16 June 2006
This is a "3-D" stereo anaglyph showing layers in Galle Crater. It is a view of a portion of the same location featured in a mosaic yesterday, 15 June 2006, entitled "Galle Bedding." To see the layers in three dimensions, one must use "3-D" glasses with a red left eye and a blue right eye. This anaglyph uses two Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) images acquired at slightly different viewing angles: MOC images E22-01557 and M14-02055. Owing to the specifics of the viewing geometry, the image is tilted on its side, relative to the mosaic shown in the 15 June 2006 release. In other words, in this image, north is toward the right and west is up. This anaglyph, when viewed in conjunction with the 15 June 2006 mosaic of these layers, provides a more complete sense of the cross-cutting relations between layers in the mound located in southern "Galle (Happy Face) Crater." The layers are part of a mound of sedimentary rock in southern Galle -- a remnant of a once more-extensive deposit of sedimentary material in this south mid-latitude impact basin.
Location near: 52.3°S, 30.1°W
Image width: ~7.3 km (~4.5 mi)
Illumination from: upper right
Anaglyph from MOC images: E22-E22-01557 and M14-02055