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Add Image to Favorite List 2013-07-17 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
Hazcam (MSL)
NASA's Curiosity Mars rover captured this image on with its Hazcam just after completing a drive that took the mission's total driving distance past the 1 kilometer (0.62 mile) mark.
One Down, Many Kilometers to Go
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Add Image to Favorite List 2013-07-11 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
Navcam (MSL)
Lower slopes of Mount Sharp appear at the top of this image taken by the right Navigation Camera (Navcam) of NASA's Mars rover Curiosity at the end of a drive of about 135 feet during the 329th Martian day, or sol, of the rover's work on Mars.
Heading for Mount Sharp, Sol 329
Full Resolution:     TIFF (1.05 MB)     JPEG (248.8 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2013-07-09 Mars Mars 2020 Rover
Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
NASA's Mars 2020 rover would have capabilities for nested-scale observations and localized composition identification down to microscopic scale.
The Importance of Nested Scales of Observations, Fine Scales
Full Resolution:     TIFF (14.04 MB)     JPEG (354 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2013-07-09 Mars Mars 2020 Rover
Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
Observations at large scales, such as panoramas of Martian landscapes, help researchers identify smaller-scale features of special interest for examination in more detail.
The Importance of Nested Scales of Observations, Large Scales
Full Resolution:     TIFF (13.47 MB)     JPEG (624.1 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2013-07-08 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
Navcam (MSL)
This view from the left Navigation Camera (Navcam) of NASA's Mars Rover Curiosity looks back at wheel tracks made during the first drive away from the last science target in the 'Glenelg' area.
First Leg of Long Trek Toward Mount Sharp
Full Resolution:     TIFF (1.05 MB)     JPEG (298.1 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2013-07-02 Phobos Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
Navcam (MSL)
This frame from an animation shows Phobos, the larger of the two moons of Mars, passing overhead, as observed by NASA's Mars rover Curiosity, centered straight overhead starting shortly after sunset.
Phobos Passing Overhead Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (261.6 kB)     JPEG (15.82 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2013-06-25 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
This mosaic view from the Mast Camera (Mastcam) on NASA's Mars rover Curiosity shows textural characteristics and shapes of an outcrop called 'Point Lake.' The outcrop is about 20 inches (half a meter) high and pockmarked with holes.
Puzzling 'Point Lake' Outcrop Revisited
Full Resolution:     TIFF (119 MB)     JPEG (4.198 MB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2013-06-25 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
This image from NASA's rover Curiosity shows that many holes in the rock are occupied by what appears to be material different from that of the main rock itself.
Detail in "Point Lake" Outcrop
Full Resolution:     TIFF (5.628 MB)     JPEG (348.5 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2013-06-19 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
Navcam (MSL)
This image from NASA's Curiosity Mars rover shows Curiosity at the 'Rocknest' site where the rover scooped up samples of windblown dust and sand.
Billion-Pixel View From Curiosity at Rock Nest, Raw Color
Full Resolution:     TIFF (159.1 MB)     JPEG (7.4 MB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2013-06-19 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
Navcam (MSL)
This image from NASA's Curiosity Mars rover shows Curiosity at the 'Rocknest' site where the rover scooped up samples of windblown dust and sand.
Billion-Pixel View From Curiosity at Rock Nest, White-Balanced
Full Resolution:     TIFF (159.1 MB)     JPEG (7.72 MB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2013-06-17 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
This image from an animation shows how repeated laser shots from the ChemCam instrument on NASA's Mars rover Curiosity cause a pit to form at the target point in Martian soil.
Pitting in Martian Soil During Repeated Laser Shots From Mars Rover Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (264.7 kB)     JPEG (48.83 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2013-06-05 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
This image from NASA's Curiosity was taken by the right (telephoto-lens) camera of the Mast Camera (Mastcam) on the rover during the 193rd Martian day, or sol, of Curiosity's work on Mars (Feb. 20, 2013) in the 'Glenelg' area.
'Point Lake' Outcrop in Gale Crater
Full Resolution:     TIFF (5.071 MB)     JPEG (340.8 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2013-06-05 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
The Chemistry and Camera (ChemCam) instrument on NASA's Mars rover Curiosity was used to check the composition of gray tailings from the hole in rock target 'Cumberland' that the rover drilled on May 19, 2013.
Drilled Hole and ChemCam Marks at 'Cumberland'
Full Resolution:     TIFF (2.208 MB)     JPEG (98.53 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2013-06-05 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
Hazcam (MSL)
This frame from an animation from NASA's Mars rover Curiosity shows the rover drilling into rock target 'Cumberland.' The drilling was performed during the 279th Martian day, or sol, of the Curiosity's work on Mars (May 19, 2013).
Curiosity Mars Rover Drilling Into Its Second Rock Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (915.7 kB)     JPEG (127.9 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2013-06-05 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
This image demonstrates how engineers place the drill carried by NASA's Mars rover Curiosity onto rock targets. They first set down the drill's two stabilizing prongs near the target, as shown by the dashed line.
Checking Contact Points for Curiosity's Drill
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Add Image to Favorite List 2013-06-05 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
This image taken by the Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI) on NASA's Mars rover Curiosity shows the texture of the patch of flat-lying bedrock called 'Cumberland,' which was the mission's second target for use of the rover's sample-collecting drill.
Concretions at 'Cumberland'
Full Resolution:     TIFF (5.791 MB)     JPEG (309.1 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2013-06-05 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
Navcam (MSL)
This image produced from software used for planning drives of NASA's Mars rover Curiosity depicts the location and size of the rover when it was driven into position for drilling into rock target 'Cumberland.'
Position of Curiosity for Drilling at 'Cumberland'
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Add Image to Favorite List 2013-06-05 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
This map shows where NASA's Mars rover Curiosity landed in August 2012 at 'Bradbury Landing.' All of these features are inside Gale Crater. Curiosity's next major destination, the entry point to the base of Mount Sharp.
From 'Glenelg' to Mount Sharp
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Add Image to Favorite List 2013-05-30 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
NASA's Curiosity rover found evidence for an ancient, flowing stream on Mars at a few sites, including a rock which the science team has named 'Hottah' after Hottah Lake in Canada's Northwest Territories. 3-D glasses are needed.
Evidence About a Martian Streambed (Stereo)
Full Resolution:     TIFF (8.441 MB)     JPEG (394.8 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2013-05-30 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
NASA's Curiosity rover found evidence for an ancient, flowing stream on Mars at a few sites, including a rock which the science team has named 'Hottah' after Hottah Lake in Canada's Northwest Territories.
Remnants of Ancient Streambed on Mars (White-Balanced View)
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Add Image to Favorite List 2013-05-30 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
This graphic compares the radiation dose equivalent for several types of experiences, including a calculation for a trip from Earth to Mars based on measurements made by the RAD instrument shielded inside NASA's Mars Science Laboratory spacecraft.
Comparison of Some Radiation Exposures to Mars-Trip Level
Full Resolution:     TIFF (15.72 MB)     JPEG (635.4 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2013-05-30 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
This graph based on data from the RAD instrument onboard NASA's Mars Science Laboratory spacecraft shows the flux of energetic particles (vertical axis) as a function of the estimated energy deposited in water (horizontal axis).
Calculating Radiation Dose for Biological Tissue
Full Resolution:     TIFF (11.9 MB)     JPEG (547.9 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2013-05-30 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
This graphic shows the level of natural radiation detected by the Radiation Assessment Detector shielded inside NASA's Mars Science Laboratory on the trip from Earth to Mars from December 2011 to July 2012.
Radiation Measurements During Trip From Earth to Mars
Full Resolution:     TIFF (10.87 MB)     JPEG (368.4 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2013-05-30 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
This illustration depicts the two main types of radiation that NASA's Radiation Assessment Detector (RAD) onboard Curiosity monitors, and how the magnetic field around Earth affects the radiation in space near Earth.
Sources of Ionizing Radiation in Interplanetary Space
Full Resolution:     TIFF (1.35 MB)     JPEG (59.08 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2013-05-21 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
This self-portrait of NASA's Mars rover Curiosity combines dozens of exposures to show gray-powder and two holes where Curiosity used its drill on the rock target 'John Klein.'
Updated Curiosity Self-Portrait at 'John Klein'
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Add Image to Favorite List 2013-05-20 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
NASA's Mars rover Curiosity drilled into this rock target, 'Cumberland,' during the 279th Martian day, or sol, of the rover's work on Mars (May 19, 2013) and collected a powdered sample of material from the rock's interior.
'Cumberland' Target Drilled by Curiosity
Full Resolution:     TIFF (5.757 MB)     JPEG (448.7 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2013-05-20 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
This image from the Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI) on NASA's Mars rover Curiosity shows the rock target 'Cumberland' before and after Curiosity drilled into it to collect a sample for analysis.
Before-and-After Blink of 'Cumberland' Drilling Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (659.1 kB)     JPEG (72.1 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2013-05-16 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
Hazcam (MSL)
NASA's Mars rover Curiosity used its front left Hazard-Avoidance Camera for this image of the rover's arm over the drilling target 'Cumberland' during the 275th Martian day, or sol, of the rover's work on Mars (May 15, 2013).
Curiosity at 'Cumberland'
Full Resolution:     TIFF (1.05 MB)     JPEG (140.1 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2013-05-09 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
'Cumberland' has been selected as the second target for drilling by NASA's Mars rover Curiosity. The rover has the capability to collect powdered material from inside the target rock and analyze that powder with laboratory instruments.
'Cumberland' Target for Drilling by Curiosity Mars Rover
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Add Image to Favorite List 2013-04-23 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
Navcam (MSL)
The left and right eyes of the Navigation Camera (Navcam) in NASA's Curiosity Mars rover took the dozens of images combined into this 3-D scene of the rover and its surroundings.
Mars Stereo View from "John Klein" to Mount Sharp
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Add Image to Favorite List 2013-04-23 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
Navcam (MSL)
In the center foreground, NASA's Curiosity rover's arm holds the tool turret above a target called 'Wernecke' on the 'John Klein' patch of pale-veined mudstone.
Mars Stereo View from "John Klein" to Mount Sharp (Raw)
Full Resolution:     TIFF (78.14 MB)     JPEG (2.325 MB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2013-04-12 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
Navcam (MSL)
NASA's Curiosity Mars rover targeted the laser of the ChemCam instrument with remarkable accuracy for assessing the composition of the wall of a drilled hole and tailings that resulted from the drilling.
Accurate Pointing by Curiosity
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Add Image to Favorite List 2013-04-08 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
This diagram illustrates how the Dynamic Albedo of Neutrons (DAN) instrument on NASA's Curiosity Mars rover detects hydrogen in the ground beneath the rover.
Physics of How DAN on Curiosity Checks for Water, Part 2
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Add Image to Favorite List 2013-04-08 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
This diagram illustrates how the Dynamic Albedo of Neutrons (DAN) instrument on NASA's Curiosity Mars rover detects hydrogen in the ground beneath the rover.
Physics of How DAN on Curiosity Checks for Water, Part 1
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Add Image to Favorite List 2013-04-08 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
This graphic tracks the maximum relative humidity and the temperature at which that maximum occurred each Martian day, or sol, for about one-fourth of a Martian year, as measured by REMS on NASA's Curiosity Mars rover.
Humidity in Gale Crater: Scant and Variable
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Add Image to Favorite List 2013-04-08 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
The Rover Environmental Monitoring Station (REMS) on NASA's Curiosity Mars rover has detected dozens of whirlwinds, or vortex events, causing brief dips in atmospheric pressure, and sometimes other measurable effects.
Whirlwind Detection by Curiosity in Gale Crater
Full Resolution:     TIFF (1.707 MB)     JPEG (69.34 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2013-04-08 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
This pair of graphs shows about one-fourth of a Martian year's record of temperatures (in degrees Celsius) measured by the Rover Environmental Monitoring Station (REMS) on NASA's Curiosity rover.
Steady Temperatures at Mars' Gale Crater
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Add Image to Favorite List 2013-04-08 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
This graph shows about one-fourth of a Martian year's pattern atmospheric pressure at the surface of Mars, as measured by the Rover Environmental Monitoring Station on NASA's Curiosity rover.
Seasonal Pressure Curve Peaks at Gale Crater
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Add Image to Favorite List 2013-04-08 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
This diagram shows how materials analyzed by the ChemCam instrument on NASA's Curiosity Mars rover during the first 100 Martian days of the mission differed with regard to hydrogen content (horizontal axis) and alkali (vertical axis).
Curiosity's ChemCam Analyzes Rocks, Soils and Dust
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Add Image to Favorite List 2013-04-08 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
The ChemCam instrument on NASA's Curiosity Mars rover fired its laser 50 times at its onboard graphite target showing spectral measurements from the first shot, which hit dust on the target, compared to spectral measurements of from the 50th shot.
Dust Detection by Curiosity's ChemCam
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Add Image to Favorite List 2013-04-08 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
This pair of images taken a few minutes apart show how laser firing by NASA's Mars rover Curiosity removes dust from the surface of a rock. The images were taken by the remote micro-imager camera in the laser-firing Chemistry and Camera (ChemCam).
Curiosity's ChemCam Removes Dust
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Add Image to Favorite List 2013-04-08 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
This image, made by the quadrupole mass spectrometer in the SAM suite of instruments in NASA's Curiosity Mars rover. shows the ratio of the argon isotope argon-36 to the heavier argon isotope argon-38, in various measurements.
Argon Isotopes Provide Robust Signature of Atmospheric Loss
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Add Image to Favorite List 2013-04-08 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
As the Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) suite of instruments on NASA's Curiosity Mars rover heats a sample, gases are released (or 'evolved') from the sample and can be identified using SAM's quadrupole mass spectrometer.
Major Volatiles Released from the Fourth 'John Klein' Portion
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Add Image to Favorite List 2013-04-08 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
This illustration shows the instruments and subsystems of the Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) suite on the Curiosity Rover of NASA's Mars Science Laboratory Project. SAM analyzes the gases in the Martian atmosphere.
The SAM Suite
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Add Image to Favorite List 2013-04-08 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
This image shows the first holes into rock drilled by NASA's Mars rover Curiosity, with drill tailings around the holes plus piles of powdered rock collected from the deeper hole and later discarded.
Dust from Mars Drilling: Tailings and Discard Piles
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Add Image to Favorite List 2013-04-03 Mars Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO)
Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
This image from NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter shows wind-caused changes in the parachute of NASA's Mars Science Laboratory spacecraft as the chute lay on the Martian ground during months after its use in safe landing of the Curiosity rover.
MSL's Parachute Flapping in the Wind Animation Icon
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Add Image to Favorite List 2013-03-25 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
Navcam (MSL)
This view of Curiosity's left-front and left-center wheels and of marks made by wheels on the ground in the 'Yellowknife Bay' area comes from one of six cameras used on Mars for the first time more than six months after the rover landed.
View From Camera Not Used During Curiosity's First Six Months on Mars
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Add Image to Favorite List 2013-03-18 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
Dynamic Albedo of Neutrons
The Dynamic Albedo of Neutrons (DAN) instrument on NASA's Mars rover Curiosity took measurement on a rock outcrop (Spot 39) and on loose soil (Spot 40) within the 'Yellowknife Bay' area of Mars' Gale Crater.
Variation in Subsurface Water In 'Yellowknife Bay'
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Add Image to Favorite List 2013-03-18 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
Dynamic Albedo of Neutrons
This set of graphs shows variation in the amount and the depth of water detected beneath NASA's Mars rover Curiosity by use of the rover's Dynamic Albedo of Neutrons (DAN) instrument at different points the rover has driven.
Variation in Water Content in Martian Subsurface Along Curiosity's Traverse
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Add Image to Favorite List 2013-03-18 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
Dynamic Albedo of Neutrons
The Dynamic Albedo of Neutrons (DAN) instrument on NASA's Mars rover Curiosity detects even very small amounts of water in the ground beneath the rover, primarily water bound into the crystal structure of hydrated minerals.
Two Types of Modeling of Subsurface Water
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Add Image to Favorite List 2013-03-18 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
Dynamic Albedo of Neutrons
This chart graphs measurements made by the Dynamic Albedo of Neutrons (DAN) instrument on NASA's Mars rover Curiosity against the distance the rover has driven, in meters.
Variations of DAN Measurements Along Curiosity Traverse
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Add Image to Favorite List 2013-03-18 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
This set of images illustrates how the science filters of the Mast Camera (Mastcam) on NASA's Mars rover Curiosity can be used to investigate aspects of the composition and mineralogy of materials on Mars.
Comparing Mastcam and Laboratory Spectra
Full Resolution:     TIFF (2.979 MB)     JPEG (105.7 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2013-03-18 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
This set of images illustrates how the science filters of the Mast Camera (Mastcam) on NASA's Mars rover Curiosity can be used to investigate aspects of the composition and mineralogy of materials on Mars.
Drill Hole Image and Spectra Acquired by Mastcam
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Add Image to Favorite List 2013-03-18 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
The Mast Camera (Mastcam) on NASA's Mars rover Curiosity showed researchers interesting internal color in this rock called 'Sutton_Inlier,' which was broken by the rover driving over it.
Bluish Color in Broken Rock in 'Yellowknife Bay'
Full Resolution:     TIFF (3.821 MB)     JPEG (219.4 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2013-03-18 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
The Mast Camera (Mastcam) on NASA's Mars rover Curiosity showed researchers interesting color and patterns in this unnamed rock.
Bluish-Black Rock with White 'Crystals' on Mars
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Add Image to Favorite List 2013-03-18 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
This image of terrain inside Mars' Gale Crater and the calibration target for Mastcam on NASA's Mars rover Curiosity illustrate how false color can be used to make differences more evident in the materials in the scene.
Using False Color from Curiosity's Mast Camera
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Add Image to Favorite List 2013-03-18 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
NASA's rover Curiosity uses its calibration target for the Mastcam to approximate colors we would see on Mars, using the known colors of materials on the target.
Using Curiosity's Mast Camera to View Scene in 'Natural' Color
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Add Image to Favorite List 2013-03-18 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
These three versions of the same image taken by the Mast Camera (Mastcam) on NASA's Mars rover Curiosity illustrate different choices that scientists can make in presenting the colors recorded by the camera.
'Raw,' 'Natural' and 'White-Balanced' Views of Martian Terrain
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Add Image to Favorite List 2013-03-18 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
The color cameras on NASA's Mars rover Curiosity, including the pair that make up the rover's Mastcam instrument, use the same type of Bayer pattern RGB filter as found in typical commercial color cameras.
Filters for Color Imaging and for Science
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Add Image to Favorite List 2013-03-18 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
This set of images illustrates the twin cameras of the Mastcam instrument on NASA's Curiosity Mars rover (upper left), the Mastcam calibration target (lower center), and the locations of the cameras and target on the rover.
Mast Camera and Its Calibration Target on Curiosity Rover
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Add Image to Favorite List 2013-03-18 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
NASA's rover Curiosity took this close-up view of 'Tintina' showing interesting linear textures in the bright white material on the rock.
Close-up View of Broken Mars Rock 'Tintina'
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Add Image to Favorite List 2013-03-18 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
On this image of the broken rock called 'Tintina,' color coding maps the amount of mineral hydration indicated by a ratio of near-infrared reflectance intensities measured by the Mastcam on NASA's Mars rover Curiosity.
Hydration Map, Based on Mastcam Spectra, for broken rock 'Tintina'
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Add Image to Favorite List 2013-03-18 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
This raw image of 'Tintina,' a broken rock fragment in a rover wheel track, was taken by Curiosity's Mast Camera (Mastcam).
Rock "Tintina" Exposes "Yellowknife Bay" Vein Material
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Add Image to Favorite List 2013-03-18 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
On this image of the rock target 'Knorr,' color coding maps the amount of mineral hydration indicated by a ratio of near-infrared reflectance intensities measured by the Mastcam on NASA's Mars rover Curiosity.
Hydration Map, Based on Mastcam Spectra, for 'Knorr' Rock Target
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Add Image to Favorite List 2013-03-18 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
At different locations on the surface of the same rock, scientists can use the Mast Camera (Mastcam) on NASA's Mars rover Curiosity to measure the amount of reflected light at a series of different wavelengths.
Indication of Hydration in Veins and Nodules of 'Knorr' in 'Yellowknife Bay'
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Add Image to Favorite List 2013-03-18 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
Light-toned nodules and veins of a patch of sedimentary rock called 'Knorr' are visible in this image from NASA's Mars rover Curiosity.
Veins and Nodules at 'Knorr' Target in 'Yellowknife Bay' of Gale Crater
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Add Image to Favorite List 2013-03-18 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer (MSL)
This graphic presents results from APXS onboard NASA's rover Curiosity, with the comparisons simplified across diverse elements by dividing the amount of each element measured in the rocks by the amount of the same element in a local soil.
Elemental Compositions of 'Yellowknife Bay' Rocks
Full Resolution:     TIFF (6.663 MB)     JPEG (161.1 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2013-03-18 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
The gray area in center of this image is where the Dust Removal Tool on NASA's Mars rover Curiosity brushed a rock target called 'Wernecke.' The brushing revealed dark nodules and white veins crisscrossing the light gray rock.
Target 'Wernecke' After Brushing by Curiosity
Full Resolution:     TIFF (100 MB)     JPEG (3.064 MB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2013-03-15 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
This mosaic of images from the Mastcam onboard NASA's Mars rover Curiosity shows Mount Sharp in raw color. Raw color shows the scene's colors as they would look in a typical smart-phone camera photo, before any adjustment.
Mount Sharp Panorama in Raw Colors
Full Resolution:     TIFF (88.31 MB)     JPEG (1.377 MB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2013-03-15 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
This mosaic of images from the Mast Camera (Mastcam) on NASA's Mars rover Curiosity shows Mount Sharp in a white-balanced color adjustment that makes the sky look overly blue but shows the terrain as if under Earth-like lighting.
Mount Sharp Panorama in White-Balanced Colors
Full Resolution:     TIFF (88.26 MB)     JPEG (2.085 MB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2013-03-12 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
NASA's Curiosity rover has detected the simple carbon-containing compounds chloro- and dichloromethane from the powdered rock sample extracted from the 'John Klein' rock on Mars.
Chlorinated Forms of Methane at "John Klein" Site
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Add Image to Favorite List 2013-03-12 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
An analysis of a drilled rock sample from NASA's Curiosity rover shows the presence of water, carbon dioxide, oxygen, sulfur dioxide, and hydrogen sulfide released on heating.
Major Gases Released from Drilled Samples of the "John Klein" Rock
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Add Image to Favorite List 2013-03-12 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
Panoramic Camera
This set of images shows the results from the rock abrasion tool from NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity (left) and the drill from NASA's Curiosity rover (right).
Studying Habitability in Ancient Martian Environments
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Add Image to Favorite List 2013-03-12 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
Panoramic Camera
This set of images compares rocks seen by NASA's Opportunity rover and Curiosity rover at two different parts of Mars.
Two Different Aqueous Environments
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Add Image to Favorite List 2013-03-12 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
This false-color map shows the area within Gale Crater on Mars, where NASA's Curiosity rover landed on Aug. 5, 2012 PDT (Aug. 6, 2012 EDT) and the location where Curiosity collected its first drilled sample at the 'John Klein' rock.
Location of John Klein Drill Site
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Add Image to Favorite List 2013-03-12 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
These images, made from data obtained by Curiosity's CheMin, show the patterns obtained from a drift of windblown dust and sand called 'Rocknest' and from a powdered rock sample drilled from the 'John Klein' bedrock.
Minerals at 'Rocknest' and 'John Klein'
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Add Image to Favorite List 2013-02-25 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
NASA's Mars rover Curiosity has delivered sample portions of rock powder collected from the interior of a rock on Mars into laboratory instruments inside the rover.
Check-up Image After Delivering Martian Rock Powder
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Add Image to Favorite List 2013-02-20 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
NASA's Curiosity rover shows the first sample of powdered rock extracted by the rover's drill. The image was taken after the sample was transferred from the drill to the rover's scoop.
First Curiosity Drilling Sample in the Scoop
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Add Image to Favorite List 2013-02-20 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
The development of the Mars rover Curiosity's capabilities for drilling into a rock on Mars required years of development work. Seen here are some of the rocks used in bit development testing and lifespan testing at JPL in 2007.
Preparation on Earth for Drilling on Mars
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Add Image to Favorite List 2013-02-20 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
Panoramic Camera
This set of images from Mars shows the handiwork of different tools on three NASA missions to the surface of Mars.
Different Tools for Different Purposes on Mars
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These schematic drawings show a top view and a cutaway view of a section of the drill on NASA's Curiosity rover on Mars.
Views of Curiosity's Drill
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Add Image to Favorite List 2013-02-20 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
This figure shows the location of CHIMRA on the turret of NASA's Curiosity rover, together with a cutaway view of the device. CHIMRA processes samples from the rover's scoop or drill and delivers them to science instruments.
Preparing Samples on Mars
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Add Image to Favorite List 2013-02-20 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
This image shows the location of the 150-micrometer sieve screen on NASA's Mars rover Curiosity, a device used to remove larger particles from samples before delivery to science instruments.
Sifting Martian Samples
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Add Image to Favorite List 2013-02-20 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
This image from the Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI) on NASA's Mars rover Curiosity shows details of rock texture and color in an area where the rover's Dust Removal Tool (DRT) brushed away dust that was on the rock.
Zapped, Martian Rock
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Add Image to Favorite List 2013-02-20 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
From a position in the shallow 'Yellowknife Bay' depression, NASA's Mars rover Curiosity used its right Mast Camera (Mastcam) to take the telephoto images combined into this panorama of geological diversity.
Setting the Scene for Curiosity's First Drilling
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Add Image to Favorite List 2013-02-13 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
A day after NASA's Mars rover Curiosity drilled the first sample-collection hole into a rock on Mars, the rover's Chemistry and Camera (ChemCam) instrument shot laser pulses into the fresh rock powder that the drilling generated.
Laser Hits on Martian Drill Tailings
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Add Image to Favorite List 2013-02-09 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
Hazcam (MSL)
This frame from a set of three images from NASA's Curiosity rover shows the rover's drill in action on Feb. 8, 2013, or Sol 182, Curiosity's 182nd Martian day of operations.
Ready, Set, Drill Animation Icon
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Add Image to Favorite List 2013-02-09 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
At the center of this image from NASA's Curiosity rover is the hole in a rock called 'John Klein' where the rover conducted its first sample drilling on Mars.
Curiosity's First Sample Drilling
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Add Image to Favorite List 2013-02-09 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
NASA's Mars rover Curiosity used its Mast Camera (Mastcam) to take the images combined into this mosaic of the drill area, called 'John Klein,' where the rover ultimately performed its first sample drilling.
Investigating Curiosity's Drill Area
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Add Image to Favorite List 2013-02-07 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
This rectangular version of a self-portrait of NASA's Mars rover Curiosity combines dozens of exposures taken by the rover's Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI) during the 177th Martian day, or sol, of Curiosity's work on Mars (Feb. 3, 2013).
Curiosity Rover's Self Portrait at 'John Klein' Drilling Site, Cropped
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The rover is positioned at a patch of flat outcrop called 'John Klein,' which was selected as the site for the first rock-drilling activities by NASA's Curiosity. This self-portrait was acquired to document the drilling site.
Curiosity Rover's Self Portrait at 'John Klein' Drilling Site
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Add Image to Favorite List 2013-02-07 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
A blink pair of images taken before and after NASA's Curiosity performed a 'mini drill' test on a Martian rock shows changes resulting from that activity.
Before-and-After Blink of Curiosity 'Mini Drill' into Mars Rock Animation Icon
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Add Image to Favorite List 2013-02-07 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
After an activity called the 'mini drill test' by NASA's Mars rover Curiosity, the rover's MAHLI camera recorded this view of the results. The test generated a ring of powdered rock for inspection in advance of the rover's first full drilling.
Close-Up After Preparatory Test of Drilling on Mars
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Add Image to Favorite List 2013-02-07 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
In an activity called the 'mini drill test,' NASA's Mars rover Curiosity used its drill to generate this ring of powdered rock for inspection in advance of the rover's first full drilling.
Preparatory Test of Drilling on Mars Generates Rock Powder
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Add Image to Favorite List 2013-02-04 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
The bit in the rotary-percussion drill of NASA's Mars rover Curiosity left its mark in a target patch of rock called 'John Klein' during a test on Feb. 2, 2013, in preparation for the first drilling of a rock by the rover.
Preparatory Test for First Rock Drilling by Mars Rover Curiosity
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Add Image to Favorite List 2013-02-04 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
This head-on view shows the tip of the drill bit on NASA's Mars rover Curiosity. The view merges two exposures taken by the remote micro-imager in the rover's ChemCam instrument at different focus settings.
Drill Bit Tip on Mars Rover Curiosity, Head-on View
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Add Image to Favorite List 2013-02-04 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
The shape of the tip of the bit in the drill of NASA's Mars rover Curiosity is apparent in this view recorded by the remote micro-imager in the rover's ChemCam instrument on Mars. Jan. 29, 2012; the bit is about 0.6 inch (1.6 centimeters) wide.
Drill Bit Tip on Mars Rover Curiosity, Side View
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Add Image to Favorite List 2013-01-28 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
Hazcam (MSL)
The percussion drill in the turret of tools at the end of the robotic arm of NASA's Mars rover Curiosity has been positioned in contact with the rock surface in this image from the rover's front Hazard-Avoidance Camera (Hazcam).
Curiosity's Drill in Place for Load Testing Before Drilling
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Add Image to Favorite List 2013-01-24 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
Illumination in this image comes from MAHLI's two ultraviolet LEDs, which emit light in a waveband centered at a wavelength of 365 nanometers in this image of a calibration target on NASA's Mars rover Curiosity.
First Night Image of MAHLI Calibration Target Under Ultraviolet Lights
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Add Image to Favorite List 2013-01-24 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
For scale, the Lincoln penny on the MAHLI calibration target is three-fourths inch (19 millimeters) in diameter. The calibration target is mounted on NASA's Mars rover Curiosity.
First Night Image of MAHLI Calibration Target in White Lighting
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