Figure 1
Figure 2This stereo view was taken by the panoramic camera on NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Spirit on the rover's 82nd martian day, or sol (March 27, 2004). At that point in its primary mission, Spirit was investigating a rock called "Mazatzal" on the rim of "Bonneville Crater." The image shows rocky terrain surrounding the crater. The rover had to pick its way through that terrain on its way to the "Columbia Hills," in the distance on the left. Rolling terrain is apparent in the mid-distance. Barely visible to the right of the hills is the outline of the distant rim of Gusev Crater.
This view is presented as cylindrical-perspective projection. It combines images from the left and right eyes of the panoramic camera, taken through blue filters on both sides.
Figure 1 is the left-eye view of a stereo pair and Figure 2 is the right-eye view of a stereo pair.