind scatterometer viewed Hurricane Ana as it approached Hawaii. From Oct. 13 to Oct. 19, 2014, RapidScat observed Ana seven times. This frame is from a movie containing multiple days of observation.
Hurricane Ana Viewed by NASA's ISS-RapidScat Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (1.929 MB)     JPEG (136.3 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2015-11-06 Earth RapidScat
NASA's ISS-RapidScat's antenna, lower right, was pointed at Hurricane Patricia as the powerful storm approached Mexico on Oct. 23, 2015.
RapidScat and Hurricane Patricia Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (8.031 MB)     JPEG (159.9 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2014-05-15 Comet Rosetta
This still from a sequence of images shows comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko moving against the background star field.
Rosetta's Comet Comes Alive Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (1.003 MB)     JPEG (121.1 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2014-07-17 Comet Rosetta
This frame from an animated sequence combined 36 interpolated images of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, each separated by 20 minutes. This comet is the destination for the European Space Agency's Rosetta mission in 2014.
Rotation and Shape of Rosetta Mission's Target Comet Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (230.8 kB)     JPEG (8.872 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2014-07-24 Comet Rosetta
Images of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko taken on July 14, 2014, by the OSIRIS imaging system aboard ESA's Rosetta spacecraft have allowed scientists to create this three-dimensional shape model of the nucleus.
Rotating Shape Model of Rosetta's Comet Target Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (1.001 MB)     JPEG (21.47 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2014-11-13 Comet Rosetta
This frame from an animated sequence shows the Rosetta mission's Philae lander descending toward comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko (not in frame) on Nov. 12, 2014. The images are from the OSIRIS narrow-angle camera on the ESA's Rosetta orbiter.
Descent to the Surface of a Comet Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (160.4 kB)     JPEG (3.961 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2015-08-11 Comet Rosetta
This frame from an animation shows a very strong jet from comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko captured by Rosetta's OSIRIS on July 29, 2015.
Rosetta Comet In Action (Animation)
Full Resolution:     TIFF (1.677 MB)     JPEG (171.4 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2013-02-15 Asteroid Samford Valley Observatory
This frame from a movie from the Samford Valley Observatory in Brisbane, Australia, shows the progress of asteroid 2012 DA14 across the night sky as it nears its closest approach. It was taken at 12:59 UTC on Feb. 15 (7:59 a.m. EST, or 4:59 a.m. PST).
Approach of Asteroid 2012 DA14 from Samford Valley Observatory Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (368.9 kB)     JPEG (48.69 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2023-05-12 Earth Sentinel-6/Jason-CS
This animation shows Kelvin waves moving across the equatorial Pacific Ocean from west to east during March and April, 2023. The signals can be an early sign of El Niño, and were detected by the Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich satellite.
Early El Niño Signs
Full Resolution:     TIFF (598.3 kB)     JPEG (51.43 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2023-10-18 Earth Sentinel-6/Jason-CS
The maps in the animation show sea levels in the Pacific Ocean during early October of 1997, 2015, and 2023, in the run up to El Niño events.
Comparing Sea Level During El Niño Events
Full Resolution:     TIFF (303.4 kB)     JPEG (200.3 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2005-08-29 Earth Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM)
C-Band Imaging Radar
X-Band Radar
The city of New Orleans, situated on the southern shore of Lake Pontchartrain, is shown in this radar image from NASA's Shuttle Radar Topography Mission. In this image bright areas show regions of high radar reflectivity, such as from urban areas.
New Orleans Topography, Radar Image with Colored Height Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (22.67 MB)     JPEG (1.437 MB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2005-08-29 Earth Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM)
C-Band Imaging Radar
X-Band Radar
The geography of the New Orleans and Mississippi delta region is well shown in this radar image from NASA's Shuttle Radar Topography Mission. In this image, bright areas show regions of high radar reflectivity, such as from urban areas.
Mississippi Delta, Radar Image with Colored Height Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (11.15 MB)     JPEG (781.5 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2005-09-22 Earth Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM)
C-Band Imaging Radar
X-Band Imaging Radar
The Gulf Coast from the Mississippi Delta through the Texas coast is shown in this satellite image from NASA's Terra spacecraft, and the predicted storm track for Hurricane Rita acquired in February, 2000.
Hurricane Rita Track
Radar Image with Topographic Overlay
Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (16.57 MB)     JPEG (452.1 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2012-02-06 Earth Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM)
This frame from an animation depicts ground subsidence resulting from the extraction of oil. The oil fields are located near the community of Lost Hills, California, approximately 100 km northwest of Bakersfield.
Lost Hills Subsidence Animation Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (1.772 MB)     JPEG (116.7 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2013-02-15 Asteroid Siding Spring Observatory
An animated set of images, from the telescope known as the Siding Spring Observatory, shows asteroid 2012 DA14 as the streak moving from top to bottom in the field of view. The animation is available in the Planetary Photojournal.
Asteroid 2012 DA14 as Seen from Siding Spring, Australia Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (272.4 kB)     JPEG (26.25 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2019-05-17 Earth SMAP
This animation shows a time lapse of sea surface salinity and soil moisture from NASA's Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) satellite from April 2015 through February 2019.
SMAP Sea Surface Salinity and Soil Moisture Time Lapse
Full Resolution:     TIFF (1.025 MB)     JPEG (82.57 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2018-04-16 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
For much of this week the sun featured three substantial coronal holes observed by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory April 3-6, 2018. These are areas of open magnetic field from which high speed solar wind rushes out into space.
Three Coronal Holes Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (4.104 MB)     JPEG (179.7 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2016-11-09 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
Two good-sized coronal holes have rotated around to the center of the sun where they will be spewing solar wind towards Earth were observed by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory on Nov. 8-9, 2016.
Earth-Facing Coronal Holes Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (1.704 MB)     JPEG (57.05 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2012-08-31 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
Sparked by a medium-sized (C-class) flare, a long, magnetic filament burst out from the Sun, producing one of the best shows that SDO has seen (Aug. 31, 2012).
Magnificent Outburst Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (1.493 MB)     JPEG (66.48 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2016-06-16 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
Each day NASA solar scientists produce overlays (in white lines) that show how magnetic field lines above the sun are configured (June 16, 2016). The lines are tightly bundled near the lighter-toned active regions, which are magnetically intense regions.
Magnetic Field Illuminated
Full Resolution:     TIFF (12.58 MB)     JPEG (804.6 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2015-08-26 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
This still image from an animation from NASA GSFC's Solar Dynamics Observatory shows a large group of sunspots that rotated across the Sun over six days (Aug. 21-26, 2015).
Big Sunspot Group Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (1.028 MB)     JPEG (58.74 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2015-08-19 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
This still image from an animation from NASA GSFC's Solar Dynamics Observatory shows a single plume of plasma, many times taller than the diameter of Earth, spewing streams of particles for over two days (Aug. 17-19, 2015) before breaking apart.
Eiffel Tower Plume Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (1.194 MB)     JPEG (53.77 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2015-08-06 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
This still image from an animation from NASA GSFC's Solar Dynamics Observatory shows magnetically charged particles forming a nicely symmetrical arch at the edge of the Sun as they followed the magnetic field lines of an active region (Aug.4-5, 2015).
A Golden Arch Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (1.374 MB)     JPEG (54.66 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2015-06-30 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
This still image from an animation from NASA GSFC's Solar Dynamics Observatory shows dark strands of plasma hovering above the Sun's surface beginning to interact with each other in a form of tug of war over two and a half days (June 28-30, 2015).
Plasma Push and Pull Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (1.272 MB)     JPEG (34.16 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2015-04-03 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
A pair of substantial coronal holes were the most notable features on the Sun over the week of Mar. 28 - Apr. 2, 2015. The images were taken in a wavelength of extreme ultraviolet light by NASA GSFC's Solar Dynamics Observatory.
Two Coronal Holes Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (1.46 MB)     JPEG (52.39 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2015-09-02 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
A small, but complex mass of plasma gyrated and spun about over the course of 40 hours above the surface of the Sun taken by NASA's GSFC Solar Dynamics Observatory on Sept. 1-3, 2015.
Tangled up in Blue Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (1.556 MB)     JPEG (84.17 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2015-09-13 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
On Sept. 13, 2015, as NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory, or SDO, kept up its constant watch on the sun. Just as the moon came into SDO's field of view on a path to cross the sun, Earth entered the picture, blocking SDO's view completely.
SDO Transit, September 2015 Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (19.58 MB)     JPEG (918.5 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2015-09-10 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
Three substantial coronal holes rotated across the face of the Sun the week of Sept. 8-10, 2015 as seen by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory. Coronal holes are areas where the Sun's magnetic field is open and a source of streaming solar wind.
A Triumvirate: Three Coronal Holes Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (1.195 MB)     JPEG (44.65 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2015-10-13 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
A mass of plasma gathered itself into a twisting mass, spun around for a bit, then rose up and broke apart over a 10-hour period (Oct. 13, 2015) as observed by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory.
Hefty Prominence Eruption Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (1.164 MB)     JPEG (53.28 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2015-10-28 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
As a pair of active regions began to rotate into view, their towering magnetic field lines above them bloomed into a dazzling display of twisting arches (Oct. 27-28, 2015) in this image from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory.
Active Regions Blossoming Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (1.494 MB)     JPEG (61.29 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2015-12-12 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
This side-by-side rendering of the Sun at the same time in two different wavelengths of extreme ultraviolet light helps to visualize the differing features visible in each wavelength (Dec. 10-11, 2015). This image is from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory
Comparing Wavelengths Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (1.234 MB)     JPEG (55.75 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2016-02-09 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
The magnetic field lines of three active regions in close proximity to one another interacted with each other over two and a half days (Feb. 8-10, 2016). This image is from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory.
Solar Triumvirate Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (1.309 MB)     JPEG (56.46 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2016-03-24 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory shows a long coronal hole has rotated so that was temporarily facing right towards Earth (Mar. 23-25, 2016). Coronal holes appear dark when viewed in some wavelengths of extreme ultraviolet light.
Elongated Coronal Hole Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (961.2 kB)     JPEG (37.28 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2016-04-06 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
This still image from an animation from NASA's GSFC's Solar Dynamics Observatory shows arches of magnetic field lines towered over the edge of the Sun as a pair of active regions began to rotate into view (Apr. 5-6, 2016).
Towering Arches Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (1.366 MB)     JPEG (57.27 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2016-05-09 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
On May 9, 2016, Mercury passed directly between the Sun and Earth, making a transit of the Sun. Mercury transits happen about 13 times each century. NASA's SDO studies the Sun 24/7 and captured the eight-hour event.
Mercury Transit Across the Sun Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (1.176 MB)     JPEG (52.22 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2016-05-18 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
A substantial coronal hole had rotated so that it temporarily faced right towards Earth (May, 17-19, 2016). This coronal hole area is the dark area at the top center of this image from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory.
Coronal Hole Front and Center Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (1.095 MB)     JPEG (49.07 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2016-06-08 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
A close-up of twisting plasma above the Sun's surface produced a nice display of turbulence by caused combative magnetic forces (June 7-8, 2016) over a day and a half as seen by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory.
Twisting Plasma Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (872.2 kB)     JPEG (42.3 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2016-06-27 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
Several arcing loops rotated into view and swirled above an active region, which gave us a nice profile view of the action from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory on June 26-27, 2016.
Bright Arcing Loops Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (1.403 MB)     JPEG (50.15 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2016-07-09 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
One active region at the edge of the Sun pushed out about ten thrusts of plasma in just over a day long period as observed by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory on July 9-10, 2016.
Weak Thrusts Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (1.222 MB)     JPEG (58.52 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2016-07-18 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
One broad active region sported a wonderful example of coiled magnetic field lines over almost a four-day period observed by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory during July 15-18, 2016.
Magnetic Coiling Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (1.045 MB)     JPEG (48.66 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2016-07-23 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
The Sun produced three M-class (medium-sized) flares in less than 13 hours and the third one had an interesting flourish at the end (July 22-23, 2016). These were the largest flares the Sun had produced this year as seen by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observato
Solar Flares with some Flair Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (852.2 kB)     JPEG (31.3 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2016-08-13 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
Strands and arches of plasma streamed above the edge of the Sun for over a day, pulled by powerful magnetic forces Aug. 11-12, 2016., observed by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory.
Playing Along the Edge Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (854 kB)     JPEG (48.96 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2017-01-09 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory captured an elongated coronal hole rotated across the face of the sun this past week so that it is now streaming solar wind towards Earth (Jan. 2-5, 2017).
Lengthy Coronal Hole Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (7.362 MB)     JPEG (273.3 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2016-08-25 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
Several times a day for a few days this week the Earth completely blocked the Sun for about an hour due to NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory orbital path (Aug. 25, 2016).
Eclipse Season for SDO Animation Icon
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Add Image to Favorite List 2016-09-01 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) saw both the Moon (upper right) and the Earth (upper left) partially block the sun (Sept. 1, 2016 at 7:33 UT). Just before this image was taken, the Earth totally blocked the sun for a while.
Double Eclipse Animation Icon
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Add Image to Favorite List 2016-09-15 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
On Sept. 12-14,2016 NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory spotted a series of active regions stretched along the right side of the sun exhibited a wide variety of loops cascading above them. Earth quickly passed in front of a portion of the sun.
Varietal Loops Animation Icon
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Add Image to Favorite List 2016-09-21 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
On Sept. 18-21,2016 NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory spotted a dark coronal hole that was facing towards Earth for several days spewing streams of solar wind in our direction.
Earth-Directed Coronal Hole Animation Icon
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Add Image to Favorite List 2016-09-29 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
When an active region rotated into a profile view, NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory was able to capture the magnificent loops arching above an active region (Sept. 28-29, 2016). The Earth was inset to give a sense of the scale of these towering arches.
Magnetic Field Arches Animation Icon
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Add Image to Favorite List 2016-10-04 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
A prominence observed along the right edge of the sun rose up and then most of it bent back down to the surface, as seen by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory on Oct. 4, 2016.
Bendable Prominence Animation Icon
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Add Image to Favorite List 2016-10-11 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
An active region, just rotating into view on Oct. 4, 2016, gave NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory a perfect view of the tussle of magnetic field lines above it.
Agitated Active Region Animation Icon
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Add Image to Favorite List 2016-10-21 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory spies a pair of large coronal holes which rotated into view over the past few days (Oct. 20-21, 2016).
Substantial Coronal Holes Animation Icon
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Add Image to Favorite List 2016-10-27 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory compares very large coronal holes taken Oct. 27, 2016. Coronal holes are areas of open magnetic field that carry solar wind out into space, currently causing a lot of geomagnetic activity here on Earth.
Wavelength Comparison
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Add Image to Favorite List 2016-11-04 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
A minor solar eruption triggered a crackling, white flash that sent an expanding wave of plasma below it over about six hours in this observation from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory on Nov. 4, 2016.
Small Surf Animation Icon
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Add Image to Favorite List 2016-11-30 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory spied the sun as it was hitting its lowest level of solar activity since 2011 (Nov. 14-18, 2016) while gradually marching toward solar minimum.
Almost Spotless Animation Icon
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Add Image to Favorite List 2016-12-06 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory spied a substantial coronal hole begin to rotate into view over Dec. 1-2, 2016. Coronal holes are magnetically open areas of the sun's magnetic field structure that spew streams of high speed solar wind into space.
Coronal Hole Coming Around Animation Icon
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Add Image to Favorite List 2016-12-14 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory observed the sun produced swirling prominence activity of both its side, one after the other, over two days (Dec. 7-8, 2016).
Both Sides Now Animation Icon
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Add Image to Favorite List 2017-01-03 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory took this close-up view of one day in the life of a rather small active region shows the agitation and dynamism of its magnetic field (Dec. 21, 2016).
Jumpy Active Region Animation Icon
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Add Image to Favorite List 2017-01-17 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory captured magnetic arcs of plasma that spiraled above two active regions held their shape fairly well over 18 hours on Jan. 11-12, 2017.
Organized Arches Animation Icon
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Add Image to Favorite List 2017-01-26 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
On Jan. 20, 2017, NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory captured a small area of the sun highlighted three active region. Over half a day this active region sent dark swirls of plasma and bright magnetic arches twisting and turning above it.
Gyrating Active Region Animation Icon
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Add Image to Favorite List 2017-01-30 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
On Jan. 23-24, 2017, NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory watched as a solar prominence rose up along the edge of the sun and twisted and churned for about two days before falling apart. The dynamic action was generated by competing magnetic forces.
Churning Prominence Animation Icon
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Add Image to Favorite List 2017-02-06 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
Between Jan. 30-Feb. 2, 2017, NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory saw a substantial coronal hole rotating across the face of the sun this past week and is again streaming solar wind towards Earth.
Returning Coronal Hole Animation Icon
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Add Image to Favorite List 2017-02-21 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
Several times a day for a few days the Earth completely blocked the Sun for about an hour due to NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory's orbital path (Feb. 15, 2017).
Earth Eclipses the Sun Animation Icon
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Add Image to Favorite List 2017-02-28 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory observed a solar prominence gathering itself into a twisting cone, then rose up and broke apart in a delicate dance of plasma above the sun on Feb. 20, 2017.
Delicate Ballet Animation Icon
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Add Image to Favorite List 2017-03-08 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
Several small sunspots appeared this week, giving NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory a chance to illustrate their sources (Mar. 2, 2017). Magnetic forces are the dynamic drivers here in these regions of the sun.
Sorting through Layers Animation Icon
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Add Image to Favorite List 2017-03-16 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
When an active region rotated over to the edge of the sun, it presented NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory with a nice profile view of its elongated loops stretching and swaying above it (Mar. 8-9, 2017).
Stretched Loops Animation Icon
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Add Image to Favorite List 2017-03-22 SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
The sun has been virtually spotless, as in no sunspots, over the past 11 days, a spotless stretch that we have not seen since the last solar minimum many years ago. From NASA's SDO Mar. 14-17, 2017.
Spotless Sun Animation Icon
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Add Image to Favorite List 2017-03-20 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory sees the sun has been virtually spotless, as in no sunspots, a 11-day spotless stretch not seen since the last solar minimum many years ago.
Spotless Sun Animation Icon
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Add Image to Favorite List 2017-03-28 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
As an active region rotated into view, NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory was able to observe well-defined magnetic loops gyrating above the sun between Mar, 23-24, 2017.
Dynamic Loops in Profile Animation Icon
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Add Image to Favorite List 2017-04-11 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
An active region at the sun's edge produced several M5-class (medium sized) flares over a ten-hour period on Apr. 3, 2017, as seen by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory.
Flares in Profile Animation Icon
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Add Image to Favorite List 2017-04-18 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
A dark, elongated filament rose up and broke to the lower left and out from the sun seen by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory, Apr.9-10, 2017. Filaments are cooler clouds of plasma tethered above the sun's surface by magnetic forces.
Filament Breakaway Animation Icon
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