PIA19648: New Changes in Jupiter's Great Red Spot
 Target Name:  Jupiter
 Is a satellite of:  Sol (our sun)
 Mission:  Hubble Space Telescope
 Instrument:  WFPC3
 Product Size:  900 x 536 pixels (w x h)
 Produced By:  Space Telescope Science Institute
 Full-Res TIFF:  PIA19648.tif (859.4 kB)
 Full-Res JPEG:  PIA19648.jpg (55.46 kB)

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The movement of Jupiter's clouds can be seen by comparing the first map to the second one in this animated pair of images. Zooming in on the Great Red Spot at blue (below, at left) and red (below, at right) wavelengths reveals a unique filamentary feature not previously seen.

Hubble's Wide Field and Planetary Camera 3 (WFPC3) was developed jointly by NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland; the Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, Maryland; and Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corporation, Boulder, Colorado.

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