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Add Image to Favorite List 2017-05-22 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory spots several bright bands of plasma connect from one active region to another, even though they are tens of thousands of miles away from each other (May 17-18, 2017).
Active Regions' Magnetic Connection Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (4.356 MB)     JPEG (148.6 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2017-05-30 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory observes a solar prominence at the sun's edge putting on quite a display of plasma being pushed and pulled by unstable magnetic fields (May 22-24, 2017).
Hedgerow Prominence Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (4.238 MB)     JPEG (270.8 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2017-06-02 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory observed a pair of relatively small (but frenetic) active regions rotated into view, spouting off numerous small flares and sweeping loops of plasma (May 31-June 2, 2017).
Energized Active Regions Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (4.269 MB)     JPEG (134.4 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2017-06-19 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory sees several short stalks of cooler, darker plasma spun and twisted as they interacted with each other at the sun's edge, June 14-15, 2017.
Twisting Plasma Interactions Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (5.565 MB)     JPEG (200.4 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2017-06-27 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory observed a smallish solar filament looks like it collapsed into the sun and set off a minor eruption that hurled plasma into space on June 20, 2017.
Coils of Magnetic Field Lines Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (3.194 MB)     JPEG (106.3 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2017-07-05 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
A prominence at the edge of the sun provided NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory with a splendid view of solar plasma as it churned and streamed over less than one day (June 25-26, 2017).
Streaming Prominence Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (4.314 MB)     JPEG (261.6 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2017-07-12 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
A prominence at the edge of the sun provided NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory with a splendid view of solar plasma as it churned and streamed over less than one day (June 25-26, 2017).
New Lone Sunspot Group Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (2.249 MB)     JPEG (255.9 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2017-07-18 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory observed a medium-sized flare, lasting almost two hours, and a coronal mass ejection erupting from the same, large active region on July 14, 2017.
Bastille Day Solar Flare and a Coronal Mass Ejection Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (4.226 MB)     JPEG (181.7 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2017-07-25 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory observed numerous arches of magnetic field lines dancing and swaying above a large active region over about a 30-hour period July 17-18, 2017.
Kinked Loop Stretching Between Two Active Regions Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (4.055 MB)     JPEG (189.1 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2017-08-01 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory observed a sheet of plasma blasted out into space from just behind the edge of the sun on July 28, 2017.
Sheet of Plasma Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (4.421 MB)     JPEG (207.7 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2017-08-07 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory observed a large sunspot (called AR2665) that rotated out of view about two weeks ago has returned on Aug. 1-2, 2017.
Old Sunspot Returns Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (4.347 MB)     JPEG (148.5 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2017-08-14 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory observed a substantial coronal hole rotated into a position where it is facing Earth on Aug. 9-11, 2017.
Coronal Hole Faces Earth Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (7.349 MB)     JPEG (255.3 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2017-08-23 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory observed a partial eclipse that at its peak covered only about 14 per cent of the sun on Aug. 21, 2017.
SDO Saw Only a Partial Eclipse Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (3.667 MB)     JPEG (185.9 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2017-09-02 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory observed a large coronal hole has been spewing solar wind particles in the general direction of Earth over the past few days (Aug. 31- Sept. 1, 2017).
Extensive Coronal Hole Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (4.019 MB)     JPEG (155.5 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2017-09-11 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory observed a large sunspot, source of a powerful solar flare (an X 9.3) and a coronal mass ejection (Sept. 6, 2017). The flare was the largest solar flare of the last decade.
Major Solar Flare Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (6.065 MB)     JPEG (233.6 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2017-09-18 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
On Sept. 10, 2017, NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory, observed the Sun erupting with an X8 solar flare, one of the largest of the current solar cycle.
Major Solar Flare Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (5.49 MB)     JPEG (203.4 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2017-10-04 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory, observed three distinct active regions with towering arches above them rotated into view over a three-day period (Sept. 24-26, 2017). To give some sense of scale, the largest arches rose up many times the size of Earth.
Trio of Tempests Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (3.855 MB)     JPEG (181.5 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2017-10-09 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory observed a pair of active regions (the brighter areas) move and change as they rotate with the sun over just a 17-hour period (Oct. 4-5, 2017).
Dynamic Duo Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (7.304 MB)     JPEG (242.3 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2017-10-16 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory observed a dark structure, shaped kind of like the Pi symbol, spreading across much of the top of the sun this week (Oct. 12-13, 2017).
Sprawling Coronal Hole
Full Resolution:     TIFF (6.592 MB)     JPEG (254.2 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2017-10-23 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory observed a small eruption on Oct. 18, 2017. The source of the blast was just out of sight beyond the edge of the sun.
Quick Solar Outburst Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (6.312 MB)     JPEG (178.9 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2017-10-31 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory captured these images showing the sun from its surface to its upper atmosphere in order of temperature, all taken at about the same time on Oct. 27, 2017.
From Hot to Hottest Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (6.995 MB)     JPEG (252.6 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2017-11-08 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory came across an oddity this week that the spacecraft has rarely observed before: a dark filament encircling an active region on Oct. 29-31, 2017.
Rare Encircling Filament Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (4.554 MB)     JPEG (133 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2017-11-16 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
This image from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory shows a broad coronal hole, the dominant feature this week on the sun on Nov. 7-9, 2017. It was easily recognizable as the dark expanse across the top of the sun and extending down in each side.
Coronal Hole All Spread Out Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (4.795 MB)     JPEG (223.3 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2017-11-28 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
This image from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory shows a developing filament near the edge of the sun churned and twisted as the rotating sun brought it into clearer view over a day on Nov. 16-17, 2017.
Churning Filament Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (4.195 MB)     JPEG (161.9 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2017-12-11 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
This image from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory shows a prominence at the sun's edge shifted and slithered back and forth over a one-day period on Nov. 29-30, 2017.
Slithering Prominence Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (5.042 MB)     JPEG (264.7 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2017-12-15 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory observed a small prominence, slowly rising further up above the sun, then fell apart and back into the sun over about seven hours (Dec. 6, 2017).
Prominence Falls Apart Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (4.213 MB)     JPEG (260.2 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2017-12-18 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
A small prominence observed in profile arched up and sent streams of plasma curling back into the sun over a 30-hour period on Dec. 13-14, 2017 by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory.
Curling Prominence Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (3.129 MB)     JPEG (225.7 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2017-12-29 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory observed an elongated coronal hole (the darker area near the center) seeming to shape itself into a single, recognizable question mark over the period of one day (Dec. 21-22, 2017).
The Sun Forms a Question Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (5.955 MB)     JPEG (230.3 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2018-01-12 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory observed a small prominence rose up above the sun, appeared to twist around for several hours, and then began to send some streams of plasma back into the sun (Jan. 3-4, 2018).
Small Twisting Prominence Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (4.534 MB)     JPEG (316.9 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2018-01-18 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory observed a prominence rising up above the sun, sending an arch of plasma to link up magnetically with an active region over a one-day period (Jan, 9-10, 2017).
Reversing Prominence Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (3.541 MB)     JPEG (214.3 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2018-01-31 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory observed a small coronal mass ejection that was also associated with a small flare on Jan. 22, 2018.
Small Flare and a Coronal Mass Ejection Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (3.803 MB)     JPEG (126.8 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2018-02-07 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory observed no sunspots for almost two weeks (as of Feb. 1, 2018) and just has a single, tiny one that appeared on Jan. 31, 2018.
Spotless Days Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (4.791 MB)     JPEG (168 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2018-02-15 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory observed the sun's only visible active region as it sputtered and spurted and eventually unleashed a small (C-class) flare on Feb. 7, 2018.
One Small Flare Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (3.486 MB)     JPEG (180.6 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2018-02-16 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
On the 8th anniversary of its launch in 2010, NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory captured a total solar eclipse on Feb. 11, 2018 when Earth crossed in front of the sun. It lasted just 31 minutes.
SDO's Version of an Eclipse
Full Resolution:     TIFF (1.681 MB)     JPEG (136.5 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2018-03-06 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
A relatively small active region erupted twice in 18 hours on Mar. 2, 2018, as observed by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory. After each burst, one can see the magnetic fields lines, which appear as bright coils, spiraling around the region.
Small Bursts
Full Resolution:     TIFF (4.352 MB)     JPEG (141.5 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2018-03-19 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
Coronal holes are areas of open magnetic fields from which solar wind rushes out into space. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory observed this long coronal hole that stretched out across more than half the diameter of the sun (Mar. 13-15, 2018).
Elongated Coronal Hole Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (3.231 MB)     JPEG (125.5 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2018-04-02 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory ran together three sequences of the sun taken in three different extreme ultraviolet wavelengths to show how different features appearing in one sequence are difficult to see in the others (Mar. 20-21, 2018).
Wavelength Comparisons Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (5.55 MB)     JPEG (192.7 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2018-04-09 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
With no active regions currently on the face of the sun, NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory observed a bristling active region showing numerous arches of bright, magnetic field lines blossoming out and towering above it beginning to rotate into view.
Wavelength Comparisons Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (5.735 MB)     JPEG (162.3 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2018-04-20 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
The sun featured just one, rather small active region over the past few days, but it developed rapidly and sported a lot of magnetic activity in just one day (Apr. 11-12, 2018) as observed by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory.
Small but Dynamic Active Region Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (3.662 MB)     JPEG (131.2 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2018-04-23 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
A good-sized active region with bright, towering arches began to rotate into NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory's view (Apr. 18-19, 2018).
Active Region Coming Around the Bend Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (3.819 MB)     JPEG (114.4 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2018-05-01 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory observed a lone active region visible on the sun putting on a fine display with its tangled magnetic field lines swaying and twisting above it (Apr. 24-26, 2018) in a wavelength of extreme ultraviolet light.
Tangled Up in Blue Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (6.549 MB)     JPEG (427.3 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2018-05-08 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory observed an extensive equatorial, dark coronal hole extending about halfway across the solar disk on May 2-4, 2018.
Coronal Hole Facing Earth Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (6.335 MB)     JPEG (299.4 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2018-05-15 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
On May 2-4, 2018, NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory observed an extensive equatorial coronal hole has rotated so that it is now facing Earth. The dark coronal hole extends about halfway across the solar disk.
Coronal Hole Facing Earth Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (3.339 MB)     JPEG (130 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2018-05-22 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
On May 16-18, 2018, NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory observed a good-sized coronal hole come around to where it is just about faced Earth. Coronal holes are areas of open magnetic field from which solar wind (charged particles) streams into space.
Coronal Hole Rotating Towards Us Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (3.548 MB)     JPEG (125 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2018-05-29 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
On May 23-25, 2018, NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory observed an active region that rotated into view and sputtered with numerous small flares and towering magnetic field lines that stretched out many times the diameter of Earth.
New Active Region Sputtering with Small Flares Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (7.438 MB)     JPEG (293.7 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2018-06-04 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
This close-up from a video clip taken May 30-June 1, 2018 by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory shows a large active region in extreme ultraviolet light as the bright magnetic field lines above it shift and twist.
Dynamic Looping Action Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (4.859 MB)     JPEG (188 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2018-06-11 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory observed giant, bright coronal loops trace out the magnetic field lines above an active region from June 4-6, 2018.
Ballet of Loops Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (3.74 MB)     JPEG (131 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2018-06-26 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory observed a small prominence hovered above the sun's surface over a two-day period June 12-14, 2018, before breaking off into space.
Evolving Prominence Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (3.348 MB)     JPEG (199.1 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2018-07-05 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory observed an active region on June 19th, quickly growing in size over two days June 20-22, 2018. Active regions are areas of enhanced magnetic activity on the Sun's surface, generating the huge loops and dynamic surges.
Rambunctious Active Region Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (4.548 MB)     JPEG (173.5 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2018-07-17 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory observed this profile perspective of an active region revealed above it June 24-25, 2018. Charged particles spinning along these field lines are illuminated in this wavelength of extreme ultraviolet light.
Festoons of Loops Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (4.784 MB)     JPEG (157.8 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2018-07-24 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory zoomed in to watch close-up the dynamics of this single active region on the sun over a two-day period on July 14-16, 2018. These regions are often the sources of large eruptions that cause solar storms.
Detailed Loops Above an Active Region Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (4.775 MB)     JPEG (171.4 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2018-07-31 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
Over a three-week period July 3-24, 2018, NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory observed the Sun produced just one small, short-lived sunspot -- an almost spotless record.
An Almost Spotless Record Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (1.411 MB)     JPEG (157.9 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2018-08-07 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory observes two relatively small prominences above the Sun's surface twisted and streamed charged particles over a 20-hour period July 30-31, 2018.
Twisting Prominences Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (3.843 MB)     JPEG (231.7 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2018-08-14 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory scientists use their computer models to generate a view of the sun's magnetic field. An extreme ultraviolet view of the sun is compared with the same image showing the superimposed field lines on August 10, 2018.
Magnetic Field Portrayed Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (8.707 MB)     JPEG (757.2 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2018-08-20 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory shows a minor eruption of charged particles rising up and twisting about before falling back into the Sun in this close-up of the Sun from a two-hour period on Aug. 13, 2018.
Twisting Outburst Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (3.898 MB)     JPEG (196.1 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2018-09-03 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory shows that over the course of just one day a tiny active region grew to became almost as large as its many-days-old neighbor (Aug. 23-24, 2018).
New Active Region Grows Up Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (6.915 MB)     JPEG (212.3 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2018-09-17 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory shows that a large coronal hole began to emerge and intensify (Sept. 4-6, 2018).
Emerging Coronal Hole Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (3.545 MB)     JPEG (135.6 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2018-09-17 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory shows that in just about seven hours, the SDO spacecraft saw the moon transit the Sun two times (Sept. 9-10, 2018).
Double Lunar Transit Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (2.063 MB)     JPEG (142 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2018-09-24 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory shows two images taken at virtually the same time but in different wavelengths of extreme ultraviolet light.
Two Wavelengths, Two Different Images Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (5.585 MB)     JPEG (262.9 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2018-10-17 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory shows the Sun's rotation bringing a new active region into view, revealing the dynamic arches and twisting streams of its magnetic field (Oct. 10-11, 2018).
Sole Active Region in Profile Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (4.272 MB)     JPEG (150.1 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2018-10-29 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory shows that a solar prominence rose up above the Sun's surface, twisted and spun around, then became elongated and broke away. (Oct. 24-25, 2018).
Eruptive Prominence Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (3.695 MB)     JPEG (240.5 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2018-11-12 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory shows a good-sized coronal hole at a slanted angle nearly centered on the face of the sun (Oct. 31 - Nov. 2, 2018).
Central Coronal Hole Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (4.566 MB)     JPEG (155.4 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2018-11-14 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory shows a lunar transit, when the Moon partially blocked SDO's view of the Sun on Nov. 7, 2018.
SDO Observes a Partial Lunar Eclipse Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (3.473 MB)     JPEG (139.1 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2018-11-19 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory shows two solar prominences, directly at opposite sides of the Sun, over a 26-hour period (Nov. 12-13, 2018).
Opposing Solar Prominences Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (5.168 MB)     JPEG (372.5 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2018-12-05 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory shows a long-lasting coronal hole has again rotated around to face the Earth (Nov. 28-30, 2018).
Reappearing Coronal Hole Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (4.192 MB)     JPEG (145.1 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2018-12-11 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory shows an active region that appeared on Dec. 5, 2018.
Solar Active Region's Cameo Appearance Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (4.752 MB)     JPEG (146 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2018-12-24 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory showed four smallish prominences along the sun's edge at about the same time (Dec. 12-14, 2018).
Small Prominences Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (5.751 MB)     JPEG (400 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2019-02-19 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory is in another eclipse season as of Feb. 6, 2019. This image shows the Earth briefly blocking SDO's view of the Sun.
Spring 2019 Eclipse Season Arrives Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (2.94 MB)     JPEG (152.9 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2019-03-04 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory shows that the Sun has gone an entire month without any sunspots (Feb. 1-18, 2019).
Spotless February Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (1.689 MB)     JPEG (190.5 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2019-03-11 Sol (our sun) SDO
Atmosphere Imaging Assembly
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory shows a long lunar transit on Mar. 6, 2019.
Criss-Crossing Lunar Transit Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (2.274 MB)     JPEG (92.56 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2001-02-17 Sol (our sun) SOHO
Extreme Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope
NASA's Extreme Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope aboard ESA's SOHO spacecraft took this image of a huge, handle-shaped prominence in 1999. Prominences are huge clouds of relatively cool dense plasma suspended in the Sun's hot, thin corona.
Handle-shaped Prominence
Full Resolution:     TIFF (4.315 MB)     JPEG (409.1 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2001-02-17 Sol (our sun) SOHO
Extreme Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope
This composite image combines NASA's Extreme Ultravoilet Imaging Telescope images from three wavelengths into one that reveals solar features unique to each wavelength.
Color Composite of Solar Features
Full Resolution:     TIFF (3.508 MB)     JPEG (108.6 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2006-02-15 Sol (our sun) SOHO
Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) was launched in December 1995 by an Atlas Centaur rocket and became operational in March 1996.
SOHO Spacecraft (Artist's Concept)
Full Resolution:     TIFF (17.98 MB)     JPEG (266.8 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2014-12-22 Sol (our sun) NuSTAR
X-rays stream off the sun in this first picture of the sun, overlaid on a picture taken by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), taken by NASA's NuSTAR. The field of view covers the west limb of the sun.
Sun Shines in High-Energy X-rays
Full Resolution:     TIFF (15.13 MB)     JPEG (282 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2015-07-08 Sol (our sun) NuSTAR
Flaring, active regions of our sun are highlighted in this image combining observations from several telescopes. During the observations, microflares went off, which are smaller versions of the larger flares that also erupt from the sun's surface.
NuSTAR Stares at the Sun
Full Resolution:     TIFF (50.35 MB)     JPEG (797.3 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2023-02-09 Sol (our sun) NuSTAR
This composite image of the Sun includes high-energy X-ray data from NASA's NuSTAR shown in blue; lower energy X-ray data from the XRT on the JAXA's Hinode mission shown in green; and ultraviolet light detected by the AIA on NASA's SDO shown in red.
Three-Telescope View of the Sun
Full Resolution:     TIFF (8.903 MB)     JPEG (217.5 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2015-07-10 Sol (our sun) Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
This single frame from a sequence of images shows sunspots as viewed by NASA's Curiosity Mars rover from June 27 to July 8, 2015; the rover was in position to see the opposite side of the sun from the side facing Earth during this period.
Tracking Sunspots from Mars, Summer 2015 (Animation) Animation Icon
Full Resolution:     TIFF (320.9 kB)     JPEG (22.27 kB)
Add Image to Favorite List 2015-07-10 Sol (our sun) Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
This single frame from a sequence of six images of an animation shows sunspots as viewed by NASA's Curiosity Mars rover from April 4 to April 15, 2015. From Mars, the rover was in position to see the opposite side of the sun.
Tracking Sunspots from Mars, April 2015 (Animation) Animation Icon
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Add Image to Favorite List 2004-03-08 Sol (our sun) Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Panoramic Camera
The panoramic camera on NASA's Opportunity combines the first photographs of solar eclipses by Mars' two moons, Deimos and Phobos. Deimos appears as a speck in front of the Sun and Phobos grazes its edge.
Martian Eclipses: Deimos and Phobos
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Add Image to Favorite List 2004-01-10 Sol (our sun) Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Panoramic Camera
This image shows the Sun as it appears on Mars throughout the day. Scientists monitor the dimming of the setting Sun to assess how much dust is in the martian atmosphere. The pictures were taken by the Mars Exploration Rover Spirit's panoramic camera.
Martian Sunsets More Than Just Pretty
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Add Image to Favorite List 2004-03-12 Sol (our sun) Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Panoramic Camera
NASA's Mars Exploration Rover, Opportunity, shows the transit of Mars' moon Phobos across the Sun. Animation available at the Photojournal.
Martian Moon Blocks Sun Animation Icon
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Add Image to Favorite List 2004-03-12 Sol (our sun) Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Panoramic Camera
NASA's Mars Exploration Rover, Opportunity, shows the transit of Mars' moon Deimos across the Sun. Animation available at the Photojournal.
Deimos Crosses Face of Sun Animation Icon
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Add Image to Favorite List 2004-03-13 Sol (our sun) Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Panoramic Camera
This panel illustrates the transit of the martian moon Phobos across the Sun. It is made up of images taken by NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity.
Martian Moon Eclipses Sun, in Stages
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Add Image to Favorite List 2010-12-27 Sol (our sun) Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Panoramic Camera
The sun descends to the Martian horizon and sets in this image from the panoramic camera (Pancam) on NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity. A movie is available at the Photojournal.
Sunset Watched by Opportunity, November 2010 Animation Icon
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Add Image to Favorite List 2010-12-27 Sol (our sun) Mars Exploration Rover (MER)
Panoramic Camera
The larger of the two moons of Mars, Phobos, passes in front of the Sun's face in this image from NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity. A movie is available at the Photojournal.
Phobos Passes in Front of Sun's Face, Nov. 9, 2010 Animation Icon
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Add Image to Favorite List 2024-06-10 Sol (our sun) Mars 2020 Rover
Sunspots are seen in images captured by NASA's Perseverance Mars rover using its Mastcam-Z cameras between May 8 and 20, 2024. These flares would send charged particles toward Mars, where several NASA spacecraft were able to study them.
Perseverance Views Sunspots
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Add Image to Favorite List 2009-10-15 Sol (our sun) Cassini-Huygens
As the solar wind flows from the sun, it creates a bubble in space known as the 'heliosphere' around our solar system. The heliosphere is the region of space under the influence of our sun.
The Bubble of Our Solar System Animation Icon
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Add Image to Favorite List 2009-11-20 Sol (our sun) Cassini-Huygens
NASA's Cassini spacecraft created this image of the bubble around our solar system based on emissions of particles known as energetic neutral atoms.
Particles from the Heliosphere
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