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Add Image to Favorite List 1999-05-21 Uranus Hubble Space Telescope
Taking its first peek at Uranus, NASA's Hubble Space Telescope's Near Infrared Camera and Multi-Object Spectrometer (NICMOS) detected six distinct clouds in images taken July 28,1997.
Hubble Tracks Clouds on Uranus
Full Resolution:     TIFF (777.6 kB)     JPEG (60.06 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1998-08-02 Uranus Hubble Space Telescope
Taken in 1997, NASA's Hubble Space Telescope, using visible light, detected clouds in the northern hemisphere of Uranus.
Hubble Spots Northern Hemispheric Clouds on Uranus
Full Resolution:     TIFF (1.128 MB)     JPEG (72.31 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1998-08-02 Uranus Hubble Space Telescope
NASA's Hubble Space Telescope peered deep into Uranus' atmosphere to see clear and hazy layers created by a mixture of gases. Using infrared filters, Hubble captured detailed features of three layers of Uranus' atmosphere.
Hubble Captures Detailed Image of Uranus' Atmosphere
Full Resolution:     TIFF (103 kB)     JPEG (10.02 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1998-08-02 Uranus Hubble Space Telescope
This NASA Hubble Space Telescope image of the planet Uranus reveals the planet's rings, at least five of the inner moons, and bright clouds in the planet's southern hemisphere.
Hubble Observes the Moons and Rings of Uranus
Full Resolution:     TIFF (15.63 kB)     JPEG (9.077 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1998-08-02 Uranus Hubble Space Telescope
This NASA Hubble Space Telescope image of the planet Uranus reveals the planet's rings and bright clouds and a high altitude haze above the planet's south pole.
Hubble Observes the Planet Uranus
Full Resolution:     TIFF (192.2 kB)     JPEG (49.21 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1998-08-02 Uranus Hubble Space Telescope
These three NASA Hubble Space Telescope images of the planet Uranus reveal the motion of a pair of bright clouds in the planet's southern hemisphere, and a high altitude haze that forms a 'cap' above the planet's south pole.
Hubble the Rotation of Uranus
Full Resolution:     TIFF (68.48 kB)     JPEG (13.52 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2000-08-24 Uranus Hubble Space Telescope
A recent NASA Hubble Space Telescope view reveals Uranus surrounded by its four major rings and by 10 of its 17 known satellites.
Hubble Finds Many Bright Clouds on Uranus
Full Resolution:     TIFF (3.277 MB)     JPEG (170.8 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1996-01-29 U Rings Voyager
VG ISS - Wide Angle
This image captured by NASA's Voyager 2 in 1986 revealed a continuous distribution of small particles throughout the Uranus ring system. This unique geometry, the highest phase angle at which Voyager imaged the rings, allowed us to see lanes of fine dust.
Uranus Ring System
Full Resolution:     TIFF (147.9 kB)     JPEG (168.2 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1996-01-29 Uranus Voyager
VG ISS - Wide Angle
This view of pale blue-green Uranus was recorded by NASA's Voyager 2 on Jan 25, 1986, as the spacecraft left the planet behind. The thin crescent of Uranus is seen here between the spacecraft, the planet and the Sun.
Uranus - Final Image
Full Resolution:     TIFF (788.1 kB)     JPEG (21.25 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1996-08-01 Uranus Voyager
VG ISS - Narrow Angle
These two images of Uranus, one in true color and the other in false color, were compiled from images returned in 1986, by the narrow-angle camera of NASA's Voyager 2.
Uranus in True and False Color
Full Resolution:     TIFF (2.847 MB)     JPEG (99.59 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1996-01-29 Titania Voyager
VG ISS - Narrow Angle
This high-resolution color composite of Titania was made from NASA's Voyager 2 images taken Jan. 24, 1986, as the spacecraft neared its closest approach to Uranus. A large, trenchlike feature is seen near the terminator.
Titania High-Resolution Color Composite
Full Resolution:     TIFF (1.017 MB)     JPEG (24.12 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2000-06-02 Ariel Voyager
VG ISS - Narrow Angle
This picture is part of NASA's Voyager 2 imaging sequence of Ariel, a moon of Uranus taken on January 24, 1986. The complexity of Ariel's surface indicates that a variety of geologic processes have occurred.
Ariel at Voyager Closest Approach
Full Resolution:     TIFF (301.1 kB)     JPEG (46.74 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1996-01-29 Titania Voyager
VG ISS - Narrow Angle
On Jan. 24, 1986, NASA's Voyager 2 returned the highest-resolution picture of Titania, Uranus' largest satellite. Abundant impact craters of many sizes pockmark the ancient surface; most prominent features are fault valleys that stretch across Titania.
Titania - Highest Resolution Voyager Picture
Full Resolution:     TIFF (145.1 kB)     JPEG (33.78 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1996-01-31 Umbriel Voyager
VG ISS - Narrow Angle
The southern hemisphere of Umbriel displays heavy cratering in this NASA Voyager 2 image, taken Jan. 24, 1986. This frame is the most detailed image of Umbriel, the darkest of Uranus' larger moons.
Umbriel at Closest Approach
Full Resolution:     TIFF (34.1 kB)     JPEG (7.48 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1996-01-29 Ariel Voyager
VG ISS - Narrow Angle
On Jan. 24, 1986, NASA's Voyager 2 obtained this color picture of the Uranian moon, Ariel. Most of the visible surface consists of relatively intensely cratered terrain transected by fault scarps and fault-bounded valleys (graben).
Ariel - Highest Resolution Color Picture
Full Resolution:     TIFF (1.506 MB)     JPEG (45.92 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1999-08-30 Miranda Voyager
VG ISS - Narrow Angle
This color composite of the Uranian satellite Miranda was taken by NASA's Voyager 2 on January 24, 1986. Miranda, just 480 km (300 mi) across, is the smallest of Uranus' five major satellites
Miranda - Highest Resolution Color Picture
Full Resolution:     TIFF (517.6 kB)     JPEG (18.31 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1996-01-29 Miranda Voyager
VG ISS - Narrow Angle
This image of Miranda, Uranus' moon, was acquired by NASA's Voyager 2 on Jan. 24, 1986. Miranda displays a dramatically varied surface. Well shown are numerous ridges and valleys -- a topography that was probably produced by compressional tectonics.
Miranda High Resolution of Large Fault
Full Resolution:     TIFF (330.8 kB)     JPEG (75.76 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1996-01-29 Miranda Voyager
VG ISS - Narrow Angle
This image of the Uranian moon, Miranda, was taken Jan 24, 1986 by NASA's Voyager 2. This image reveals a bewildering variety of fractures, grooves and craters, as well as features of different albedos (reflectancea).
Miranda Fractures, Grooves and Craters
Full Resolution:     TIFF (270 kB)     JPEG (99.9 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1996-01-29 Miranda Voyager
VG ISS - Narrow Angle
Miranda reveals a complex geologic history in this view, acquired by NASA's Voyager 2 on Jan. 24, 1986, around its close approach to the Uranian moon. At least three terrain types of different age and geologic style are evident.
Miranda's Geologic History (Variety of Terrain)
Full Resolution:     TIFF (288.8 kB)     JPEG (63.36 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1996-11-26 U Rings Voyager
VG ISS - Narrow Angle
On Jan. 18, 1986, NASA's Voyager 2 discoverd three Uranus satellites. All three lie outside the orbits of Uranus nine known rings, the outermost of which, the epsilon ring, is seen at upper right.
Uranus Satellites
Full Resolution:     TIFF (760.7 kB)     JPEG (134.5 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1996-10-23 Uranus Voyager
VG ISS - Narrow Angle
These time-lapse images of Uranus. taken by NASA's Voyager 2 on Jan. 14, 1986, show the movement of two small, bright, streaky clouds -- the first such features ever seen on the planet.
Uranus Cloud Movement
Full Resolution:     TIFF (258.7 kB)     JPEG (63.05 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1996-11-26 Uranus Voyager
VG ISS - Narrow Angle
This false-color picture of Uranus, obtained by NASA's Voyager on Jan. 14, 1986, shows a discrete cloud seen as a bright streak near the planet's limb.
Uranus - Discrete Cloud
Full Resolution:     TIFF (571.1 kB)     JPEG (38.42 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1998-11-11 U Rings Voyager
VG ISS - Narrow Angle
The outer rings of Uranus are visible in this image, obtained by NASA's Voyager 2 on Jan. 23, 1986. The outermost and brightest ring, called epsilon, is visible along with the fainter and narrower delta and gamma rings (from left).
Rings of Uranus at 1.44 kilometers
Full Resolution:     TIFF (23.94 kB)     JPEG (28.94 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1998-12-05 Ariel Voyager
VG ISS - Narrow Angle
Distinct bright patches are visible on Ariel, the brightest of Uranus' five largest satellites. NASA's Voyager 2 obtained this image Jan. 22, 1986, from a distance of 2.52 million kilometers (1.56 million miles).
Bright Patches on Ariel
Full Resolution:     TIFF (51.65 kB)     JPEG (25.06 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1998-10-13 Oberon Voyager
VG ISS - Narrow Angle
Uranus' outermost and largest moon, Oberon, is seen in this image, obtained by NASA's Voyager 2 on Jan. 22, 1986. Oberon displays several distinct highly reflective (high-albedo) patches with low-albedo centers.
Uranus' Largest Moon Oberon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (60.69 kB)     JPEG (33.11 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1998-11-13 Miranda Voyager
VG ISS - Narrow Angle
Miranda, innermost of Uranus' large satellites, is seen at close range in this image from NASA's Voyager 2 image, taken Jan. 24, 1986, as part of a high-resolution mosaicing sequence.
Uranus' Innermost Satellite Miranda
Full Resolution:     TIFF (212.4 kB)     JPEG (48.46 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1998-11-13 U Rings Voyager
VG ISS - Narrow Angle
NASA's Voyager 2 captured this view of the outer part of the Uranian ring system the morning of Jan. 24, 1986, just 11 minutes before passing through the ring plane.
Outer Part of the Uranian Ring System
Full Resolution:     TIFF (245.7 kB)     JPEG (312.4 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1998-12-05 Ariel Voyager
VG ISS - Narrow Angle
This NASA Voyager 2 view of Uranus' moon Ariel's terminator shows a complex array of transecting valleys with super-imposed impact craters.
Ariel's Transecting Valleys
Full Resolution:     TIFF (140.5 kB)     JPEG (27.36 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1999-06-21 Uranus Voyager
VG ISS - Narrow Angle
Several craters are seen on the surface of 1985U1, one of several small moons of Uranus discovered by NASA's Voyager 2. The spacecraft acquired this single image, the only 

close-up it obtained of any of the new moons, on Jan. 24, 1986.
Uranus Moon - 1985U1
Full Resolution:     TIFF (17.25 kB)     JPEG (4.796 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1998-12-05 Uranus Voyager
VG ISS - Narrow Angle
These two pictures of Uranus were compiled from images recorded by NASA's Voyager 2 on Jan. 1O, 1986. This view is toward the planet's pole of rotation, which lies just left of center. The image on the right is a false-color image.
Uranus, Toward the Planet's Pole of Rotation
Full Resolution:     TIFF (640.1 kB)     JPEG (39.86 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1999-08-20 Oberon Voyager
VG ISS - Narrow Angle
Montage of Uranus' five largest satellites taken by NASA's Voyager 2. From to right to left in order of decreasing distance from Uranus are Oberon, Titania, Umbriel, Ariel, and Miranda.
Uranus - Montage of Uranus' Five Largest Satellites
Full Resolution:     TIFF (1.533 MB)     JPEG (59.14 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1999-01-08 Uranus Voyager
VG ISS - Narrow Angle
A sliver of Uranus is seen by NASA's Voyager 2. This image was taken through three color filters and recombined to produce the color image.
Full Resolution:     TIFF (961 kB)     JPEG (24.45 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1999-06-22 Miranda Voyager
VG ISS - Narrow Angle
This 'family portrait' of Uranus' five largest moons was compiled from images sent back Jan. 20, 1986, by NASA's Voyager 2 spacecraft. Even in these distant views, the satellites exhibit distinct differences in appearance.
Uranus - Family Portrait
Full Resolution:     TIFF (21.65 kB)     JPEG (9.027 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1999-06-19 U Rings Voyager
VG ISS - Narrow Angle
Voyager 2 has discovered two 'shepherd' satellites associated with the rings of Uranus. The two moons, designated 1986U7 and 1986U8, are seen here on either side of the bright epsilon ring; all nine of the known Uranian rings are visible.
Uranus Rings and Two Moons
Full Resolution:     TIFF (284.7 kB)     JPEG (221.4 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1999-06-21 U Rings Voyager
VG ISS - Narrow Angle
NASA's Voyager 2 returned this picture of the Uranus rings on Jan. 22, 1986, from a distance of 2.52 million kilometers (1.56 million miles). All nine known rings are visible in this image.
Uranus Rings
Full Resolution:     TIFF (578.5 kB)     JPEG (190.2 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1999-06-19 Titania Voyager
VG ISS - Narrow Angle
The terminator region of Titania, one of Uranus' five large moons, was captured in this Voyager 2 image obtained in the early morning hours of Jan. 24, 1986.
Uranus Moon - Titania
Full Resolution:     TIFF (52.26 kB)     JPEG (7.353 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1999-06-19 Titania Voyager
VG ISS - Narrow Angle
Voyager 2 obtained this full-disk view of Uranus' moon Titania in the early morning hours of Jan. 24, 1986, from a distance of about 500,000 kilometers (300,000 miles). Many circular depressions, probably impact craters, are visible in this clear-filter.
Full-disk View of Titania
Full Resolution:     TIFF (282.7 kB)     JPEG (29.85 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1999-06-19 Miranda Voyager
VG ISS - Narrow Angle
This Voyager 2 image of Miranda was taken Jan. 23, 1986, as the spacecraft neared Uranus. Miranda is the innermost of the five Uranian satellites known from Earth-based observations.
Uranus Satellite - Miranda
Full Resolution:     TIFF (13.26 kB)     JPEG (3.546 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1999-06-19 U Rings Voyager
VG ISS - Narrow Angle
This NASA Voyager 2 image of the Uranian rings delta, gamma, eta, beta and alpha (from top) was taken Jan. 23, 1986.
Rings of Uranus
Full Resolution:     TIFF (311.8 kB)     JPEG (242.2 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1999-06-30 U Rings Voyager
VG ISS - Narrow Angle
NASA's Voyager 2 acquired this high-resolution image of the epsilon ring of Uranus on Jan. 23, 1986. This clear-filter image from Voyager's narrow-angle camera has a resolution of about 10 km (6 mi).
Epsilon Ring of Uranus
Full Resolution:     TIFF (26.23 kB)     JPEG (12.29 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1999-06-30 U Rings Voyager
VG ISS - Narrow Angle
NASA's Voyager 2 took this wide-angle image of Uranus' rings as the spacecraft neared the plane of the rings less than an hour before closest approach to the planet.
Uranus' Rings
Full Resolution:     TIFF (387.3 kB)     JPEG (58.71 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1999-06-30 U Rings Voyager
VG ISS - Narrow Angle
This silhouetted image of the rings of Uranus was taken by NASA's Voyager 2 spacecraft on Jan. 24, 1986, just 27 minutes before its closest approach to the planet.
Rings of Uranus
Full Resolution:     TIFF (167.3 kB)     JPEG (26.88 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1986-12-18 Uranus Voyager
VG ISS - Narrow Angle
This is an image of the planet Uranus taken by the spacecraft Voyager 2 in 1986.
Uranus as seen by NASA's Voyager 2
Full Resolution:     TIFF (8.879 MB)     JPEG (78.82 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1986-01-25 Miranda Voyager
VG ISS - Narrow Angle
Uranus' icy moon Miranda is seen in this image from Voyager 2 on January 24, 1986.
Miranda's Icy Face
Full Resolution:     TIFF (328.3 kB)     JPEG (60.74 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2023-05-23 Uranus Very Large Array
NASA scientists have made the first observation of a polar cyclone on Uranus.
Uranus Cyclone With Color Added
Full Resolution:     TIFF (874.3 kB)     JPEG (26.6 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2004-07-11 Uranus Keck Telescope
An infrared composite image of the two hemispheres of Uranus obtained with Keck Telescope adaptive optics.
Keck Telescope views of Uranus
Full Resolution:     TIFF (2.459 MB)     JPEG (50.76 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2014-05-01 Uranus Cassini-Huygens
ISS - Narrow Angle
This view from NASA's Cassini spacecraft features a blue planet, Uranus, imaged by Cassini for the first time. Uranus is a pale blue in this natural color image because its visible atmosphere contains methane gas and few aerosols or clouds.
Blue Orb on the Horizon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (2.652 MB)     JPEG (137.6 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1996-01-29 U Rings Voyager
This false-color view of the rings of Uranus was made from images taken by NASA's Voyager 2 on Jan. 21, 1986. All nine known rings are visible here; the somewhat fainter, pastel lines seen between them are contributed by the computer enhancement.
Uranus Rings in False Color
Full Resolution:     TIFF (49.57 kB)     JPEG (17.57 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1996-01-29 Oberon Voyager
This image of Oberon, Uranus' outermost moon, was captured by NASA's Voyager 2 on Jan. 24, 1986. Clearly visible are several large impact craters in Oberon's icy surface surrounded by bright rays.
Oberon at Voyager Closest Approach
Full Resolution:     TIFF (232.1 kB)     JPEG (14.1 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1996-01-29 U Rings Voyager
On Jan. 23, 1986, NASA's Voyager 2 discovered a tenth ring orbiting Uranus. The tenth ring is about midway between the bright, outermost epsilon ring and the next ring down, called delta.
Uranus' Tenth Ring
Full Resolution:     TIFF (627.2 kB)     JPEG (307.2 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1996-01-29 Miranda Voyager
This image of Miranda, obtained by NASA's Voyager 2 on approach in 1986, shows an unusual 'chevron' figure and regions of distinctly differing terrain on the Uranian moon.
Miranda - 'Chevron' Grooves
Full Resolution:     TIFF (376.2 kB)     JPEG (73.58 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1996-08-01 Miranda Voyager
This mosaic of Miranda was obtained by NASA's Voyager 2 during its close flyby of the Uranian moon. Miranda exhibits varied geologic provinces where ridges and valleys of one province are cut off against the boundary of the next province.
Miranda - High Resolution Mosaic
Full Resolution:     TIFF (2.831 MB)     JPEG (294.4 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1998-06-04 Uranus Voyager
This image shows a crescent Uranus, a view that Earthlings never witnessed until Voyager 2 flew near and then beyond Uranus on Jan 24, 1986.
Color Voyager 2 Image Showing Crescent Uranus
Full Resolution:     TIFF (231.9 kB)     JPEG (17.76 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1998-10-30 U Rings Voyager
Uranus' rings, photographed by NASA's Voyager 2 in 1986 as it approached the plane of the Uranian ring system.
Uranus' Far-flung Rings
Full Resolution:     TIFF (3.078 MB)     JPEG (639.9 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1998-11-02 Uranus Voyager
This computer enhancement of a NASA Voyager 2 image, emphasizes the high-level haze in Uranus' upper atmosphere. Clouds are obscured by the overlying atmosphere.
Uranus' Upper Atmosphere
Full Resolution:     TIFF (8.538 MB)     JPEG (396.2 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1998-10-30 Uranus Voyager
A latitude-longitude grid superimposed on this false color image obtained by NASA's Voyager 2 in 1986 shows that Uranus' atmosphere circulates in the same direction as the planet rotates.
Uranus' Atmosphere
Full Resolution:     TIFF (2.298 MB)     JPEG (94.54 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1998-10-30 Miranda Voyager
Uranus' moon Miranda is shown in a computer-assembled mosaic of images obtained Jan. 24, 1986, by NASA's Voyager 2 spacecraft. Miranda is the innermost and smallest of the five major Uranian satellites,
South Polar View of Miranda
Full Resolution:     TIFF (955.1 kB)     JPEG (160.1 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1999-05-08 Ariel Voyager
NASA's Voyager 2 took this image on January 24, 1986, showing Ariel's surface densely pitted with craters. Numerous valleys and fault scarps crisscross the highly pitted terrain.
Ariel's Densely Pitted Surface
Full Resolution:     TIFF (569.2 kB)     JPEG (92.38 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1999-05-08 Uranus Voyager
Processing brings out Uranus' atmosphere in this image taken by NASA's Voyager 2.
Uranus' Atmosphere
Full Resolution:     TIFF (2.239 MB)     JPEG (80.86 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1999-08-24 Miranda Voyager
One wide-angle and eight narrow-angle camera images of Miranda, taken by NASA's Voyager 2, were combined in this view. The controlled mosaic was transformed to an orthographic view centered on the south pole.
Full Resolution:     TIFF (119.8 kB)     JPEG (21.6 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 1999-08-24 Miranda Voyager
View of Miranda showing light and dark banded scarps near the boundary of the banded ovoid and a deep graben that bounds the ovoid in this region.
Full Resolution:     TIFF (269.9 kB)     JPEG (74.97 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2020-03-25 Uranus Voyager
An animated GIF showing Uranus' magnetic field.
GIF of Uranus' Magnetic Field
Full Resolution:     TIFF (1.104 MB)     JPEG (152.4 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2023-05-04 Uranus Voyager
New modeling shows that there likely is an ocean layer in four of Uranus' major moons: Ariel, Umbriel, Titania, and Oberon. Miranda is too small to retain enough heat for an ocean layer.
Major Moons of Uranus
Full Resolution:     TIFF (651 kB)     JPEG (68.15 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2024-11-11 Uranus Voyager
The energized particles around Uranus defied scientist's understanding of how magnetic fields work to trap particle radiation.
Uranus Magnetosphere Mystery Unlocked (Artist's Concept)
Full Resolution:     TIFF (27.79 MB)     JPEG (849 kB)
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