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Catalog # Target Mission Instrument Addition Date Size
Remove Image from Favorite List PIA18015 LDSD
2014-05-28 1019x680x3
Engineers unload ground support equipment for a June engineering test flight above Kauai, Hawaii. The test flight is part of NASA's LDSD project, which is investigating cutting-edge landing technologies that could fly on future Mars missions.
LDSD Test Device Arrives in Hawaii
Remove Image from Favorite List PIA16465 Hubble Space Telescope
Advanced Camera for Surveys
2012-11-15 1578x1520x3
In this Hubble observation, astronomers used the massive galaxy cluster MACS J0647+7015 as the giant cosmic telescope. The bright yellow galaxies near the center of the image are cluster members.
Astronomers Spot Most Distant Known Galaxy
Remove Image from Favorite List PIA16114 2012-08-31 1259x944x3
Artist's concept illustrates a quasar, or feeding black hole, similar to APM 08279+5255, where astronomers discovered huge amounts of water vapor. Gas and dust likely form a torus around the central black hole, with clouds of charged gas above and below.
Quasar Drenched in Water Vapor (Artist's Concept)
Remove Image from Favorite List PIA17600 Mars Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)
2013-12-09 1058x793x3
Micrograys are unit of measurement for absorbed radiation dose. The vertical axis is in micrograys per day. The RAD instrument on NASA's Curiosity Mars rover monitors the natural radiation environment at the surface of Mars.
Radiation Measurements on Mars
Remove Image from Favorite List PIA02917 Spitzer Space Telescope
2006-03-16 480x640x3
This infrared image from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope shows a galaxy that appears to be sizzling hot, with huge plumes of smoke swirling around it. The galaxy is known as Messier 82 or the 'Cigar galaxy.'
Smokin' Hot Galaxy (animation) Animation Icon
Remove Image from Favorite List PIA09071 Spitzer Space Telescope
2006-12-08 2320x2420x3
This is a composite image of N49, the brightest supernova remnant in optical light in the Large Magellanic Cloud; the image combines data from the Chandra X-ray Telescope (blue) and NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope (red).
Stellar Debris in the Large Magellanic Cloud
Remove Image from Favorite List PIA03543 Spitzer Space Telescope
2005-10-27 561x561x3
The Tadpole galaxy is the result of a recent galactic interaction in the local universe. These spectacular images were taken by NASA's Spitzer Wide-area Infrared Extragalactic (SWIRE) Legacy project.
A SWIRE Picture is Worth Billions of Years