My Favorite Images from the Planetary Photojoural
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Catalog # Target Mission Instrument Addition Date Size
Remove Image from Favorite List PIA02431 Mercury Mariner Venus Mercury (Mariner 10)
2000-01-15 356x311x1
This image, from NASA's Mariner 10 spacecraft which launched in 1974, shows a broadly curved lobate scarp running from left to right in the large crater to the right of center in this image.
Curved Lobate Scarp on Crater Floor
Remove Image from Favorite List PIA05733 Spitzer Space Telescope
2004-04-13 2499x779x3
Hidden behind a shroud of dust in the constellation Cygnus is an exceptionally bright source of radio emission called DR21 in this image from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope.
Stormy Clouds of Star Birth
Remove Image from Favorite List PIA06524 Mimas Cassini-Huygens
ISS - Narrow Angle
2004-11-19 889x768x1
This image captured by NASA's Cassini spacecraft shows a tiny Mimas, dwarfed by a huge white storm and dark waves on the edge of a cloud band in Saturn's atmosphere.
Dwarfed by Storms
Remove Image from Favorite List PIA25368 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
2022-06-22 4966x2494x3
NASA's Curiosity Mars rover captured this view of layered, flaky rocks believed to have formed in an ancient streambed or small pond. The six images that make up this mosaic were captured using Curiosity's Mast Camera, or Mastcam, on June 2, 2022.
Curiosity's Mastcam Views Flaky, Streambed Rocks
Remove Image from Favorite List PIA07066 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Navigation Camera
2004-11-23 7688x1949x1
This image taken on Nov. 11, 2004, by NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity rock layers in the wall, with a portion of Opportunity's solar array visible at the bottom right.
Opportunity at the Wall
Remove Image from Favorite List PIA01031 Mars Mars Global Surveyor (MGS)
Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC)
2000-06-22 892x668x3
Gully-like features found on the slopes of various craters, troughs, and other depressions are evident in this image taken by NASA's Mars Global Surveyor.
Evidence for Recent Liquid Water on Mars: Basic Features of Martian Gullies
Remove Image from Favorite List PIA19803 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
2015-08-05 7765x2000x3
A southward-looking panorama combining images from both cameras of the Mast Camera (Mastcam) instrument on NASA's Curiosity Mars Rover shows diverse geological textures on Mount Sharp.
Curiosity Rover's View of Alluring Martian Geology Ahead
Remove Image from Favorite List PIA09194 Hubble Space Telescope
2007-02-13 1241x1207x3
This image, taken by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope, shows the colorful 'last hurrah' of a star like our Sun. The star is ending its life by casting off its outer layers of gas, which formed a cocoon around the star's remaining core.
The Colorful Demise of a Sun-like Star
Remove Image from Favorite List PIA07444 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Navigation Camera
2005-03-09 7688x975x1
NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity took this 360-degree panorama in 2005 after Opportunity had driven 64 meters (209 feet) on sol 381 to arrive at this location close to a small crater dubbed 'Alvin.'
Opportunity's View, Sol 381
Remove Image from Favorite List PIA13188 Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
2010-06-11 4288x2848x3
The engineering test model for the radar system that will be used during the next landing on Mars is shown here mounted onto a helicopter's nose gimbal during a May 12, 2010, test at NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, Calif.
Test Model of Mars Landing Radar
Remove Image from Favorite List PIA11023 Mars Phoenix
Surface Stereo Imager (SSI)
Thermal and Evolved Gas Analyzer
2008-08-11 512x1024x3
NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander took this false color image August 7, 2008. It shows a soil sample from a trench informally called 'Rosy Red' after being delivered to a gap between partially opened doors on the lander's Thermal and Evolved-Gas Analyzer.
Color View of 'Rosy Red' Delivered to TEGA
Remove Image from Favorite List PIA02210 Neptune Voyager
VG ISS - Narrow Angle
1999-08-19 1000x1000x3
This contrast enhanced color picture of Neptune was acquired by NASA's Voyager 2 on Aug. 14, 1989. As Voyager 2 approached Neptune, rapidly increasing image resolution is revealed striking new details. Bright, wispy clouds are seen overlying the Great Dar
Remove Image from Favorite List PIA25421 Earth ECOSTRESS
2022-06-22 3161x2230x3
NASA's Ecosystem Spaceborne Thermal Radiometer Experiment on Space Station (ECOSTRESS) instrument recorded this image of ground surface temperatures in Houston and its environs on June 20, 2022.
NASA's ECOSTRESS Shows Surface Heat in Houston
Remove Image from Favorite List PIA20034 Pluto New Horizons
2015-10-23 1320x1277x1
This image of Kerberos was created by combining four individual LORRI pictures taken on July 14, 2015, approximately seven hours before New Horizons' closest approach to Pluto, at a range of 245,600 miles (396,100 km) from Kerberos.
Kerberos Revealed
Remove Image from Favorite List PIA23212 Mars 2020 Rover
2019-07-26 3840x2160x3
In the clean room of the Spacecraft Assembly Facility at JPL, the Mars 2020 rover's 7-foot-long (2.1-meter-long) arm maneuvers its 88-pound (40-kilogram) sensor-laden turret as it moves from a deployed to a stowed configuration.
NASA's Mars 2020 Rover Robotic Arm Is On The Move
Remove Image from Favorite List PIA17030 Titan Cassini-Huygens
Radar Mapper
2013-05-15 2197x2197x3
These polar maps show the first global, topographic mapping of Saturn's moon Titan, using data from NASA's Cassini mission. To create these maps, scientists employed a mathematical process called splining.
Polar Views of Titan's Global Topography
Remove Image from Favorite List PIA22935 Jupiter Juno
2018-12-12 1669x1669x3
A multitude of bright white 'pop-up' storms in this Jupiter cloudscape appear in this image from NASA's Juno spacecraft.
Jupiter's 'Pop-up' Storms
Remove Image from Favorite List PIA04223 Thackeray's Globules Hubble Space Telescope
1999-12-02 1480x1498x3
Strangely glowing, floating dark clouds are silhouetted against nearby bright stars in a busy star-forming region viewed by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope.
Thackeray's Globules
Remove Image from Favorite List PIA02247 Triton Voyager
VG ISS - Narrow Angle
2000-02-16 800x800x3
NASA's Voyager 2 obtained this parting shot of Triton, Neptune's largest satellite, shortly after closest approach to the moon and passage through its shadow on the morning of Aug. 25, 1989.
Voyager's Parting Shot of Triton
Remove Image from Favorite List PIA00775 Mars Mars Pathfinder (MPF)
Imager for Mars Pathfinder
1997-07-22 1526x1682x3
Looking east from the lander, the last few bounce marks as Pathfinder rolled to a stop on July 4 are visible in the soil in this image, taken by NASA's Imager for Mars Pathfinder (IMP). Sol 1 began on July 4, 1997.
Airbag Bounce Marks
Remove Image from Favorite List PIA01523 Europa Voyager
VG ISS - Narrow Angle
1999-03-23 790x790x1
The first close look ever obtained of Jupiter's satellite, Europa, was taken July 9, 1979, by NASA's Voyager 2 as the spacecraft approached the planet.
Europa Linear Features from 246,000 kilometers
Remove Image from Favorite List PIA00763 Mars Mars Pathfinder (MPF)
Imager for Mars Pathfinder
1997-07-22 1280x960x3
This portion of the 360-degree gallery panorama shows NASA's Mars Pathfinder's forward ramp at center. The rocks 'Wedge,' 'Shark,' 'Flat Top,' and 'Half-Dome' are at right.
Forward Ramp Within 360-degree Panorama
Remove Image from Favorite List PIA00434 Moon DSPSE
Star Tracker
1999-06-12 1168x1552x1
In this picture the Moon is seen illuminated solely by light reflected from the Earth--Earthshine from NASA's Clementine spacecraft.
Clementine Observes the Moon, Solar Corona, and Venus
Remove Image from Favorite List PIA01423 Mars Mars Pathfinder (MPF)
Imager for Mars Pathfinder
1998-07-03 860x488x3
This is a stereo view of 'Moe & Pumpkin', part of the 'Bookshelf' at the back of the 'Rock Garden' to the southwest of NASA's Mars Pathfinder lander. 3D glasses are necessary to identify surface detail.
Moe and Pumpkin in Super Resolution from Super Panorama
Remove Image from Favorite List PIA19661 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
2015-05-22 721x722x1
This image from the Chemistry and Camera (ChemCam) instrument on NASA's Curiosity Mars rover shows detailed texture of a rock target called 'Yellowjacket' on Mars' Mount Sharp.
Auto-Focused on Details in "Yellowjacket" on Mars
Remove Image from Favorite List PIA18092 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
2014-05-15 1184x1272x3
This May 12, 2014, view from NASA's Curiosity Mars Rover shows the rock target 'Windjana' and its immediate surroundings after inspection of the site by the rover by drilling and other activities.
Mars Rock 'Windjana' After Examination
Remove Image from Favorite List PIA10091 Spitzer Space Telescope
2007-10-25 1003x1139x3
NASA's Spitzer and Chandra space telescopes have uncovered a long-lost population of active supermassive black holes, or quasars located deep in the bellies of distant, massive galaxies (circled in blue).
Missing Black Holes Found!
Remove Image from Favorite List PIA15284 Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer
2012-02-07 2832x4256x3
Two instruments at the end of the robotic arm on NASA's Mars rover Curiosity will use calibration targets attached to a shoulder joint of the arm. The penny is a size reference giving the public a familiar object for perceiving size on Mars easily.
Contact Instrument Calibration Targets on Mars Rover Curiosity
Remove Image from Favorite List PIA17788 Earth Terra
2013-12-16 1330x1554x3
Logging operations have left a striking checkerboard pattern in the landscape along the Idaho-Montana border, sandwiched between Clearwater and Bitterroot National Forests as seen in this image acquired by NASA's Terra spacecraft.
Idaho-Montana Logging
Remove Image from Favorite List PIA16206 Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
2012-10-04 1438x933x3
This false-color engineering drawing shows the Collection and Handling for In-Situ Martian Rock Analysis (CHIMRA) device, attached to the turret at the end of the robotic arm on NASA's Curiosity Mars rover.
CHIMRA: Scoops, Sieves and Delivers Samples
Remove Image from Favorite List PIA07401 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Panoramic Camera
2005-03-01 476x220x3
NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity reveals the scene of the rover's heat shield impact that protected it while hurtling through the martian atmosphere. This image was taken on Dec. 19, 2004.
Opportunity's Heat Shield Scene
Remove Image from Favorite List PIA14457 Pluto New Horizons
2016-05-27 640x360x3
This frame from a movie, which extends across the hemisphere that faced New Horizons spacecraft as it flew past Pluto on July 14, 2015, includes all of the highest-resolution images taken by the NASA probe.
New Horizons' Best Close-Up of Pluto's Surface (movie) Animation Icon
Remove Image from Favorite List PIA02097 Jupiter Galileo
Solid-State Imaging
1999-08-27 1300x1200x3
Cloud features north of Jupiter's equator, in the region between 3 and 30 degrees north latitude, are shown in approximately true color (left mosaic) and in false color (right mosaic). The images were taken by NASA's Galileo spacecraft.
Cloud Features North of Jupiter's Equator
Remove Image from Favorite List PIA14333 Mercury Mariner 10
MDIS - Narrow Angle
2011-06-07 1280x548x1
Goethe - Then and Now
Goethe - Then and Now
Remove Image from Favorite List PIA23060 Earth Terra
2019-02-07 1284x1056x3
NASA's Terra spacecraft shows Luxor, a city in Upper Egypt, along the Nile. It is the site of the ancient Egyptian city of Waset, known to the Greeks as Thebes.
Luxor, Egypt
Remove Image from Favorite List PIA12181 Mars Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Microscopic Imager
2009-08-21 947x1000x3
This stereo view combines a pair of images taken two months apart by the microscopic imager on NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Spirit. 3D glasses are necessary to view this image.
Spirit's View of Own Underbelly, (Stereo from Two Sols)
Remove Image from Favorite List PIA09884 Rhea Cassini-Huygens
ISS - Narrow Angle
2008-04-21 406x416x1
NASA's Cassini spacecraft takes a northern view of Rhea, spying the large Tirawa impact basin left of center.
Soaring Over Rhea
Remove Image from Favorite List PIA22755 Earth Terra
2018-11-02 1929x2283x3
NASA's Terra spacecraft obtained this ASTER image of an eruption from Piton de la Fournaise volcano on Reunion Island in the Indian Ocean. The background image was acquired July 16, 2018, and the thermal image on November 1, 2018.
NASA's ASTER Captures Piton de la Fournaise Eruption
Remove Image from Favorite List PIA17949 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
Navcam (MSL)
2014-02-27 1024x1024x1
On Feb. 19, 2014, NASA's Curiosity Mars rover looked back after finishing a long drive. The rows of rocks just to the right of the fresh wheel tracks in this view are an outcrop called 'Junda.' This view is looking toward the east-northeast.
Curiosity's View Back After Passing 'Junda' Striations
Remove Image from Favorite List PIA18307 Iapetus Cassini-Huygens
ISS - Narrow Angle
2015-03-09 474x459x1
The moon Iapetus, like the 'force' in Star Wars, has both a light side and a dark side. Scientists think that Iapetus' dark/light asymmetry was actually created by material migrating away from the dark side.
Path to the Dark Side
Remove Image from Favorite List PIA22520 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
2018-06-13 4054x1808x3
These two views from NASA's Curiosity rover, acquired specifically to measure the amount of dust inside Gale Crater, show that dust has increased over three days from a major Martian dust storm.
Curiosity's View of the June 2018 Dust Storm
Remove Image from Favorite List PIA25423 Earth ECOSTRESS
2022-07-22 3507x2480x3
NASA's Ecosystem Spaceborne Thermal Radiometer Experiment on Space Station (ECOSTRESS) instrument recorded this image of ground surface temperatures in London and surrounding areas on July 15, 2022.
NASA's ECOSTRESS Shows Overnight Heat in London
Remove Image from Favorite List PIA02204 Neptune Voyager
VG ISS - Narrow Angle
1999-08-01 898x828x1
This mosaic from NASA's Galileo Probe is of an equatorial 'hotspot' on Jupiter and shows the features of a hazy cloud layer tens of kilometers above Jupiter's main visible cloud deck.
Neptune's Bright Crescent
Remove Image from Favorite List PIA14327 Vesta Dawn
Framing Camera
2011-08-16 1186x1180x3
This 3D image of asteroid Vesta from NASA's Dawn spacecraft shows hills, troughs, ridges and steep craters. You need 3D glasses to view this image.
3-D Image of Vesta's Equatorial Region
Remove Image from Favorite List PIA00512 Earth Aqua
2006-09-03 900x695x3
This infrared image shows Tropical Depression 6 (Florence) in the Atlantic, from the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) on NASA's Aqua satellite in September, 2006.
Tropical Depression 6 (Florence) in the Atlantic
Remove Image from Favorite List PIA17561 NuSTAR
2013-11-26 1400x1400x3
The magenta spots in this image from NASA's NuSTAR show two black holes in the spiral galaxy called NGC 1313, or the Topsy Turvy galaxy, located about 13 million light-years away in the Reticulum constellation.
Topsy Turvy Black Holes
Remove Image from Favorite List PIA01049 Mars Mars Global Surveyor (MGS)
2000-09-08 757x995x3
This map was compiled by NASA's Mars Global Surveyor between March 1, 1999 and February 29, 2000 and provides a variety of regional topographic views of the Martian surface.
Regional Topographic Views of Mars from MOLA
Remove Image from Favorite List PIA06528 Dione Cassini-Huygens
ISS - Narrow Angle
2004-11-25 779x781x1
A gorgeous Dione poses for NASA's Cassini spacecraft, with shadowed craters and bright wispy streaks first observed by the Voyager spacecraft 24 years ago.
Crisscrossing Streaks
Remove Image from Favorite List PIA19089 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
2014-12-16 960x720x3
Data graphed here are examples from the Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) laboratory's detection of Martian organics in a sample of powder that the drill on NASA's Curiosity Mars rover collected from a rock target called 'Cumberland.'
Some Data from Detection of Organics in a Rock on Mars
Remove Image from Favorite List PIA20201 Pluto New Horizons
2015-12-05 1350x6929x1
This mosaic is composed of the sharpest views of Pluto that NASA's New Horizons spacecraft obtained during its flyby of the distant planet on July 14, 2015.
New Horizons' Very Best View of Pluto (Mosiac)
Remove Image from Favorite List PIA23339 Earth Terra
2019-08-07 2134x1447x3
NASA's Terra spacecraft shows the top of Mauna Kea Volcano, Big Island of Hawaii, where the Mauna Kea Observatories, with thirteen telescopes, are located.
Mauna Kea volcano, Hawaii
Remove Image from Favorite List PIA02464 Eros NEAR Shoemaker
Multi-Spectral Imager
2000-05-07 640x691x1
On Feb 14, 2000, NASA's NEAR Shoemaker spacecraft was successfully inserted into orbit around 433 Eros, becoming the first artificial satellite of an asteroid.
NEAR Historic First Image from Eros Orbit
Remove Image from Favorite List PIA24301 Jupiter Juno
2020-12-11 2480x3295x3
This image from NASA's Juno mission is the first observation of shallow lightning flashes, signatures of high-altitude Jovian thunderstorms that may fundamentally influence the composition of Jupiter's atmosphere.
Jupiter's Shallow Flashes
Remove Image from Favorite List PIA09740 Rhea Cassini-Huygens
ISS - Wide Angle
2007-10-02 1002x661x1
Rhea transits the banded clouds of the Ringed Planet. This image was taken in visible blue light with NASA's Cassini spacecraft's wide-angle camera on Aug. 13, 2007.
Banded Giant