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Add Image to Favorite List 2009-03-12 NGC 6543 Spitzer Space Telescope
NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope captured the 'Cat's Eye' nebula, or NGC 6543, is a well-studied example of a 'planetary nebula.' Such objects are the glowing remnants of dust and gas expelled from moderate-sized stars during their last stages of life.
Galactic Dust Bunnies Found to Contain Carbon After All
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Add Image to Favorite List 2009-03-16 NGC 6240 Spitzer Space Telescope
NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope and Hubble Space Telescope combined to make this image of a pair of colliding galaxies called NGC 6240 shows them in a rare, short-lived phase of their evolution just before they merge into a single, larger galaxy.
Galaxies Collide to Create Hot, Huge Galaxy
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Add Image to Favorite List 2009-04-03 NGC 3242 Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX)
Ultraviolet/Visible Camera
This ultraviolet image from NASA's Galaxy Evolution Explorer shows NGC 3242, a planetary nebula frequently referred to as 'Jupiter's Ghost.' The small circular white and blue area at the center of the image is the well-known portion of the nebula.
The Extended Region Around the Planetary Nebula NGC 3242
Full Resolution:     TIFF (15.07 MB)     JPEG (446.2 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-04-03 M33 Spitzer Space Telescope
One of our closest galactic neighbors shows its awesome beauty in this new image from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope. M33, also known as the Triangulum Galaxy, is a member of what's known as our Local Group of galaxies.
M33: A Close Neighbor Reveals its True Size and Splendor (3-color composite)
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Add Image to Favorite List 2009-04-03 M33 Spitzer Space Telescope
One of our closest galactic neighbors shows its awesome beauty in this new image from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope. M33, also known as the Triangulum Galaxy, is a member of what's known as our Local Group of galaxies.
M33: A Close Neighbor Reveals its True Size and Splendor
Full Resolution:     TIFF (36.12 MB)     JPEG (1.858 MB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-04-07 Spitzer Space Telescope
NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope detected a prebiotic, or potentially life-forming, molecule called hydrogen cyanide (HCN) in the planet-forming disks around yellow stars like our sun, but not in the disks around cooler, reddish stars.
Cool Stars May Have Different Prebiotic Chemical Mix
Full Resolution:     TIFF (21.6 MB)     JPEG (322.1 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-04-07 Spitzer Space Telescope
This artist's conception shows a young, hypothetical planet around a cool star. A soupy mix of potentially life-forming chemicals can be seen pooling around the base of the jagged rocks.
Chemical Soups Around Cool Stars (Artist Concept)
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Add Image to Favorite List 2009-04-16 Kepler
This star chart illustrates the large patch of sky that NASA's Kepler mission will stare at for the duration of its three-and-a-half-year lifetime.
Where Kepler Sees
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Add Image to Favorite List 2009-04-16 NGC 6791 Kepler
This image from NASA's Kepler mission shows the telescope's full field of view an expansive star-rich patch of sky in the constellations Cygnus and Lyra stretching across 100 square degrees, or the equivalent of two side-by-side dips of the Big Dipper.
Kepler's Diamond Mine of Stars
Full Resolution:     TIFF (103.6 MB)     JPEG (7.193 MB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-04-16 NGC 6791 Kepler
This image zooms into a small portion of NASA's Kepler's full field of view -- an expansive, 100-square-degree patch of sky in our Milky Way galaxy. At the center of the field is a star with a known 'hot Jupiter' planet, named 'TrES-2.'
Host to 'Hot Jupiter'
Full Resolution:     TIFF (4.327 MB)     JPEG (185.9 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-04-16 NGC 6791 Kepler
This image zooms into a small portion of NASA's Kepler's full field of view, an expansive, 100-square-degree patch of sky in our Milky Way galaxy. An eight-billion-year-old cluster of stars 13,000 light-years from Earth, called NGC 6791, is seen here.
Cluster of Stars in Kepler's Sight
Full Resolution:     TIFF (4.327 MB)     JPEG (387.3 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-04-28 M33 Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX)
Spitzer Space Telescope
Ultraviolet/Visible Camera
NASA's Galaxy Evolution Explorer Mission celebrates its sixth anniversary studying galaxies beyond our Milky Way through its sensitive ultraviolet telescope, the only such far-ultraviolet detector in space. Pictured here, the galaxy NGC598 known as M33.
NASA's Galaxy Mission Celebrates Sixth Anniversary
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Add Image to Favorite List 2009-04-28 M33 Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX)
Spitzer Space Telescope
Ultraviolet/Visible Camera
NASA's Galaxy Evolution Explorer Mission celebrates its sixth anniversary studying galaxies beyond our Milky Way through its sensitive ultraviolet telescope, the only such far-ultraviolet detector in space. Pictured here, the galaxy NGC598 known as M33.
NASA's Galaxy Mission Celebrates Sixth Anniversary
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Add Image to Favorite List 2009-04-28 M33 Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX)
Spitzer Space Telescope
Ultraviolet/Visible Camera
NASA's Galaxy Evolution Explorer Mission celebrates its sixth anniversary studying galaxies beyond our Milky Way through its sensitive ultraviolet telescope, the only such far-ultraviolet detector in space.
NASA's Galaxy Mission Celebrates Sixth Anniversary
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Add Image to Favorite List 2009-04-30 Pleiades Cassini-Huygens
ISS - Wide Angle
NASA's Cassini spacecraft takes a break from the Saturn system to check out the Pleiades star cluster, the Seven Sisters.
Scoping the Sisters
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Add Image to Favorite List 2009-04-30 Spitzer Space Telescope
This image from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope shows the spiral galaxy NGC 2841, located about 46 million light-years from Earth in the constellation Ursa Major. The galaxy is helping astronomers solve one of the oldest puzzles in astronomy.
Why Are Galaxies So Smooth?
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Add Image to Favorite List 2009-04-30 Messier 81 Spitzer Space Telescope
Here we see two different views of the spiral galaxy, Messier 81. On the left is an image taken in blue light, while on the right is a specially-processed version of an image taken with NASA's Spitzer's infrared array camera at 4.5 microns.
"Missing Link" Found
Full Resolution:     TIFF (8.027 MB)     JPEG (275.4 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-05-13 Spitzer Space Telescope
This artist's concept illustrates how silicate crystals like those found in comets can be created by an outburst from a growing star. The image shows a young sun-like star encircled by its planet-forming disk of gas and dust. Animation available.
Silicate Crystal Formation in the Disk of an Erupting Star (Artist Concept) Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (21.6 MB)     JPEG (276.9 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-05-28 VB 10 PlanetQuest
This image shows the star VB 10 moving across the sky over a period of nine years. Astronomers nabbed a planet circling this star using a method called astrometry -- the first successful application of the method to planet hunting.
How to Find a Tiny Wobble in a Zippy Star Animation Icon
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Add Image to Favorite List 2009-05-28 VB 10 2400x3000x3
This artist's diagram compares our solar system (below) to the VB 10 star system. Astronomers successfully used the astrometry planet-hunting method for the first time to discover a gas planet, called VB 10b, around a very tiny star, VB 10.
Bizarre Planetary System (Artist Concept)
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Add Image to Favorite List 2009-05-28 VB 10 3000x2400x3
This artist's concept shows the smallest star known to host a planet. The planet, called VB 10b, was discovered using astrometry, a method in which the wobble induced by a planet on its star is measured precisely on the sky.
A Planet as Big as its Star (Artist Concept)
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Add Image to Favorite List 2009-06-04 Mars Dawn
High Resolution Stereo Camera
Each image on this High Resolution Stereo Camera Image Composite (HRSC) mosaic is of the same location observed by Dawn's Framing Camera when it flew by Mars to complete the spacecraft's gravity assist maneuver on February 17, 2009.
Dawn's Framing Camera Flys by Mars
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Add Image to Favorite List 2009-06-04 Cepheus Dawn
Framing Camera
A star field in the constellation Cepheus is a composite of two 600-second exposures by the Framing Camera acquired during tests on December 3, 2007.
Star Field in the Constellation Cepheus
Full Resolution:     TIFF (1.05 MB)     JPEG (46.93 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-06-04 Carina Dawn
Framing Camera
This view in the southern constellation Carina was acquired on December 13, 2007 as part of the characterization tests of the Framing Camera. The cluster of stars in the center is NGC 3532, and the nebula in the lower right is the Eta Carina Nebula.
Dawn's Framing Camera Views Carina
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Add Image to Favorite List 2009-06-10 Milky Way Spitzer Space Telescope
This infrared image from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope shows three baby stars in the bustling center of our Milky Way galaxy. The three stars are the first to be discovered in the region.
Baby Stars Finally Found in Jumbled Galactic Center
Full Resolution:     TIFF (18.06 MB)     JPEG (805.7 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-07-23 NGC 1097 Spitzer Space Telescope
NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope has imaged a wild creature of the dark -- a coiled galaxy with an eye-like object at its center.
Coiled Creature of the Night
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Add Image to Favorite List 2009-08-05 Spitzer Space Telescope
This image is one of the first to be taken during Spitzer's warm mission -- a new phase that began after the telescope, which operated for more than five-and-a-half years, ran out of liquid coolant.
Spitzer's First Warm Images
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Add Image to Favorite List 2009-08-10 HD 172555 Spitzer Space Telescope
This artist's concept shows a celestial body about the size of our moon slamming at great speed into a body the size of Mercury. NASA's Spitzer found evidence that a high-speed collision of this sort occurred a few thousand years ago around a young star.
Planetary Demolition Derby (Artist Concept) Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (21.6 MB)     JPEG (362.1 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-08-12 Cepheus B Chandra X-ray Observatory
Spitzer Space Telescope
Chandra X-ray Telescope
This composite image, combining data from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory and Spitzer Space Telescope shows the star-forming cloud Cepheus B, located in our Milky Way galaxy about 2,400 light years from Earth.
Trigger-Happy Cloud
Full Resolution:     TIFF (29.69 MB)     JPEG (402.1 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-08-19 Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX)
NASA's Galaxy Evolution Explorer spacecraft and Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory combined data making this diagram illustratrating the extent to which astronomers have been underestimating the proportion of small to big stars in certain galaxies.
Adding up Stars in a Galaxy
Full Resolution:     TIFF (16.2 MB)     JPEG (226.5 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-08-19 Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX)
These two photographs were made by combining data from NASA's Galaxy Evolution Explorer spacecraft and the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory in Chile to learn that not all galaxies make stars of different sizes in the same quantities.
A Lesson in Counting Stars
Full Resolution:     TIFF (7.862 MB)     JPEG (328.4 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-09-17 Planck
Planck LFI-HFI
One of Planck's first images is shown as a strip superimposed over a two dimensional projection of the whole sky as seen in visible light.
Planck's First Glimpse at the Universe
Full Resolution:     TIFF (9.291 MB)     JPEG (454 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-09-23 Spitzer Space Telescope
This artist's conception shows a lump of material in a swirling, planet- forming disk. Astronomers using NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope found evidence that either another star or a planet could be pushing planetary material together, as illustrated here.
Lump of Planetary Stuff (Artist Concept)
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Add Image to Favorite List 2009-10-02 Herschel Space Observatory
Some of the coldest and darkest dust in space shines brightly in this infrared image from the Herschel Observatory, a European Space Agency mission with important participation from NASA.
Awash with Infrared Light
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Add Image to Favorite List 2009-10-02 Herschel Space Observatory
This image from the Herschel Observatory, a European Space Agency mission, reveals some of the coldest and darkest material in our galaxy. The yellow filaments show the coldest dust dotted with the youngest embryonic stars.
Dark Wombs of Stars
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Add Image to Favorite List 2009-10-02 Herschel Space Observatory
In this infrared view from the Herschel Observatory, a European Space Agency mission, blue shows the warmest dust, and red, the coolest. The choppy clouds of gas and dust are just starting to condense into new stars.
Dark Star-Making Factory
Full Resolution:     TIFF (42.23 MB)     JPEG (526.4 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-10-07 Spitzer Space Telescope
This artist's conception shows a nearly invisible ring around Saturn -- the largest of the giant planet's many rings. It was discovered by NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope.
The King of Rings (Artist Concept)
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Add Image to Favorite List 2009-10-07 Spitzer Space Telescope
This artist's conception shows a nearly invisible ring around Saturn -- the largest of the giant planet's many rings. It was discovered by NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope.
Saturn's Infrared Ring (Artist Concept)
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Add Image to Favorite List 2009-10-07 Spitzer Space Telescope
This image showcases the Saturnian system, beginning with the planet itself and panning out to its newest addition -- an enormous ring discovered in infrared light by NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope.
Saturn Family Tour
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Add Image to Favorite List 2009-10-07 Hubble Space Telescope
Spitzer Space Telescope
This picture highlights a slice of Saturn's largest ring. The ring (red band) was discovered by NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope, which detected infrared light, or heat, from the dusty ring material.
Infrared Ring around Saturn
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Add Image to Favorite List 2009-10-15 Sol (our sun) Cassini-Huygens
As the solar wind flows from the sun, it creates a bubble in space known as the 'heliosphere' around our solar system. The heliosphere is the region of space under the influence of our sun.
The Bubble of Our Solar System Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (2.768 MB)     JPEG (62.85 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-11-03 IRAS
Nearly the entire sky, as seen in infrared wavelengths and projected at one-half degree resolution, is shown in this image, assembled from six months of data from the NASA's Infrared Astronomical Satellite, or IRAS.
Infrared Astronomical Satellite's View of the Sky
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Add Image to Favorite List 2009-11-04 HR 8799 Spitzer Space Telescope
NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope captured this infrared image of a giant halo of very fine dust around the young star HR 8799, located 129 light-years away in the constellation Pegasus.
A Picture of Unsettled Planetary Youth
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Add Image to Favorite List 2009-11-10 Chandra X-ray Observatory
Hubble Space Telescope
Spitzer Space Telescope
In celebration of the International Year of Astronomy 2009, NASA's Great Observatories -- Hubble Space Telescope, Spitzer Space Telescope, and Chandra X-ray Observatory -- have produced a matched trio of images of the central region of our Milky Way.
Great Observatories' Unique Views of the Milky Way
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Add Image to Favorite List 2009-11-17 IRAS
The image on the left shows an infrared view of the center of our Milky Way galaxy as seen by the 1983 Infrared Astronomical Satellite, which surveyed the whole sky with only 62 pixels. The image on the right shows an infrared view similar to what NASA's
The Next Generation of Infrared Views
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Add Image to Favorite List 2009-11-17 IRAS
This infrared view of the whole sky highlights the flat plane of our Milky Way galaxy (line across middle of image). NASA's WISE, will take a similar infrared census of the whole sky, only with much improved resolution and sensitivity.
All-Sky Infrared Survey
Full Resolution:     TIFF (1.168 MB)     JPEG (29.1 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2009-11-20 Sol (our sun) Cassini-Huygens
NASA's Cassini spacecraft created this image of the bubble around our solar system based on emissions of particles known as energetic neutral atoms.
Particles from the Heliosphere
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Add Image to Favorite List 2009-11-23 Spitzer Space Telescope
Are brown dwarfs born like stars, as in this rendering, or do they form like planets orbiting another star? A study by researchers using data from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope has led to the preliminary conclusion that they are formed much like a star.
Dusty Beginnings of a Star
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Add Image to Favorite List 2009-11-23 Spitzer Space Telescope
This image from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope shows two young brown dwarfs, objects that fall somewhere between planets and stars in terms of their temperature and mass.
Twin Brown Dwarfs Wrapped in a Blanket
Full Resolution:     TIFF (7.693 MB)     JPEG (141.3 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2010-01-05 Spitzer Space Telescope
Every 27 years, a bright star called Epsilon Aurigae fades over period of two years, then brightens back up again. A companion is known to be surrounded by a dusty disk, as illustrated in this artist's concept.
Mystery of the Fading Star (Artist Concept)
Full Resolution:     TIFF (41.58 MB)     JPEG (580.5 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2010-01-05 Spitzer Space Telescope
This infrared portrait of the Small Magellanic Cloud, taken by NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope, reveals the stars and dust in this galaxy as never seen before. This nearby satellite galaxy to our Milky Way galaxy is some 200,000 light-years away.
Little Galaxy Explored
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Add Image to Favorite List 2010-01-06 Carina Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE)
WISE Telescope
This infrared snapshot of a region in the constellation Carina near the Milky Way was taken shortly after NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer ejected its cover. The 'first-lighy' picture shows thousands of stars and covers an area three times the s
WISE 'First-Light' Image
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Add Image to Favorite List 2010-02-03 HD 189733 1088x745x3
This artist concept shows the planetary system called HD 189733, located 63 light-years away in the constellation Velpecula.
Probing Exoplanets From the Ground (Artist Concept)
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Add Image to Favorite List 2010-02-17 Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE)
WISE Telescope
This infrared image taken by NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer shows a star-forming cloud teeming with gas, dust and massive newborn stars.
Stellar Storm of Infrared Light
Full Resolution:     TIFF (21.34 MB)     JPEG (1.152 MB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2010-02-17 Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE)
WISE Telescope
The immense Andromeda galaxy, also known as Messier 31, is captured in full in this image from NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer. Andromeda is the closest large galaxy to our Milky Way galaxy, and is located 2.5 million light-years from our sun.
Our Neighbor Andromeda
Full Resolution:     TIFF (133.3 MB)     JPEG (5.128 MB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2010-02-17 Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE)
WISE Telescope
This image from NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer highlights the Andromeda galaxy's older stellar population in blue. A pronounced warp in the disk of the galaxy, the aftermath of a collision with another galaxy, can be seen in the spiral arm.
Warped Andromeda
Full Resolution:     TIFF (133.3 MB)     JPEG (5.753 MB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2010-02-17 Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE)
WISE Telescope
This image from NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer highlights the dust that speckles the Andromeda galaxy's spiral arms. The hot dust, which is being heated by newborn stars, traces the spidery arms all the way to the center of the galaxy.
The Dirt on Andromeda
Full Resolution:     TIFF (133.3 MB)     JPEG (2.051 MB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2010-02-17 Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE)
WISE Telescope
NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer's large field of view and multi-wavelength infrared sight allowed it to form this complete view of the cluster, containing dozens of bright galaxies and hundreds of smaller ones.
Fornax Galaxy Cluster
Full Resolution:     TIFF (47.98 MB)     JPEG (2.191 MB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2010-03-06 Cassiopeia Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE)
WISE Telescope
This mosaic of images from NASA's WISE Telescope is in the constellation of Cassiopeia. This region contains a large star forming nebula within the Milky Way Galaxy, sometimes called the Heart Nebula, and is over 6 thousand light-years from Earth.
Maffei 1 and 2
Full Resolution:     TIFF (12.47 MB)     JPEG (623.6 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2010-03-13 Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE)
WISE Telescope
This picture of the open star cluster NGC 7380 is a mosaic of images from NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer mission spanning an area on the sky of about 5 times the size of the full Moon.
NGC 7380
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Add Image to Favorite List 2010-03-16 Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE)
WISE Telescope
A new infrared image from NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer shows a cosmic rosebud blossoming with new stars.
Cosmic Rosebud
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Add Image to Favorite List 2010-03-17 Planck
High Frequency Instrument
Filamentary structures in our Milky Way galaxy are apparent at large scales, as shown in this ESA image from Planck image, on the right, and small scales as seen the Herschel image on the left.
Milky Way Dust at Different Scales
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Add Image to Favorite List 2010-03-17 Planck
This three-color combination constructed from ESA Planck's two highest frequency channels and an image obtained with the NASA's Infrared Astronomical Satellite shows local dust structures within 500 light-years of the sun.
Tendrils of Cold Dust
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Add Image to Favorite List 2010-03-17 Spitzer Space Telescope
These two data plots from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope show a primitive supermassive black hole (top) compared to a typical one; usually, dust tori are missing and only gas disks are observed in primitive black holes.
How to Spot a Primitive Black Hole
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Add Image to Favorite List 2010-03-17 Spitzer Space Telescope
This artist's conception illustrates one of the most primitive supermassive black holes known (central black dot) at the core of a young, star-rich galaxy.
Prehistoric Black Hole (Artist's Concept)
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Add Image to Favorite List 2010-03-29 Chandra X-ray Observatory
Spitzer Space Telescope
Chandra X-ray Telescope
A composite image from NASA's Chandra and Spitzer space telescopes shows the dusty remains of a collapsed star, a supernova remnant called G54.1+0.3. The white source at the center is a dead star called a pulsar.
Dusty Dead Star
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Add Image to Favorite List 2010-04-01 Spitzer Space Telescope
A colony of hot, young stars is stirring up the cosmic scene in this new picture from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope. The image shows the Orion nebula, a happening place where stars are born.
Orion's Dreamy Stars
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Add Image to Favorite List 2010-04-05 Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE)
WISE Telescope
This mosaic from NASA's WISE Telescope is of the Soul Nebula. It is an open cluster of stars surrounded by a cloud of dust and gas located about 6,500 light-years from Earth in the constellation Cassiopeia, near the Heart Nebula.
Soul Nebula
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Add Image to Favorite List 2010-04-07 Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE)
WISE Telescope
A leggy cosmic creature comes out of hiding in this new infrared view from NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer. The spiral beauty, called IC 342 and sometimes the 'hidden galaxy,' is shrouded behind our own galaxy, the Milky Way.
Hiding Out Behind the Milky Way
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Add Image to Favorite List 2010-04-12 Herschel Space Observatory
This image from ESA's Herschel Space Observatory shows of a portion of the Rosette nebula, a stellar nursery about 5,000 light-years from Earth in the Monoceros, or Unicorn, constellation.
Big Babies in the Rosette Nebula
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Add Image to Favorite List 2010-04-14 Hale Telescope
This image taken with the Palomar Observatory's Hale Telescope, shows the light from three planets orbiting a star 120 light-years away. The planets' star, called HR8799, is located at the spot marked with an 'X.'
Portrait of Distant Planets
Full Resolution:     TIFF (2.363 MB)     JPEG (21.36 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2010-04-16 Perseus Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE)
WISE Telescope
This image from NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer, or WISE, is a view within the constellation Cassiopeia of another portion of the vast star forming complex that makes up part of the Perseus spiral arm of the Milky Way Galaxy.
IC 1795
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Add Image to Favorite List 2010-04-21 Spitzer Space Telescope
This artist's concept illustrates a hot, Neptune-sized planet called GJ 436b. NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope has found evidence that GJ 436b, orbiting a star beyond our sun lacks methane -- an ingredient common to many planets in our own solar system.
Exotic Exoplanet (Artist's Concept)
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Add Image to Favorite List 2010-04-22 Hubble Space Telescope
NASA's Hubble Space Telescope captures the chaotic activity atop a three-light-year-tall pillar of gas and dust that is being eaten away by the brilliant light from nearby bright stars in a tempestuous stellar nursery called the Carina Nebula.
Hubble Captures View of 'Mystic Mountain'
Full Resolution:     TIFF (12.23 MB)     JPEG (530.5 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2010-04-23 Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE)
WISE Telescope
This image from NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer, or WISE, is a view of an area of the sky over 12 times the size of the full Moon on the border of the constellations Sagittarius and Corona Australis.
Star Clusters Young and Old, Near and Far
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Add Image to Favorite List 2010-04-26 Perseus Planck
Planck LFI-HFI
A low activity, star-formation region in the constellation Perseus, as seen by the European Space Agency's Planck.
Planck Sees Perseus
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Add Image to Favorite List 2010-04-26 Planck
Planck LFI-HFI
The big Hunter in the sky is seen in a new light by Planck, a European Space Agency mission with significant NASA participation. The long-wavelength image shows most of the constellation Orion, highlighting turbid clouds of cold material.
Planck's View of Orion
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Add Image to Favorite List 2010-04-30 Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE)
WISE Telescope
This heroic image from NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer is of a special cloud of dust and gas in the constellation Canis Major catalogued as NGC 2359, or more commonly known as Thor's Helmet.
Thor's Helmet
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Add Image to Favorite List 2010-05-06 Herschel Space Observatory
This image from NASA's Herschel, in the constellation of Vulpecula, shows an entire assembly line of newborn stars. The diffuse glow reveals the widespread cold reservoir of raw material that our Milky Way galaxy has in stock for building stars.
Assembly Line of Stars
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Add Image to Favorite List 2010-05-06 Herschel Space Observatory
This image from NASA's Herschel, was taken looking towards a region of our Milky Way galaxy in the Eagle constellation, closer to the galactic center than our sun. Here, we see the outstanding end products of the stellar assembly line.
Bursting with Stars
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Add Image to Favorite List 2010-05-06 Herschel Space Observatory
The large bubble is an embryonic star that looks set to turn into one of the brightest stars in our Milky Way galaxy in this infrared image from the Herschel Space Telescope.
Galactic Bubble
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Add Image to Favorite List 2010-05-07 Perseus Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE)
WISE Telescope
This infrared image from NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer features one of the bright stars in the constellation Perseus, named Menkhib, along with a large star forming cloud commonly called the California Nebula.
Menkhib and the California Nebula
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Add Image to Favorite List 2010-05-11 Herschel Space Observatory
The dark hole seen in the green cloud at the top of this image, captured by ESA's Herschel Telescope, was likely carved out by multiple jets and blasts of radiation.
Big Hole Revealed in Infrared
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Add Image to Favorite List 2010-05-11 Spitzer Space Telescope
NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope contributed to the infrared component of the observations of a surprisingly large collections of galaxies (red dots in center). Shorter-wavelength infrared and visible data are provided by Japan's Subaru telescope.
Galactic Metropolis
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Add Image to Favorite List 2010-05-13 Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE)
WISE Telescope
A new infrared image from NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer, or WISE, showcases the Tadpole nebula, and asteroids that just happened to be cruising by.
Asteroid Caught Marching Across Tadpole Nebula
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Add Image to Favorite List 2010-05-20 Spitzer Space Telescope
This image is one of six images taken by NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope, showing that tight-knit twin, or binary stars might be triggered to form by asymmetrical envelopes.
Blobs House Twin Stars
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Add Image to Favorite List 2010-05-20 Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE)
WISE Telescope
The Seagull nebula, seen in this infrared mosaic from NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer, draws its common name from it resemblance to a gull in flight.
Seagull Nebula -- Running with the Big Dog
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Add Image to Favorite List 2010-05-24 Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE)
WISE Telescope
NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer has captured a huge mosaic of two bubbling clouds in space, known as the Heart and Soul nebulae.
Heart and Soul
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Add Image to Favorite List 2010-06-01 Spitzer Space Telescope
This artist's concept shows a galaxy with a supermassive black hole at its core. The black hole is shooting out jets of radio waves.
Backward Black Hole Shoots Powerful Jets (Artist's Concept)
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Add Image to Favorite List 2010-06-07 Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE)
WISE Telescope
This mosaic image from NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer is located in a constellation in the southern sky, Pavo, which is Latin for peacock.
NGC 6744 -- A Sibling of the Milky Way
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Add Image to Favorite List 2010-06-14 Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE)
WISE Telescope
This image from NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer features comet 65/P Gunn. Comets are balls of dust and ice left over from the formation of the solar system. The comet's tail is seen here in red trailing off to the right of the comet's nucleus.
WISE Catches Comet 65P/Gunn
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Add Image to Favorite List 2010-06-17 Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX)
Ultraviolet/Visible Camera
NASA's Galaxy Evolution Explorer found a tail behind a galaxy called IC 3418. This star-studded tail was created as the galaxy plunged into gas in a family of galaxies known as the Virgo cluster.
Now You See a Tail, Now You Don't
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Add Image to Favorite List 2010-06-17 Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE)
WISE Telescope
Some might see a blood-red jellyfish, while others might see a pair of lips. In fact, the red-colored object in this new image from NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer is a sphere of stellar innards.
Jumbo Jellyfish or Massive Star?
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Add Image to Favorite List 2010-06-24 Spitzer Space Telescope
This image from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope using infrared light shows what astronomers think is one of the coldest brown dwarfs discovered so far (red dot in middle of frame).
Cool as a Stellar Cucumber
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Add Image to Favorite List 2010-06-24 Spitzer Space Telescope
Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE)
This artist's concept shows hundreds of brown dwarfs (deep red), expected to be added to the population of known stars in our solar neighborhood. Our sun and other known stars appear white, yellow or red.
Coolest Orbs on the Block (Artist's Concept)
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Add Image to Favorite List 2010-06-28 Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE)
WISE Telescope
This image from NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer shows the nearby galaxy M83. This is a spiral galaxy approximately 15 million light-years away in the constellation Hydra, sometimes referred to as the southern Pinwheel galaxy.
Southern Pinwheel
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Add Image to Favorite List 2010-07-06 Planck
Planck LFI-HFI
This image of the microwave sky was synthesized using data spanning the range of light frequencies detected by ESA's Planck. A vast portion of the sky is dominated by the diffuse emission from gas and dust in our Milky Way galaxy.
Planck's View of the Whole Sky
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Add Image to Favorite List 2010-07-06 Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE)
WISE Telescope
Sending chills down the spine of all arachnophobes is the Tarantula nebula, seen in this image from NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer; the nebula is the largest star-forming region known in our entire Local Group of galaxies.
WISE Spies the Tarantula Nebula
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Add Image to Favorite List 2010-07-07 Spitzer Space Telescope
This visible-light view from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope highlights the bright M17 nebula, as well as the glowing hot gas filling the 'bubble' to its left.
Dragon's Lair
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Add Image to Favorite List 2010-07-07 Spitzer Space Telescope
A dragon-shaped cloud of dust seems to fly out from a bright explosion in this infrared light image from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope. These views have revealed that this dark cloud, called M17 SWex, is forming stars at a furious rate.
The Invisible Dragon
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