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Add Image to Favorite List 2010-04-30 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Panoramic Camera
NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity used its panoramic camera (Pancam) to capture this view approximately true-color view of the rim of Endeavour crater, the rover's destination in a multi-year traverse along the sandy Martian landscape.
Endeavour on the Horizon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (8.215 MB)     JPEG (206.9 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2010-04-30 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Panoramic Camera
NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity used its panoramic camera (Pancam) to capture this false-color view of the rim of Endeavour crater, the rover's destination in a multi-year traverse along the sandy Martian landscape.
Endeavour on the Horizon (False Color)
Full Resolution:     TIFF (8.215 MB)     JPEG (403.4 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2010-03-24 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Panoramic Camera
NASA's Mars Exploration Rover used its panoramic camera to record this view of the rim of a crater about 65 kilometers (40 miles) in the distance, on the southwestern horizon. This crater, Bopolu, is about 19 kilometers (12 miles) in diameter.
Rim of Bopolu Crater Far to the Southwest of Opportunity
Full Resolution:     TIFF (4.805 MB)     JPEG (93.74 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2010-03-24 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Panoramic Camera
This image from the panoramic camera on NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity shows a rock called 'Chocolate Hills,' which the rover found and examined at the edge of a young crater called 'Concepción.'
Rock with Odd Coating Beside a Young Martian Crater
Full Resolution:     TIFF (3.132 MB)     JPEG (132.7 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2010-03-24 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Panoramic Camera
This false color image from the panoramic camera on NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity shows a rock called 'Chocolate Hills,' which the rover found and examined at the edge of a young crater called 'Concepción.'
Rock with Odd Coating Beside a Young Martian Crater, False Color
Full Resolution:     TIFF (3.132 MB)     JPEG (192.1 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2010-03-24 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Microscopic Imager
This image from the microscopic imager on NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity shows details of the coating on a rock called 'Chocolate Hills,' which the rover found and examined at the edge of a young crater called 'Concepción.'
Coating on Rock Beside a Young Martian Crater
Full Resolution:     TIFF (2.68 MB)     JPEG (116.2 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2010-03-23 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Panoramic Camera
This true-color image is the result of the first observation of a target selected autonomously by NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity using newly developed and uploaded software named Autonomous Exploration for Gathering Increased Science, or AEGIS.
First Image from a Mars Rover Choosing a Target
Full Resolution:     TIFF (787.5 kB)     JPEG (51.06 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2010-03-23 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Panoramic Camera
This image is the result of the first observation of a target selected autonomously by NASA's Opportunity using newly developed and uploaded software called AEGIS. The false color makes some differences between materials easier to see.
First Image from a Mars Rover Choosing a Target, False Color
Full Resolution:     TIFF (787.5 kB)     JPEG (66.88 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2010-03-23 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Navigation Camera
NASA's Opportunity used newly developed and uploaded software called AEGIS, to analyze images to identify features that best matched criteria for selecting an observation target; the criteria in this image -- rocks that are larger and darker than others.
Image Analyzed by Mars Rover for Selection of Target
Full Resolution:     TIFF (1.051 MB)     JPEG (166.4 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2010-02-16 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Panoramic Camera
This false-color image, taken by the panoramic camera on NASA's rover Opportunity, shows the rock 'Chocolate Hills,' perched on the rim of the 10-meter (33-foot) wide 'Concepcion' crater. This rock has a thick, dark-colored coating resembling chocolate.
Chocolate Hills Rock
Full Resolution:     TIFF (3.15 MB)     JPEG (223.7 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2010-01-21 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Panoramic Camera
Perched on a rippled Martian plain, a dark rock not much bigger than a basketball was the target of interest for NASA's Opportunity during the past two months; Opportunity's rock abrasion tool brushed dust out of the circular area.
Sample from Deep in Martian Crust: 'Marquette Island'
Full Resolution:     TIFF (3.15 MB)     JPEG (165.4 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-12-01 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Navigation Camera
NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity used the wire brush of its rock abrasion tool to scour dust from a circular target area on a rock called 'Marquette Island.'
Examining 'Marquette Island'
Full Resolution:     TIFF (459.5 kB)     JPEG (61.24 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-12-01 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Navigation Camera
NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity took this picture of a rock informally named 'Marquette Island' as the rover was approaching the rock for investigations that have suggested the rock is a stony meteorite.
Approaching 'Marquette Island'
Full Resolution:     TIFF (1.05 MB)     JPEG (224.9 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-11-04 Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
A screen shot from software used by the Mars Exploration Rover team for assessing movements by Spirit and Opportunity illustrates the degree to which Spirit's wheels have become embedded in soft material at the location called 'Troy.'
Computer Reconstruction of Spirit's Predicament
Full Resolution:     TIFF (2.425 MB)     JPEG (61.47 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-10-13 Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
The total distance driven on Mars by NASA's Mars Exploration Rover, 34.36 kilometers by early December 2011, is approaching the record total for off-Earth driving, held by the robotic Lunokhod 2 rover operated on Earth's moon by the Soviet Union in 1973.
Off-Earth Driving Champs (in Kilometers)
Full Resolution:     TIFF (445.8 kB)     JPEG (72.54 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-10-03 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Navigation Camera
NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity has found a rock that apparently is another meteorite, less than three weeks after driving away from a larger meteorite that the rover examined for six weeks.
Opportunity Finds Another Meteorite
Full Resolution:     TIFF (1.05 MB)     JPEG (96.74 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-08-06 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Panoramic Camera
This view of a rock called 'Block Island,' the largest meteorite yet found on Mars, comes from the panoramic camera (Pancam) on NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity.
'Block Island' Meteorite on Mars, Sol 1961 (False Color)
Full Resolution:     TIFF (14.56 MB)     JPEG (430.1 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-08-06 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Microscopic Imager
NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity used its microscopic imager to get this view of the surface of a rock called 'Block Island' during the 1,963rd Martian day, or sol, of the rover's mission on Mars (Aug. 1, 2009).
Magnified Look at a Meteorite on Mars
Full Resolution:     TIFF (1.05 MB)     JPEG (199.3 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-08-06 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Panoramic Camera
Composition measurements by NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity confirm that this rock on the Martian surface is an iron-nickel meteorite. 3D glasses are necessary to view this image.
'Block Island' Meteorite on Mars, Sol 1961 (Stereo)
Full Resolution:     TIFF (2.356 MB)     JPEG (102.9 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-07-31 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
This is a picture of 'Block Island' an odd-shaped, dark rock, which may be a meteorite.
Block Island Close-up
Full Resolution:     TIFF (1.05 MB)     JPEG (137.9 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-07-31 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
This image of 'Block Island' was taken on July 28, 2009, with the front hazard-identification camera on NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity.
Block Island in Sight
Full Resolution:     TIFF (1.05 MB)     JPEG (102.7 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-07-23 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Navigation Camera
NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity used its navigation camera to take the images combined into this 360-degree cylindrical view of the rover's surroundings on the 1,950th Martian day, or sol, of its surface mission (July 19, 2009).
Opportunity's Surroundings on Sol 1950
Full Resolution:     TIFF (13.2 MB)     JPEG (1.089 MB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-07-23 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Navigation Camera
NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity used its navigation camera to take the images combined into this 360-degree stereo view of the rover's surroundings on July 19, 2009. 3D glasses are necessary to view this image.
Opportunity's Surroundings on Sol 1950 (Stereo)
Full Resolution:     TIFF (50.66 MB)     JPEG (1.35 MB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-07-23 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Navigation Camera
NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity used its navigation camera to take the images combined into this 360-degree vertical view of the rover's surroundings on the 1,950th Martian day, or sol, of its surface mission (July 19, 2009).
Opportunity's Surroundings on Sol 1950 (Vertical)
Full Resolution:     TIFF (16.02 MB)     JPEG (1.143 MB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-07-23 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Navigation Camera
NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity used its navigation camera to take the images combined into this 360-degree polar view of the rover's surroundings on the 1,950th Martian day, or sol, of its surface mission (July 19, 2009).
Opportunity's Surroundings on Sol 1950 (Polar)
Full Resolution:     TIFF (16.87 MB)     JPEG (1.262 MB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-07-15 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Navigation Camera
This view from the navigation camera on NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity shows tracks left by backing out of a wind-formed ripple after the rover's wheels had started to dig too deeply into the dust and sand of the ripple.
Skirting an Obstacle, Opportunity's Sol 1867
Full Resolution:     TIFF (8.23 MB)     JPEG (681.5 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-07-15 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Navigation Camera
NASA's Opportunity had driven 72.3 meters southward (237 feet) that sol. Engineers drove the rover backward as a strategy to counteract an increase in the amount of current drawn by the drive motor of the right-front wheel. This is a cylindric projection.
Opportunity's View After 72-Meter Drive, Sol 1912
Full Resolution:     TIFF (13.24 MB)     JPEG (1.042 MB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-07-15 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Navigation Camera
NASA's Opportunity had driven 72.3 meters southward (237 feet) on June 10. Engineers drove the rover backward as a strategy to counteract an increase in the amount of current drawn by the drive motor of the right-front wheel. 3D glasses are necessary.
Opportunity's View After 72-Meter Drive, Sol 1912 (Stereo)
Full Resolution:     TIFF (50.87 MB)     JPEG (1.249 MB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-07-15 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Navigation Camera
NASA's Opportunity had driven 72.3 meters southward (237 feet) that sol. Engineers drove the rover backward as a strategy to counteract an increase in the amount of current drawn by the drive motor of the right-front wheel. This is a vertical projection.
Opportunity's View After 72-Meter Drive, Sol 1912 (Vertical)
Full Resolution:     TIFF (16.02 MB)     JPEG (1.21 MB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-07-15 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Navigation Camera
NASA's Opportunity had driven 72.3 meters southward (237 feet) that sol. Engineers drove the rover backward as a strategy to counteract an increase in the amount of current drawn by the drive motor of the right-front wheel. This is a polar projection.
Opportunity's View After 72-Meter Drive, Sol 1912 (Polar)
Full Resolution:     TIFF (16.83 MB)     JPEG (1.215 MB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-07-15 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Navigation Camera
NASA's Opportunity had driven 62.5 meters (205 feet) that sol, southward away from an outcrop called 'Penrhyn,' which the rover had been examining for a few sols, and toward a crater called 'Adventure.' This is a cylindrical projection.
Opportunity's Surroundings After Backwards Drive, Sol 1850
Full Resolution:     TIFF (13.23 MB)     JPEG (931.6 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-07-15 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Navigation Camera
NASA's Opportunity had driven 62.5 meters (205 feet) on April 7, 2009, southward away from an outcrop called 'Penrhyn,' which the rover had been examining for a few sols, and toward a crater called 'Adventure.' 3D glasses are necessary to view this image.
Opportunity's Surroundings After Backwards Drive, Sol 1850 (Stereo)
Full Resolution:     TIFF (50.84 MB)     JPEG (1.08 MB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-07-15 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Navigation Camera
NASA's Opportunity had driven 62.5 meters (205 feet) that sol, southward away from an outcrop called 'Penrhyn,' which the rover had been examining for a few sols, and toward a crater called 'Adventure.' This is a vertical projection.
Opportunity's Surroundings After Backwards Drive, Sol 1850 (Vertical)
Full Resolution:     TIFF (16.02 MB)     JPEG (1.151 MB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-07-15 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Navigation Camera
NASA's Opportunity had driven 62.5 meters (205 feet) that sol, southward away from an outcrop called 'Penrhyn,' which the rover had been examining for a few sols, and toward a crater called 'Adventure.' This is a polar projection.
Opportunity's Surroundings After Backwards Drive, Sol 1850 (Polar)
Full Resolution:     TIFF (16.75 MB)     JPEG (1.095 MB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-05-19 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Microscopic Imager
On May 18, 2009, NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity used its microscopic imager camera to take a picture of its underside. Though out-of-focus, shown are the rover wheels and underside of the rover.
Opportunity Photographs Her Underbelly
Full Resolution:     TIFF (1.05 MB)     JPEG (110.1 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-03-23 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
This image taken on March 13, 2009 by the front hazard-avoidance camera on NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity shows the rover's arm extended to examine the composition of a rock using the alpha particle X-ray spectrometer.
Opportunity Examining Composition of 'Cook Islands' Outcrop
Full Resolution:     TIFF (262.6 kB)     JPEG (32.94 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-03-23 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Navigation Camera
NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity took images combined into this cylindrical full-circle view of Mars' Meridiani Planum region includes dark-toned sand ripples and small exposures of lighter-toned bedrock during March 12, 2009.
Opportunity at 'Cook Islands'
Full Resolution:     TIFF (13.38 MB)     JPEG (967.1 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-03-23 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Navigation Camera
NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity combined images into this stereo, 360-degree view of the rover's surroundings on March 12, 2009. 'Cook Islands' is visible just below center of this image. 3D glasses are necessary to view this image.
Opportunity at 'Cook Islands' (Stereo)
Full Resolution:     TIFF (51.59 MB)     JPEG (1.162 MB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-03-23 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Navigation Camera
NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity took images combined into this polar full-circle view of Mars' Meridiani Planum region includes dark-toned sand ripples and small exposures of lighter-toned bedrock during March 12, 2009.
Opportunity at 'Cook Islands' (Polar)
Full Resolution:     TIFF (16.77 MB)     JPEG (1.106 MB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-03-23 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Navigation Camera
NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity took images combined into this vertical full-circle view of Mars' Meridiani Planum region includes dark-toned sand ripples and small exposures of lighter-toned bedrock during March 12, 2009.
Opportunity at 'Cook Islands' (Vertical)
Full Resolution:     TIFF (16.02 MB)     JPEG (948.2 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-03-23 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Navigation Camera
NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity took images combined into this cylindrical full-circle view of Mars' Meridiani Planum region includes dark-toned sand ripples and small exposures of lighter-toned bedrock during Feb. 13, 2009.
Opportunity's Surroundings on Sol 1798
Full Resolution:     TIFF (4.212 MB)     JPEG (394.7 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-03-23 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Navigation Camera
NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity used its navigation camera to take the images combined into this stereo 180-degree view on Feb. 13, 2009. 3D glasses are necessary to view this image.
Opportunity's Surroundings on Sol 1798 (Stereo)
Full Resolution:     TIFF (14.84 MB)     JPEG (449.3 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-03-23 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Navigation Camera
NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity took images combined into this polar half-circle view of Mars' Meridiani Planum region includes dark-toned sand ripples and small exposures of lighter-toned bedrock during March 5, 2009.
Opportunity's Surroundings on Sol 1798 (Polar)
Full Resolution:     TIFF (17.11 MB)     JPEG (645.9 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-03-23 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Navigation Camera
NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity took images combined into this vertical half-circle view of Mars' Meridiani Planum region includes dark-toned sand ripples and small exposures of lighter-toned bedrock during March 5, 2009.
Opportunity's Surroundings on Sol 1798 (Vertical)
Full Resolution:     TIFF (16.02 MB)     JPEG (609.2 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-03-23 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Navigation Camera
NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity took images combined into this cylindrical full-circle view of Mars' Meridiani Planum region includes dark-toned sand ripples and small exposures of lighter-toned bedrock during March 5, 2009.
Opportunity's Surroundings on Sol 1818
Full Resolution:     TIFF (13.19 MB)     JPEG (800.1 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-03-23 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Navigation Camera
NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity used its navigation camera to take the images combined into this stereo 180-degree view on March 5, 2009. 3D glasses are necessary to view this image.
Opportunity's Surroundings on Sol 1818 (Stereo)
Full Resolution:     TIFF (50.64 MB)     JPEG (970 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-03-23 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Navigation Camera
NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity took images combined into this polar full-circle view of Mars' Meridiani Planum region includes dark-toned sand ripples and small exposures of lighter-toned bedrock during March 5, 2009.
Opportunity's Surroundings on Sol 1818 (Polar)
Full Resolution:     TIFF (17.07 MB)     JPEG (939 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-03-23 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Navigation Camera
NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity took images combined into this vertical full-circle view of Mars' Meridiani Planum region includes dark-toned sand ripples and small exposures of lighter-toned bedrock during March 7-9, 2009.
Opportunity's Surroundings on Sol 1818 (Vertical)
Full Resolution:     TIFF (16.02 MB)     JPEG (778.4 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-03-23 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Navigation Camera
NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity took images combined into this cylindrical full-circle view of Mars' Meridiani Planum region includes dark-toned sand ripples and small exposures of lighter-toned bedrock during March 7-9, 2009.
Opportunity's Surroundings After Sol 1820 Drive
Full Resolution:     TIFF (13.97 MB)     JPEG (1.053 MB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-03-23 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Navigation Camera
NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity used its navigation camera to take the images combined into this stereo 180-degree view on March 7-9, 2009. 3D glasses are necessary to view this image.
Opportunity's Surroundings After Sol 1820 Drive (Stereo)
Full Resolution:     TIFF (54.82 MB)     JPEG (1.314 MB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-03-23 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Navigation Camera
NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity took images combined into this polar full-circle view of Mars' Meridiani Planum region includes dark-toned sand ripples and small exposures of lighter-toned bedrock during March 7-9, 2009.
Opportunity's Surroundings After Sol 1820 Drive (Polar)
Full Resolution:     TIFF (16.9 MB)     JPEG (1.159 MB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-03-23 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Navigation Camera
NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity took images combined into this vertical full-circle view of Mars' Meridiani Planum region includes dark-toned sand ripples and small exposures of lighter-toned bedrock during March 7-9, 2009.
Opportunity's Surroundings After Sol 1820 Drive (Vertical)
Full Resolution:     TIFF (16.02 MB)     JPEG (944.5 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-03-18 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Panoramic Camera
A western portion of Endeavour Crater is visible on the horizon of this image taken by NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity on March 7, 2009.
West Rim of Endeavour and a Farther Crater's Rim on Horizon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (78.1 kB)     JPEG (5.729 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-03-18 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Panoramic Camera
A high point on the distant eastern rim of Endeavour Crater is visible on the horizon of this image taken by NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity on March 8, 2009.
East Rim of Endeavour Crater on Horizon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (50.85 kB)     JPEG (3.983 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-03-18 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Panoramic Camera
A northern portion of the rim of Endeavour Crater is visible on the horizon of this image taken by NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity on March 7, 2009.
North Rim of Endeavour Crater on Horizon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (61.54 kB)     JPEG (5.746 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-03-03 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Navigation Camera
This cylindrical projection image from NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity shows tracks from the drive extend northward across dark-toned sand ripples and light-toned patches of exposed bedrock in the Meridiani Planum region of Mars.
Wind-Sculpted Vicinity After Opportunity's Sol 1797 Drive
Full Resolution:     TIFF (13.45 MB)     JPEG (946 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-03-03 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Navigation Camera
This stereo mosaic of images from NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity shows surroundings of the rover's location following an 111 meters (364 feet) drive east-northeastward on Feb. 12, 2009. 3D glasses are necessary to view this image.
Wind-Sculpted Vicinity After Opportunity's Sol 1797 Drive (Stereo)
Full Resolution:     TIFF (51.98 MB)     JPEG (1.099 MB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-03-03 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Navigation Camera
This polar projection image from NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity shows tracks from the drive extend northward across dark-toned sand ripples and light-toned patches of exposed bedrock in the Meridiani Planum region of Mars.
Wind-Sculpted Vicinity After Opportunity's Sol 1797 Drive (Polar)
Full Resolution:     TIFF (17.13 MB)     JPEG (1.073 MB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-03-03 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Navigation Camera
This vertical projection image from NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity shows tracks from the drive extend northward across dark-toned sand ripples and light-toned patches of exposed bedrock in the Meridiani Planum region of Mars.
Wind-Sculpted Vicinity After Opportunity's Sol 1797 Drive (Vertical)
Full Resolution:     TIFF (16.02 MB)     JPEG (1.033 MB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-03-03 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Navigation Camera
This cylindrical projection image from NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity shows tracks from the drive extend northward across dark-toned sand ripples and light-toned patches of exposed bedrock in the Meridiani Planum region of Mars.
Opportunity's View After Drive on Sol 1806
Full Resolution:     TIFF (13.62 MB)     JPEG (1.074 MB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-03-03 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Navigation Camera
NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity combined images into this full-circle view of the rover's surroundings. Tracks from the rover's drive recede northward across dark-toned sand ripples in the Meridiani Planum region of Mars. You need 3D glasses.
Opportunity's View After Drive on Sol 1806 (Stereo)
Full Resolution:     TIFF (52.91 MB)     JPEG (1.29 MB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-03-03 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Navigation Camera
This polar projection image from NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity shows tracks from the drive extend northward across dark-toned sand ripples and light-toned patches of exposed bedrock in the Meridiani Planum region of Mars.
Opportunity's View After Drive on Sol 1806 (Polar)
Full Resolution:     TIFF (17.26 MB)     JPEG (1.258 MB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-03-03 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Navigation Camera
This vertical projection image from NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity shows tracks from the drive extend northward across dark-toned sand ripples and light-toned patches of exposed bedrock in the Meridiani Planum region of Mars.
Opportunity's View After Drive on Sol 1806 (Vertical)
Full Resolution:     TIFF (16.02 MB)     JPEG (1.157 MB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-03-03 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Navigation Camera
This cylindrical projection image from NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity shows tracks from the drive extend northward across dark-toned sand ripples and light-toned patches of exposed bedrock in the Meridiani Planum region of Mars.
Opportunity's View on Sols 1803 and 1804
Full Resolution:     TIFF (13.07 MB)     JPEG (980.2 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-03-03 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Navigation Camera
NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity combined images into this full-circle view of the rover's surroundings. Tracks from the rover's drive recede northward across dark-toned sand ripples in the Meridiani Planum region of Mars. You need 3D glasses.
Opportunity's View on Sols 1803 and 1804 (Stereo)
Full Resolution:     TIFF (49.98 MB)     JPEG (1.162 MB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-03-03 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Navigation Camera
This polar projection image from NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity shows tracks from the drive extend northward across dark-toned sand ripples and light-toned patches of exposed bedrock in the Meridiani Planum region of Mars.
Opportunity's View on Sols 1803 and 1804 (Polar)
Full Resolution:     TIFF (17.1 MB)     JPEG (1.2 MB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-03-03 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Navigation Camera
This vertical projection image from NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity shows tracks from the drive extend northward across dark-toned sand ripples and light-toned patches of exposed bedrock in the Meridiani Planum region of Mars.
Opportunity's View on Sols 1803 and 1804 (Vertical)
Full Resolution:     TIFF (16.02 MB)     JPEG (1.129 MB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-02-04 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Navigation Camera
This cylindrical projection image from NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity shows tracks from the drive extend northward across dark-toned sand ripples and light-toned patches of exposed bedrock in the Meridiani Planum region of Mars.
Opportunity's View After Long Drive on Sol 1770
Full Resolution:     TIFF (13.67 MB)     JPEG (964.9 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-02-04 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Navigation Camera
This mosaic of images from NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity shows surroundings of the rover's location following a 104 meters (341 feet) drive on Jan. 15, 2009. 3D glasses are necessary.
Opportunity's View After Long Drive on Sol 1770 (Stereo)
Full Resolution:     TIFF (53.17 MB)     JPEG (1.193 MB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-02-04 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Navigation Camera
This polar projection image from NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity shows tracks from the drive extend northward across dark-toned sand ripples and light-toned patches of exposed bedrock in the Meridiani Planum region of Mars.
Opportunity's View After Long Drive on Sol 1770 (Polar)
Full Resolution:     TIFF (16.82 MB)     JPEG (1.11 MB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-02-04 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Navigation Camera
This vertical projection image from NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity shows tracks from the drive extend northward across dark-toned sand ripples and light-toned patches of exposed bedrock in the Meridiani Planum region of Mars.
Opportunity's View After Long Drive on Sol 1770 (Vertical)
Full Resolution:     TIFF (16.02 MB)     JPEG (989.2 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-02-03 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Navigation Camera
This cylindrical image from NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity shows the site within an alcove called 'Duck Bay' in the western portion of Victoria Crater taken in April, 2008.
Opportunity View During Exploration in 'Duck Bay,' Sols 1506-1510
Full Resolution:     TIFF (17.63 MB)     JPEG (1.481 MB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-02-03 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Navigation Camera
This cylindrical image from NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity shows the site within an alcove called 'Duck Bay' in the western portion of Victoria Crater taken in April, 2008.
Opportunity View During Exploration in 'Duck Bay,' Sols 1506-1510 (Stereo)
Full Resolution:     TIFF (80.15 MB)     JPEG (2.041 MB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-02-03 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Navigation Camera
This polar projection image from NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity shows the site within an alcove called 'Duck Bay' in the western portion of Victoria Crater taken in April, 2008.
Opportunity View During Exploration in 'Duck Bay,' Sols 1506-1510 (Polar)
Full Resolution:     TIFF (27.55 MB)     JPEG (1.756 MB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-02-03 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Navigation Camera
This vertical projection image from NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity shows the site within an alcove called 'Duck Bay' in the western portion of Victoria Crater taken in April, 2008.
Opportunity View During Exploration in 'Duck Bay,' Sols 1506-1510 (Vertical)
Full Resolution:     TIFF (16.02 MB)     JPEG (1.191 MB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-01-22 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Navigation Camera
NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity took this vertical projection full-circle view of the rover's surroundings on Sept. 28, 2008. The rover's parallel tracks are in view as is Victoria Crater.
View from West of Victoria Crater, Sol 1664 (Vertical)
Full Resolution:     TIFF (16.02 MB)     JPEG (1.093 MB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-01-22 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Navigation Camera
NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity took this polar projection full-circle view of the rover's surroundings on Sept. 28, 2008. The rover's parallel tracks are in view as is Victoria Crater.
View from West of Victoria Crater, Sol 1664 (Polar)
Full Resolution:     TIFF (16.74 MB)     JPEG (1.258 MB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-01-22 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Navigation Camera
NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity took this full-circle view of the rover's surroundings on Sept. 28, 2008. The rover's parallel tracks are in view as is Victoria Crater.
View from West of Victoria Crater, Sol 1664
Full Resolution:     TIFF (13.25 MB)     JPEG (1.1 MB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-01-22 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Navigation Camera
On September 28, 2008, NASA's Mars rover Opportunity reached this location on the west side of 'Victoria Crater.' 3D glasses are necessary.
View from West of Victoria Crater, Sol 1664 (Stereo)
Full Resolution:     TIFF (50.96 MB)     JPEG (1.302 MB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-01-09 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Panoramic Camera
This image from NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity shows lighter-toned patches of ground ofsulfate-rich bedrock. Darker patches are dark, windblown sand. The metal post in the foreground is the top of Opportunity's low-gain antenna.
Full-Circle "Santorini" Panorama from Opportunity
Full Resolution:     TIFF (277.5 MB)     JPEG (6.889 MB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-01-09 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Panoramic Camera
This image from NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity shows lighter-toned patches of ground ofsulfate-rich bedrock. Darker patches are dark, windblown sand. The metal post in the foreground is the top of Opportunity's low-gain antenna.
Full-Circle "Santorini" Panorama from Opportunity (False Color)
Full Resolution:     TIFF (277.5 MB)     JPEG (11.67 MB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-01-08 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Navigation Camera
This image from NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity gives a view to the northeast from the rover's position on Oct. 18, 2008. Rover tracks are seen on Victoria Crater.
Places to Go, Things to See
Full Resolution:     TIFF (3.372 MB)     JPEG (355.9 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-01-05 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Navigation Camera
This image from NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity gives a view to the northeast from the rover's position on Oct. 22, 2008. Multiple rover tracks are seen on Victoria Crater.
View from Southwest of Victoria Crater
Full Resolution:     TIFF (2.063 MB)     JPEG (205.1 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-01-05 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Navigation Camera
NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity used its navigation camera to take the images combined into this 360-degree view of the rover's surroundings.
Opportunity's Surroundings on Sol 1687
Full Resolution:     TIFF (13.83 MB)     JPEG (1.02 MB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-01-05 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Navigation Camera
NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity to this vertical projection 360-degree view of the its surroundings on Oct. 22, 2008 southwest of Victoria Crater on Mars.
Opportunity's Surroundings on Sol 1687 (Vertical)
Full Resolution:     TIFF (16.02 MB)     JPEG (1.013 MB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-01-05 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Navigation Camera
NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity to this polar projection 360-degree view of the its surroundings on Oct. 22, 2008 southwest of Victoria Crater on Mars.
Opportunity's Surroundings on Sol 1687 (Polar)
Full Resolution:     TIFF (16.83 MB)     JPEG (1.114 MB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-01-05 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Navigation Camera
NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity combined images into this stereo, 360-degree view of the rover's surroundings on Oct. 22, 2008. Opportunity's position was about 300 meters southwest of Victoria. 3D glasses are necessary to view this image.
Opportunity's Surroundings on Sol 1687 (Stereo)
Full Resolution:     TIFF (54.05 MB)     JPEG (1.201 MB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-01-05 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
This traverse map traces the route that NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity drove from its landing inside Eagle Crater on Jan. 4, 2004.
Opportunity Sol 1742 Traverse Map with Endeavour Crater
Full Resolution:     TIFF (23.81 MB)     JPEG (1.207 MB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-01-05 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
This traverse map traces the route that NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity drove from its landing inside Eagle Crater on Jan. 4, 2004.
Opportunity Sol 1742 Traverse Map
Full Resolution:     TIFF (23.81 MB)     JPEG (697.8 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2008-08-31 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Navigation Camera
NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity climbed out of 'Victoria Crater' following the tracks it had made when it descended into the bowl nearly a year earlier in this image taken on Aug. 28, 2008.
Looking Back at Arena of Exploration
Full Resolution:     TIFF (1.05 MB)     JPEG (155.8 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2008-08-26 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Panoramic Camera
This image from NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity taken July, 2008 shows gull-shade lighting in late Martian afternoon of the layered cliff face of 'Cape Verde' promontory making up part of the rim of Victoria Crater in the Meridiani Planum.
Dusk Lighting of Layered Textures in 'Cape Verde'
Full Resolution:     TIFF (49.38 MB)     JPEG (3.054 MB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2008-02-15 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Panoramic Camera
This false-color image from NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity taken Jan. 31, 2008 shows bedrock within a stratigraphic layer dubbed 'Gilbert' after the rover examined a bright band around the inside of Victoria Crater.
Opportunity View of 'Gilbert' Layer (False Color)
Full Resolution:     TIFF (3.15 MB)     JPEG (169.2 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2008-02-15 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Panoramic Camera
This false-color image from NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity taken Feb. 4, 2008 shows bedrock within a stratigraphic layer dubbed 'Lyell,' the lowermost of three layers the rover examined at a bright band around the inside of Victoria Crater.
Opportunity View of 'Lyell' Layer (False Color)
Full Resolution:     TIFF (3.15 MB)     JPEG (235.2 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2008-01-24 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Panoramic Camera
During four months prior to the fourth anniversary of its landing on Mars, NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity examined rocks inside an alcove called 'Duck Bay' in the western portion of Victoria Crater.
'Lyell' Panorama inside Victoria Crater
Full Resolution:     TIFF (487.9 MB)     JPEG (12.48 MB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2008-01-24 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Panoramic Camera
This combined view from NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity taken in October and December, 2007 shows rocks inside an alcove called 'Duck Bay' in the western portion of Victoria Crater.
'Lyell' Panorama inside Victoria Crater (False Color)
Full Resolution:     TIFF (487.9 MB)     JPEG (17.71 MB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2008-01-24 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Panoramic Camera
NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity examined rocks inside an alcove called 'Duck Bay' in the western portion of Victoria Crater. 3D glasses are necessary to view this image.
'Lyell' Panorama inside Victoria Crater (Stereo)
Full Resolution:     TIFF (487.9 MB)     JPEG (13.65 MB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2008-01-03 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Panoramic Camera
This image from NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity taken on May 1, 2007 shows parallel tracks left by earlier drives nearer to the northern rim of Victoria crater.
D-Star Panorama by Opportunity
Full Resolution:     TIFF (71.66 MB)     JPEG (2.234 MB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2008-01-03 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Panoramic Camera
This image from NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity taken on April 29, 2007 shows parallel tracks left by earlier drives nearer to the northern rim of Victoria crater.
D-Star Panorama by Opportunity (False Color)
Full Resolution:     TIFF (71.66 MB)     JPEG (3.845 MB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2007-12-23 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Panoramic Camera
This image from NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity taken on June 23, 2007 shows spectacular cross-bedding in Victoria crater at the outcrops at Cape St. Mary.
Cape St. Mary
Full Resolution:     TIFF (31.31 MB)     JPEG (4.025 MB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2007-12-23 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Panoramic Camera
NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity rover spent 2006 and 2007 traversing the rim of Victoria Crater.The rover obtained images of rock outcrops exposed at several cliffs along the way. The cliff in this image is dubbed Cape St. Vincent.
Details of Layers in Victoria Crater's Cape St. Vincent
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